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Emotional Input in the Process of Criminal Justice 917
Although criminal justice professionals strive to maintain and promote ideals of objectivity, emotion will always enter into the equation. No human endeavor can be emotionless, and criminal justice is no exception. Crimes, especially violent ones, can have devastating effects not only on the victim and his or her family, but on the entire community. Anger, fear, vengefulness, sorrow, grief, and even elation can all accompany the criminal justice process. Media hype and other elements contribute to the creation of intense emotion that surrounds the process of criminal justice. The process of criminal justice entails balancing the needs of the community with the needs of the individual victim(s) and the perpetrator(s). To balance these needs, criminal justice officials must occasionally rely on emotional input. Sometimes that emotional input arises from within the professional, in the form of sympathy for the victim, or in many cases, compassion for the suspect. Therefore, one of the mos
Passion with Death 362
Human beings appear to be fascinated with death. Throughout history, whether observing men in staged battles, lynchings, or executions, people have gathered to witness the end of another human life. At first glance, there is no explanation for this macabre behavior. However, upon closer examination, it is clear that the very human need for dominance is behind the fascination with watching people kill each other. The fights in the gladiator arenas reinforced dominance in two ways. The first way was that the spectators were separate
Chiang Kai Shek and the GMD in 1937 and 1949 328
Why  were the Chinese United (in the Second United Front) behind Chiang Kai Shek and the GMD in 1937, and in 1949 Chiang and the GMD were chased off the mainland to Taiwan & Mao proclaimed the People's Republic of China in Oct. 1949? At the beginning of the 1930s, Chiang Kai Shek's government was beset internally from the Chinese communists opposing his nationalist regime and externally from Japan incursions into China. In 1937 the Young Marshal Zhang Xuelian kidnapped Chiang Kai S
"Snow Bound" by Harry Mazer 667
Snow Bound is the story of two teenagers Tony Laporte and Cindy Reichert. They are very different characters and do not get along, but when problems happen, they have to learn to cooperate and work together. The book delivers important messages about life in the real world, showing that you have to get along with other people, work to help yourself, and be prepared to face challenges. The novel begins with Tony Laporte. Tony is spoiled and used to his parents giving him everything he wants. It seems like he can hardly believe it when his parents tell him he cannot keep the stray dog he found. Tony reacts badly to not being able to get what he wants and decides to run away. He steals his mother's car and leaves to drive to his uncle's house. Cindy Reichert enters the story when Tony picks her up. Cindy is also a runaway and is hitchhiking. While Tony and Cindy are both runaways, they are very different. Tony is spoilt and running away to get his parents back. Tony is also
Advantages of Web Advertising 938
Advertising permeates the World Wide Web, just as it pervades television, radio, public space, and print publications. However, the form, presentation, and content of web advertising can differ significantly from other types of ads. Compared with television and print media, web-based advertising can be media rich and far more interactive than any other type of advertising. Web ads are also more diverse than print, television, or radio ads. For example, web advertising ranges from simple sponsored text blurbs such as those contained in the sidebars of any Google search to animated banner and pop-up ads to Flash films complete with sound. Web ads also put the viewer closely in touch with the source vendor in a way that print, television, or radio ads cannot. With a web ad, the viewer can, and is even encouraged to, connect directly with the company website to make a purchase. Moreover, with the World Wide Web, ads can be targeted to individual viewers in ways that can never be done throu
The Criminal Justice of Violent Crimes Among Children 639
There has been an increasing knowledge and awareness of violent crime among children today; those under the age of 18. There are various crimes that these individuals tend to commit. Distinction and discussion of these types of crimes, as well as the causes and reasons for the characteristics of violent and nonviolent crimes that children commit will be discussed. The concept of charging minors as adults will be discussed, as well. First of all, a few of the most common various crimes, violent and non-violent that children tend to commit and their descriptions are among the following: Violent: Murder/non-negligent manslaughter - Murder and non-negligent manslaughter is the willful killing of one human being by another. This does not include deaths caused by negligence, attempts to kill, suicides, accidental deaths, and justifiable homicides. Manslaughter by negligence is the killing of another person through gross negligence. Traffi
Both Sides of the Cloning Debate 1628
Introduction Over the past few decades, medical advances have made life better than ever before. People are living longer, their health is better and their quality of life is above any previous standard. Today, people can be cured of illnesses that used to mean death while at the same time practicing preventative medicine that will provide them with a longer life. Advances in the medical field have provided many benefits to human life but the question becomes, how much is too much? The ability to clone humans and human parts is just on the horizon. Steps have been taken to push it through the FDA regulations and the public is being told the ability is just around the corner. Cloning, while on the surface has many benefits, is something that should not be allowed to occur. While medical science has provided many positive contributions to society, the ability to clone is going over the line and should never be legislated to happen. "Cloning, as a scientific technique, is not new. G
Martin Luther King's Speech: Analysis of the Evils of Modern War 820
In this essay, Martin Luther King explains that it is vital that mankind learn to put aside war-making in favor of active peace-making. His argument is in some respects firmly set in his historical era, as he is arguing against the Vietnam war. However, there are many ways in which his arguments are uncannily modern as well, and might be applied just as easily to the current world situation. He suggests that nation-states, like individuals, should embrace the way of non-violence which is active in trying to make and build peace through consensus and service. King understands that the problem of modern war, which he describes as inherently futile and self-destructive, are more complicated then to be solved in a simple and instantaneous fashion. Personally, I think he is right in this, but that he fails to go far enough. King believes that by making a "peace race" for the creative ability to improve life, science and cultural advancement can save the world; after all, he suggests, wh
Social Theory in The View of Phenomelogy 8933
Introduction Who was Alfred Schutz, and why was his work on social theory and phenomenology so important? This is an important question that must be answered here, and will be answered, but there are other issues that must be examined as well. It is important to have an understanding of social theory and an understanding of phenomenology before Schutz is discussed too thoroughly, or what kind of contribution he made will not be as evident. Since he is no longer living, what he has done can only be discussed in the context of the past, up until the year he died, which was 1959. However, many of the works that bear his name and involve him very strongly were published after that time. This would indicate that those that published these works found that they were still very relevant. This is similar to the way that Aristotle and others are still very relevant - they might have lived a long time ago, but the work that they did and the information that they provided was of such
Qualitative & Quantitative Studies for Benefits of School Uniforms 1605
The topic of whether or not school uniforms are beneficial is timely, since nowadays more and more public schools are opting for such uniforms, in lieu of allowing students to select school wardrobes. Administrators, teachers, parents, and even other students often believe that students in schools that do not require uniforms spend excessive time and energy focusing on their own, and each others', wardrobes, and not focusing enough on becoming educated. The topic is interesting because it calls into question students' freedom of choice, and the freedom of expression wardrobe selection arguably gives them, versus students' responsibility to take school seriously and to learn as much as possible while there. The topic is significant to the field of instruction because it bears on the possibility that students' not wearing school uniforms interferes with teaching and learning; and with classroom attitudes and atmospheres. It also bears on such matters as peer pressure, materialis
A Portrayal of Two Friends Miles and Jack in a Midlife Crisis 2023
Sideways is two hour tribute to drunk driving and friends who should all consider joining AA together. In it Jack, a voice-over advertisement actor, and Miles, the author of an unpublishable book, swing through California wine country. There they spend their time getting drunk and laid while trying to escape sordid reality -- Miles has just left a failed relationship with a controlling, belittling woman and Jack is about to enter one. The movie attempts to portray these two as realistic figures. The humor and pathos of the work is intended to emerge from the audience's sympathy and horror at their mid-life crisis and their awkward attempts to make their ways through life. Miles in particular is supposed to have a certain every-man charm, as seen in the fact that he has an ordinary lifestyle with an ordinary job (as a middle school English teacher) and his relatively conservative approach to sexuality. Despite the fact that Miles and Jack are obviously meant to appeal to the audie
The Background of Joan of Arc 966
To understand how Joan of Arc was so different from other young women her age during the Middle Ages, it is important to know something about her background. Joan of Arc was born to a farm family in 1412 and christened Jehanne (Joan). War with England was renewed in 1415, when Jehanne was three. In 1422 Henry V and Charles VI died within two months of each other, leaving the infant Henry VI as the nominal ruler of both kingdoms. His regent in France, the Duke of Bedford, spent the next few years cementing alliances with the Dukes of Brittany and Burgundy, and engaging Armagnac forces in the field. The military situation swung in Bedford's favor with major victories at Cravant on July 31, 1423 and at Verneuil on August 17th of the following year, during which the Dauphin's Scottish allies were cut to pieces in a smaller-scale version of AginAfSourt. The Scots lost some of their enthusiasm for the war after that point. In the wake of defeat and frustration, demoralization set in within
Psychology in Criminal Offender 641
Individuals commit crimes for many different reasons, and some of these and psychological in nature. In other words, the way that a person's brain works and the way that the person looks at the world can contribute to how that person reacts to many different things and whether that person commits crimes, or what kinds of crimes. The circumstances of the individual can also contribute to what kind of crimes are committed, since access to different things affects the types of crimes that are committed by specific individuals. Looked at here will be white collar, blue collar, and organized crime, since they are all different and those differences can be important. In addition to this, it will be important to describe and distinguish the common characteristics that these criminals have. White collar crime is generally committed by those that make more money and that work in jobs where they have access to money. It is also referred to as 'bus
Original Forms of Music and Dance 1434
Archaeological finds show that prehistoric man had already played music. Music and dance are the humans' most natural and original forms of expression. Berendt said of modern generations: "Nada brahma - all is sound," in nature. Stones, bones, pieces of wood, hollow vessels and cups make sounds when pushed, beaten or rubbed together. Stretched hides bang, the buzz of the arrow whizzing off the bow can be imitated with fingers and the murmuring, roaring and whistling of the wind can be caught in reeds, bone pipes or hollow branches. Today, numerous types of different forms of music are played across the world. Because humans are so diverse, it comes as no surprise that people like different types of music. For example, there are many adults, many of them older, who do not particularly appreciate hip hop and rap. Part of this has to do with the slang language, which can be quite crude at times (Christenson). Also, the style has much more to do with beat than with actual musical tone. Ho
The Emergence of an American Ethnic Pattern by Nathan Glazer 785
In the text, The Emergence of an American Ethnic Pattern by Nathan Glazer, the author argues that affirmative action is creating a 'tribal' America. Rather than a cohesive American identity, Glazer argues that Americans are becoming increasingly identified with their personal racial, religious and ethnic differences. Glazer states that this stands in defiance of the fact that "the United States has become the first great nation that defines itself not in terms of ethnic origin but in terms of adherence to common rules of citizenship." However, Glazer confuses this idealized view of American history with the realities of discrimination that have been perpetuated upon minorities, and which minorities continue to suffer in America. Glazer argues his case as if America were not a nation with a history marked by racial divisiveness, despite the goal of racial harmony advocated by contemporary laws. True, civil rights and voting rights have remedied some of the abuses codified in American law. Still, the social ramifications of the legal disenfranchisement of African Americans, Indian Americans, and other disenfranchised groups still exist with these once l
The Real Danger In 2012 Based on Astroarcheological Studies 2212
There is little doubt that ancient civilizations and the thought of visitors from outer space are two subjects that easily capture the imagination. Most people are fascinated by one or the other or both. In fact, even science fiction gained some mileage out of combining the two; 'documentaries' often run on the non-major network stations purporting to show that earthworks of various kinds, and even patterns in fields of crops, were made by visitors from outer space. Often, the documentary makers attempt to draw parallels between the work of ancient civilizations, from the Celtic to the Mayan, and the 'work' of the visitors from outer space. It's a shame that they have to do that. The connections that have already been found between ancient civilizations-particularly the Mayan-and life on earth today are quite amazing enough. Forget 2000; the real danger will arrive in 2012 The Mayan calendar was based on detailed astronomical observations and stipulated a 5,125 year cycle, acc
Analysis of the Speaker on the Poem When I Was One-and-Twenty 635
The speaker in A. E. Housman's poem, "When I Was One-and-Twenty" is an older man reflecting on his youth. The speaker is a young man but he indicates that he has learned much in one year. The themes of the poem are associated with the pain of love and how youth can be fleeting and ignorant. The speaker uses the advice of the old man to help the speaker realize these things. With this ballad, written in the classical ode style, the speaker is communicating a painful message about love, especially young love. This is a lesson that he must learn himself. The old man's advice, however wise it may be, falls on deaf ears, illustrating how young people often believe they know enough about the world to make wise choices. In the last two lines of the first stanza, the speaker states that he knew nothing and it was useless to talk to him because he was 21 years old. The poem is a reflection when the speaker is looking back to the old man's
Analysis of Why Terrorists Should Not Use Weapons of Mass Destruction 1298
In 1945, the United States put a final and definitive end to World War II when it used two atomic bombs on Japan, forcing their surrender. At that time the entire world learned of the terrible potential of weapons of mass destruction. Unfortunately, as the major nations have backed away from weapons of mass destruction (WWD), terrorist organizations have sought to acquire them. Worse, technological advances have made it possible for to be constructed on a small enough scale that they could feasibly be smuggled anywhere in the world. We have seen isolated use of such weapons. Terrorists released the nerve gas Sarin into a Tokyo subway some years ago, anthrax was used in the United States with the Postal Service as the delivery method, and al-Qaeda killed thousands in 2001 by flying fuel-laden passenger planes into buildings (Quillen, 2002). The last event in particular demonstrated that some groups want to leave a large mark from their terrorist activities, making the threat of WWD in
Factors in Evaluating Child Abuse 696
There are many factors that must be considered when evaluating a possible abuse situation. The first thing that must be done is that all parties involved must be committed to taking the situation seriously, but also committed to acting without prejudice. Instances of abuse should neither be ignored nor falsely identified. "Because childhood molestation has been hidden for decades, our quick suspicions are well founded. But there can be backlash: innocent acts by parents are often falsely misconstrued as sexual abuse." (Heller) When approached by the teachers, I would ensure her that coming to speak to me was a good action to take. In this situation, the family in question is not culturally American. It must be considered, first, that there are many cultural differences between a Chinese family and an American family. Communication and social interaction is definitely affected by this cultural difference. For example, this child is very quiet and withdrawn. In China, children are taught to be very quiet and respectf
Violence on Television and Harmful Effects on Children 1238
Much has been said about the violence on television and its potentially harmful effects on children. Everything from cartoons to toy commercials depicts violence in some form, and it is understandable that parents may be frightened. However, television can be a valuable tool for children"s social and academic education. Programs like Sesame Street have for years taught young children the basics of reading and math in a multicultural framework. Educational children"s programming abounds, and each show has something unique to offer. By watching these shows, children are encouraged to be creative. Educational programming also includes shows on stations like the Discovery Channel and the History Network. Many of these shows can be watched by both adults and children and can therefore stimulate dialog within the home. Even entertainment television such as sitcoms can help children make sense of their world. An early exposure to popular culture can be highly beneficial later in life, because
Needs of American Cities for Policing Policy 2014
In analyzing the needs of American cities for policing policy for the future, race has to be considered in the equation. Researchers note that it is not possible to ignore the variable of race when describing the nature of policing in the United States. This includes efforts to develop a community policing concept, and race enters both for policing in the minority community and for the way policing does or does not use racial profiling so as to antagonize the minority community. In much of America, relations between the police and the African-American community have long been tense. In some regions, the police are viewed as an occupying army present not to protect the people but to control them and to keep them in their place. Numerous civil disturbances in recent decades can be traced to tensions between the police and the black community, from the riots of the summer of 1965 to the riot in Los Angeles after the first Rodney King verdict, from the problems in Crown Heights in
The Needs of American Cities for Policing Policy 2014
In analyzing the needs of American cities for policing policy for the future, race has to be considered in the equation. Researchers note that it is not possible to ignore the variable of race when describing the nature of policing in the United States. This includes efforts to develop a community policing concept, and race enters both for policing in the minority community and for the way policing does or does not use racial profiling so as to antagonize the minority community. In much of America, relations between the police and the African-American community have long been tense. In some regions, the police are viewed as an occupying army present not to protect the people but to control them and to keep them in their place. Numerous civil disturbances in recent decades can be traced to tensions between the police and the black community, from the riots of the summer of 1965 to the riot in Los Angeles after the first Rodney King verdict, from the problems in Crown Heights in
Family Therapy with Object Relation or Psychodynamic Approach 376
Family therapists have a variety of therapeutic approaches they might choose for use in their practice. Two approaches with significant differences are the object-relation, or psychodynamic approach, and the cognitive-behavioral approach. The psychodynamic approach looks at the personality development and emotional processes within each member of the family group as well as how the family interacts, and how this is reflected by the psychodynamics of each individual (Gurman & Lebow, 1995). By contrast, the cognitive-behavioral approach looks at the interacti
Feminism of "The Second Sex" by Simone de Beauvoir 545
Although The Second Sex was written in 1952, even before the heyday of feminism, I found many of Simone de Beauvoir"s 50+-year old observations disturbingly, disappointingly, relevant. In today"s world (and I am sure this is the same in France, even if not in all other areas of the world) women have much more economic autonomy than in the 1950"s, when they choose to exercise it. Today, a woman can far more easily choose to marry or not; marry early or late; have children or not; divorce; remarry. Her "otherness" (as Beauvoir puts it) is still there, but it restricts her less than it did in the past. In the 1950"s, probably more in Europe than in America, female autonomy of any kind was harder to exercise. Women who insisted on it anyway risked ridicule, ostracism, harassment, loneliness,
Prohibition on lesbians 707
The article "Not for Lesbians Only", an expanded, revised speech Charlotte Bunch delivered in 1975 at the Socialist-Feminist Conference at Antioch College, was eye-opening, especially if one is not lesbian and has never had to deal with the discrimination lesbians face, such as lack of medical insurance coverage, survivorship, or property benefits married heterosexual couples have, issues surrounding children, and myriad things non-lesbian feminists are not always sensitive to. Bunch starts with a comment about being listed, in the conference program, as Charlotte Bunch-Weeks, "a rather ominous slip-of-the tongue" p. 252). She explains that her feminism, as a married heterosexual woman, was different than it is now, as an unmarried lesbian woman: Five years ago, when I was Charlotte Bunch-Weeks, and straight, and married to a man, I was also a socialist feminist . . . when I left the man and the marriage, I left the b . . . socialist feminist movement . . . my politics then, as now, joined with th
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