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Three Films on Men Wrongly Convicted of Murder. 1847
Among the things that three films may have in common are performers, directors or subject matter. The films, The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile and The Hurricane, have several things in common. All three films follow the results of men wrongly convicted of murder. Two of the films, The Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile, were adapted from original works of the same author, Stephen King. They also were directed by the same person, Frank Darabont. In addition, all three films share something else. They are all films about individuals who have been judged because of the way they look. In The Green Mile, John Coffey, played by Michael Clarke Duncan, is on death row after being found guilty of murdering two little white girls. The Green Mile is the name given to Coal Mountain Louisiana State Penitentiary"s death row. Coffey, a black man, was found with the broken bodies of the two dead girls in his arms, and despite protestations of innocence, he is convicted and sente
D-Day on World War II 1681
D-Day, during World War II, June 6, 1944, symbolizes the most significant military accomplishments of this century (Alter, 1994). It was an assault in Normandy, France, between the United States and German Soldiers ("D-Day," 2004). World War II was a preventable tragedy and its occurrence represented an immense political failure. It was a national trauma that permanently changed us. The shared experiences of scrap drives rationing, anxiety issues, and personal loss inspired a generational solidarity that still endures. The need to finance the war led to the development of income tax withholding. In 1941, only 7 million Americans filed tax returns and by 1944, 42 million did. Migration of individuals to California and Northern cities was a result of the war (Samuelson, 1994). According to Charles Richardson, of the North Shore regiment, at the time of war, he and his peers had trained and practiced for so long and were ready to go to war. They came up on the beache
The Criticized American Electoral Process 1745
The American electoral process has been criticized on several points. This paper addresses some, though not all, of the ways in which the American political process has been criticized. Starting with campaign finance and whether expensive advertising exerts an influence on the outcome of elections out of proportion to its importance, I discuss the difficulty faced by potential candidates in getting their names on ballots when they are not the candidate being promoted by either the Democrats or Republicans. I then address whether the idea of plurality in national elections is a rational one and conclude with a discussion of the Electoral College and whether its presence and influence in the outcome of the presidential race runs contrary to the expressed democratic spirit of the United States. First, there is the issue of campaign finance. Essentially, the uncomfortable question is this: is the American system set up to reward victory to the candidates with the best ideas, or to t
The Historical Biography of Martin Luther 2041
The paper is on Martin Luther and my interpretations of his views on the treatise of scholar and education. In other words, this report focuses on the scholar"s possible view of our modern day American society and its educational practices. From the scholar"s point of view, this report will attempt to propose possible proposals for school reform especially in the area of curriculum. The report is formatted in the form of an action plan that articulates a personal philosophy of teaching and identifies with Martin Luther as the selected scholar. For example, the report attempts to address areas of such as how our modern schools address the educational and conceptual frameworks of collaboration, social justice, diversity and critical self-reflection.
The Importance of Baseball game in My Life 3575
Baseball is considered to be the great American past-time, a part of our nation"s culture and heritage. Baseball is as much a part of being patriotic as eating apple pie and voting for the president. As an American child, baseball was invariably a part of my childhood experience. From the baseball cap and baseball glove that my father posed me in for my first birthday photo shoot, to the block-baseball team that used my suburban home back-yard as the outfield, to the interrupted regularly-scheduled programming of lengthy televised games in our Not-Fighting living room, to the good and evil dichotomy of coaches that would shape my Middle-School and High-School teams, baseball has been an omnipresent force in my life. It has been there to highlight the great times, as well as emphasize the bad ones, and occasionally, when fate thought kindly of my situation, even brought some comfort and relief when the rest of the world was falling apart. Baseball built my childhood identity for
Comparing Myself in Past and Present 388
Five years is not very long in human history. However, in my own, personal history, five years has been enough to transform me very profoundly. Five years is longer than the average person goes to high school, or college. In five years an infant can evolve into a kindergartner. And, in my case, over the past five years, I have become different person in the three essential components of every human being-in my body, mind, and soul. In my body, I am not simply more mature than I was five years ago. Of course I am bigger and stronger. But I am also much less apt to stare
The Mandatory Seat Belt Laws 276
According to available statistics, the use of seat belts saves lives and therefore, vehicle drivers and passengers should be required by law to wear seat belts. On April 19, 2005, George F. Krchoff, president of the Automotive Occupant Restraints Council, stated before a Senate committee that proposed legislation would act as an incentive for the use of seat belts by drivers and passengers (AORC pp). Since
The Coca-Cola Beverage Company 2766
Coca-Cola leads the world"s beverage industry with as many as 400 products and has its presence globally in more than 200 countries. In addition to this, Coca-Cola collaborates with some 320 licenses to produce more than 10000 products in 57 countries. Products range from fashion apparel to holiday decorations and even a Coca-Cola Picnic Barbie doll. Every year, licensees sell 50 million licensed Coca-Cola products. Internal Business Environment 1. Core Activities For over 100 years, Coca Cola still remains the world"s largest producer of carbonated soft drinks. The company sells the very famous Coke® with the punch line "Always Coca-Cola" that is still the common man"s term for any aerated soft drink. The company"s signature Coke® brand is well recognized by literally billions of consumers, and Coke is sold in almost every country in the world - more than 200 countries worldwide. Customer Base The Coca-Cola Company is the world's largest beverage company
Overview of Interest Rates 441
One may think of 'interest rates" as merely a concern of cutting edge modern economic news. Indeed, the rate of interest has been the obsession of the business media of recent weeks. One March 21, 2005 Business Week article proclaimed, "Pop! Goes the Auto Bubble-with oil prices and interest rates rising! (Mandel, 2005) But in actual fact interest rates are simply the percent at which an individual is charged for borrowing money, either from a bank, a human being, or another entity such as a credit card company. Interest rates are an old institution-once, the rate of interest was called 'usury" and banned by the church. Now charging a
The First Amendment to the United States Constitution 1723
Freedom of Speech, or the right to express oneself, verbally and in writing, as one chooses, and how, when, to whom, and in what manner one chooses, is a guarantee of all American citizens, protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Specifically, the First Amendment to the Constitution states: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances1". It is my opinion that freedom of speech has always been, and remains, a necessary component of any open society. However, the political and social value of freedom of speech tends to become forgotten when a people feel that they are unsafe, or begin to feel threatened by their own peers (current American fear of terrorism "from within" is one such example; another was the r
The Importance of Dance in Hinduism 1633
Dance, like all other art forms, is universally regarded as a channel for both cultural and self-expression. As a form of cultural expression, dance is often used to dramatize cultural myths, legends, and other narratives. In contrast, dance as a method of self-expression is used to spontaneously communicate human emotions such as joy, sorrow, anger, love, eroticism, and sexual desire. Dance, for the followers of Hinduism, is no different in so much that it is widely practiced as an outlet for self-expression, and for the purpose of preserving Hindu religion and culture. However, the meaning of dance holds a much deeper significance for Hindus beyond just cultural and self-expression. For, it plays a key role in religious ritual and worship, a practice that stems from Hinduism"s conceptualization of the dance form as symbolic of the cosmic dance of the universe. Indeed, it is the religion"s concept of dance that explains its promotion of the art form as one way of experiencing the ecs
America Founded As A Republic 1881
America was not founded as a Democracy or as a Monarchy, for the educated and landed founding fathers felt assured that neither would provide the nation with rights for all and privilege for the few. America was founded as a Republic, and one might add as an ogliarchic republic at that. Those with the right gender, race, and wealth were represented through their while others were represented through the votes of their betters. Today, nearly-universal sufferage (age and past misbehavior are both barriers) assures that these factors do not determine whether a person can vote – but an argument can still be made that the majority of the political process is determined by wealth. "The creators of America's constitution and government were among the wealthy aristocrats of their day. When they created their new government, the founders excluded democracy to the extent politically possible at the time. ..The great failure of representative democracy is that our supposed represent
National, Local, Human, and Environmental Securities 803
National security is an important concept which has often been mistakenly used to refer to protection against external threats. With people gaining better knowledge of the term security, national security has become a complex term that involves human as well as environmental security. For a nation to feel completely secure, it should not only be protected against external threats and aggression but also against internal problems that might make its citizens feel less safe. National security also includes local or internal security which is often defined separately as if it was not a part of the broader term. We must understand that if a person feel threatened in his own country due to any reason such as racism, religious persecution or environmental problems, then he cannot consider his country secure for himself. Local insecurity leads to national disturbance which might make a country and its people feel vulnerable. For many people, national security refers to "the capacity
A Short Scene in The Tempest 744
Act 2, Scene 2. This scene is a short scene, with only the characters of Caliban, Trinculo, and Stephano present. It opens with Caliban carrying wood to Prospero, his master, and being tormented by spirits only he can see. Caliban hides under his cloak because of a storm. Trinculo enters, and sees Caliban, and thinks he is a monster. He hides under the cloak too, because of the storm. Stephano enters singing and drinking from a bottle. He discovers Trinculo, and they both are happy they have survived the shipwreck. They think Caliban is a monster, and if they capture him he can be sold for good money. Caliban convinces them he will honor them if they will let him serve them. They agree, and they leave, drinking and singing. This scene is humorous, but it also packs a lot of information into relatively few lines. The theme is light and the characters banter with each other, but the underlying mood is dark, because the scene is really about slavery and bondage, and what Caliban's life is like as a slave. He constantly worries about punishment "For bringing wood in slowly. I'll fall flat"
Neil Postman's Book "Amusing Ourselves to Death" 1547
In Chapter Seven of Neil Postman"s book Amusing Ourselves to Death, the author critiques television news, claiming that its flashy format has reduced reality to fluff for entertainment value. While there are some exceptions to Postman"s perception of television news, in general the author is correct in claiming that television news is "news without context, without consequences, without value, and therefore without essential as pure entertainment," (100). At first it may be temping to disagree with Neil Postman"s harsh criticisms of television news, especially those that are based on his claim that most newscasters have to have faces fit for magazine covers. Any cursory glance at some reporters reveals that at least some are overweight and comparatively unattractive. However, most, if not all, television news anchors have what Postman calls "credible" faces; otherwise, they would be doing radio news. Postman"s critique of what so many Americans h
Uncertainty in the Poem "Love" 358
The first line of the poem, "Love", contains a question. This implies uncertainty. The uncertainty is reinforced with another question. The speaker here is in a dialogue with what the reader could assume is his or her love interest. The first two lines show each person"s uncertainty about love and how the emotion could be defined. The third line is also a question, but it is the beginning of a turning point towards an answer in the poem. In the third line, the speaker is first making a statement, and then askin
The Individualistic Quest Narratives 762
Despite the many differences between the different incarnations of the Grail quest, all of the Holy Grail quest narratives are essentially individualistic quest narratives, as defined by the historian of mythology Joseph Campbell. Both "Percival" and "Parzival" are defined by their uniqueness as individuals, from the rest of their knights, because of their upbringing in isolated circumstances, from the rest of the chivalric Round Table. And in the "Quest for the Holy Grail," Galahad is likewise isolated from the other knights because of his purity and removal from the earthly fray of sexual desire and worldly attainments. The hero is defined as a hero, not because he is part of his society, but because he is alien to his society. The hero embodies the values of his society, but they are values of either the past or future, such as the 'holy fool" of Percival/Parzival or the chaste monastic ideal of Galahad-the individualistic hero does not embody the ideals of the current society"s spiritually desolate present day. In the last narrative of the "Quest for the Holy Grail," the H
Marital Relations and Women Repression in "Collector of Treasures" 311
In the short story, "Collector of Treasures," author Bessie Head showed her readers a glimpse of the marital relations and life among females in African culture. Centering her story on the character of Dikeledi, Head illustrated how women, in most African societies, are still oppressed and not given equal opportunities as their husbands. Moreover, apart from the apparent oppression of women, the story showed that there is generally an open-minded vi
The Holy Grail 821
In Christian mythology, the Holy Grail was the dish, plate, cup or vessel that caught Jesus' blood during his crucifixion. The Holy Grail was said to have the power to heal all wounds. Over the course of the three Grail quests of medieval, Arthurian origin, "Percival," "Parzival," and "The Quest for the Holy Grail," the meaning of the quest for the Holy Grail shifts over time, although the Grail retains its integrity as a symbol of healing. In the earliest incarnation of the Holy Grail quest narrative, entitled "Percival," the Grail is a means by which to heal an ailing king and a barren land. In "Parzival" the Grail becomes a test of the hero"s Christian values and integrity to inquire what ails the sick Fisher king. Finally, in "The Quest for the Holy Grail," the Holy Grail is not a means or quest for individual heroic achievement and a demonstration of fidelity to one"s Lord at all. Rather, realizing the quest for the
Cases of Domestic Violence 1010
Prior to November 2, 1987, a good part of America was laboring under the myth that domestic violence was something that happened to poor people. This assumption had much to do with the fact that poor people utilized community resources to deal with domestic violence, while the wealthy had the resources to keep domestic violence, and its solution, a dirty little secret. However, on November 2, 1987 that myth was exploded. Responding to a phone call that a child had stopped breathing, the police found a dying little girl, a boy tied to a playpen with a length of rope, and a severely battered mother. The little girl, Lisa Steinberg, was later pronounced brain dead and the world began to understand what went on behind the doors of the Steinberg/Nussbaum home. One of questions that the A Family Secret: The Death of Lisa Steinberg attempts to answer is what is the cause of domestic violence? In order to do this, the video gives the audience a lot of information about Joel Steinberg,
The Bitter Divorce of Betty and Dan Broderick 706
On November 5, 1989, Betty Broderick killed her ex-husband, attorney Dan Broderick, and his new wife, Linda Kolenka Broderick, at the couple"s home in San Diego, California. At the time, Betty and Dan Broderick had been divorced since January 1989, but the divorce had been particularly rancorous, with Dan often baiting Betty, and using his legal expertise to take advantage of her. As a consequence, and perhaps because of her own mental instability, Betty had been unable, at the time of the double murder, to move on from her divorce from Dan. She had also threatened to kill the new couple several times, had smashed her car into the front doorway of their new home, and vandalized their property in various ways. The double murder committed by Betty was the culmination of a bitter divorce and custody battle (Betty and Dan had four children), that had raged since the mid 1980"s. Betty Broderick"s first murder trial, in 1990, resulted in a hung jury. Her second trial resulted in a conviction of second-degree murder. For the murder
Andrew Mellon's Entrepreneurship Story 1839
Andrew Mellon was an important figure in American history. His policies and strategies helped to shape the American economy and the tax policies that exist. The purpose of this paper is to discuss Andrew Mellon the man and his history as the Secretary of Treasury in the 1920"s. The discussion will seek to dispel the assertion that Mellon only aided the wealthy and that his policies helped trigger the Great Depression.
Plato, Martin Luther King and Henry David Thoreau on Government 1762
Plato, Martin Luther King and Henry David Thoreau each had widely differing ideals relating to the government, its necessity and the responsibility of citizens towards this government. These views were all closely related to each philosopher"s personal ideals regarding how best to live their lives with the greatest of integrity. This also applies to life and politics today. Each individual is free to decide whether to take civil action against their government or not. As Martin Luther King asserts, it is a matter of conscience. Each philosophy mentioned above will then be examined for its applicability to the issue of the war in Iraq and the responsibility of citizens to take action. Plato"s work focuses on the philosopher Socrates, who has been condemned to death for "corrupting the youth" of Athens. Crito attempts to encourage his escape, but Aristotle refuses, on the grounds of his own personal set of ethics. For Socrates, ethics and values are closely related to
Imperialism and Capitalism 2360
A Imperialism which is often considered to be a final stage of capitalism was a logical continuation of industrialization, development of trade and colonization. Global trade and goods exchange have united Europe, Africa, America and Asia into an integral organism. Imperial system as well as interaction between the major colonial super-powers guaranteed economical stability and peace. Colonies were perfect markets for the goods produced in metropolises and were used as emergency zones in cases of overproduction in order to prevent global or local economical crisis. Colonies were used as raw material donors of metropolitan industry. In order to prevent movement for political and economical independence, colonies were not allowed to have industrial objects as their economical activity was limited to farming and mining. On the hand with traditional colonial system which took place in France, Great Britain, Belgium which had huge possessions worldwide, American imperialism had introduce
The North & South of the 19th Century 1205
December 20, 1860 Dear Trevor, As I write this, I can hear faint yells and cheers through my window. Somewhere, the city of Charleston still celebrates. You'll have heard why by the time my letter arrives. Secession. It was no secret that it would happen when Lincoln, that great ape, was elected. As many years as we've been on the receiving end of Yankee insults and "compromises," I wonder why we took so long. You and I have talked about our peculiar institution, and I know you disapprove, but then, you have not been around Negroes. They are not our equals. They need us to care for them and direct them, and we need them to work the fields and keep our farms and plantations running. There is no immorality, no terrible sin. Merely an advantageous arrangement for both sides. But the Yankees don't see it that way. They want to do away with slavery, even though God knows they don't want to live and work next to a Negro man. So, their compromises began. First was the Missouri comprom
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