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The Benefits of Friendship 1348
There are many valuable things in life, but friendship may be one of the most important to me. To live life without the experience of friendship is life without living. Human interaction is a necessity to survival, but developed friendships are essential to the successful well-being. People all see friendship differently, but there is one common ground for it, it is always built on a mutual sympathy. In some cases it is transient and finds its end eventually, while in other cases it may last for many years and grow stronger every year. True friendship is built on trust and mutual support. Your real friend will always find time to talk and try to find solutions to the hard situations you face every day. They are always there to help you and expect the same from you. Friends are psychologically comfortable with each other, and sometimes are emotionally closer than with their relatives. From the highest authority to the lowest bums living on the streets all of them have experienced in som
Maria Campbell and the Metis People 1597
Maria Campbell is a Metis woman whose heart-rending autobiography demonstrates the "joys and sorrows, the oppressing poverty, the frustrations and the dreams"" (Campbell, 2) that she experienced in her life. Maria and her family were poverty stricken and considered "half-breeds". Being poor and a minority led to having problems with health, housing, and low income issues. On Maria's side, native people were also living in poor conditions. This connection between the half breeds and the natives was a result of long standing problems over land titles with the Canadian Government. In the 19th century, the Canadian government prohibited legal Metis land ownership, leaving them to become squatters. This is where the term Road Allowance People originates. The fight over land was the starting point for many of the hardships the Metis people would endure, and this evolved into not only the physical displacement of Maria, but also in socio-cultural and socio-economic areas of life. Gender rel
Comparison of Kazakh and Chinese Phraseology 1023
To begin with, I am writing my final essay for the General Outline of China course on Comparison of Kazakh and Chinese phraseology and their translation". I've selected this topic because I'm iterested in the Chinese language and also, I'd like to share some information about my country. Firstly, I want to tell you about the value and significance of the study. Language is the carrier of national culture. Idiom is the valuable part of language; it has an important place in the national culture. In idioms there are design concise, simple words and the image of the living. However, from the linguistic point of view, idioms are a kind of linguistic units that are located between words, phrases and sentences. Idioms have relatively stable structure. As for me, in the process of verbal communication idioms play unique role. From a cultural point of view, idioms are the words of wisdom, experience and production practices. They consist of bright images of brief expressions of people's thoug
The Abu Sayyaf Group 2529
This paper provides a current operational picture and historical background of the Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) in the Philippines and how human intelligence (HUMINT) can facilitate targeting the ASG. The ASG has shown varying degrees of lethality in its 20 plus years of operation; much of this can be correlated with the different leadership the ASG has had. The Armed Force of Philippines (AFP) have had success in marginalizing the ASG but due to a decentralized leadership in the last six years have been unable to stop continuing kidnap for ransom operations and occasional terror attacks. A counter-terrorism operation in the Philippines has both benefits and challenges. The Philippines have a long standing positive relationship with the United States but its Southern islands, which serve as ASG's base of operations, have proven difficult to target the ASG in due to being predominantly Muslim and having rugged terrain. A more comprehensive application of HUMINT in targeting the ASG could le
Assessment of Abnormal Behavior 376
My theoretical analysis of abnormal behavior would be that of a clinician doing an assessment of the patient. An assessment is where the clinician would ask the patient questions pertaining to what may have caused them to come see them or be admitted into a hospital or facility. Diagnosis of a Patient An evaluation is done by either a doctor or mental health professional. The health care professional will ask questions about the patient's symptoms, and collect any medical background information (history). A physician may perform a physical examination on
The Birth of Amiyah 514
There she was, this tiny new person. Not crying, not moving, just sleeping soundly and oblivious to the drama she had recently caused. Earlier that afternoon, she came into the world without a sound. The attending nurse hurriedly removed her from the doctor's hands and placed her in the incubator. I overheard the nurse saying, "Come on, baby! Girl, you got to breathe!" Her usually loquacious father had grown silent. What in the world was going on? I was expecting to have my baby in my arms by now. Instead, I heard my husband ask, "Is she supposed to be blue like that?" Over the next several minutes all I heard was the doctor barking orders, but no one was telling me anything. I was so afraid. I wish I had said something, but now it seemed to be too late. I saw
Implementing a Flexible Work Schedule 1606
Introduction: Flexible work schedules provide employees options regarding their working schedules for standard work week (Monday-Friday). These options include working from home (on occasion) to working a compacted amount of hours within the work week, limiting the amount of days in which the employee has to come into the office. Flexible work schedules are usually implemented with the intention of allowing employers the opportunity to have a well-balanced lifestyle between home and work. The primary or most popular work option chosen is flex-time (Russell H. O'Connell, 2009). Flex-time allows employees to negotiate there hours within the limits of management. Another option is a compressed work week which means that you have worked your 40 hours in less than the standard 5 days. An option that is becoming popular for industries that are technology focused if call job-sharing. Job-sharing allows employees to divide the work load between two employees, which gives each employee the flex
Mobile Streaming 2489
I. Introduction "Media streaming is the process in which a constant flow of information is delivered through a media channel to an end user. With recent developments in media such as television, radio, and Internet, there are many ways to deliver information to a receiver. With the introduction of the smartphone in 2007" (Apple Article, 2007) and other mobile devices such as the tablet, a new generation of streaming has been developed: mobile streaming. " Mobile streaming means delivering content over the Internet while displaying it to the viewer at the same time. Mobile streaming has become more popular as many people had adopted the mobile devices that allow them to reach for content. There are three types of streaming that are the most common: Live, Time-Shifted" and On-Demand (Communication Technology, page 98). This topic is significant because the adoption of this new technology is developing quite rapidly, in connection to the increasing number of people are adopting the mobi
Humoural Theory in The Duchess of Malfi 2892
Webster's "The Duchess of Malfi" is a play that relies on the temperaments of characters to propel the action and plot. The heavy emphasis placed on the importance of character development is blatantly apparent in the use of the humoral theory to develop each character. Each of the four main characters was created with a disposition based on one of the four humors. The basis of the theory is that an imbalance, abnormality or access of any one humor within the body can cause adverse physiological and psychological consequences. Webster, with this rationale in mind, creates actions and reactions for each character in relation to the balance of humors within their body and in accordance with the humor their character was based off of. The theory of humors was established to account for the mental state of individuals; mental stability was a sign of the internal balance of a person's body fluids, while mental illness was a sign of an access or abnormality of body fluids. Webster is cle
Tiffany's Marketing Plan 1718
Media Plan: Marketing Plan Marketing Plan: Tiffany's Engagement Rings Company Background: Company's background Since it's inception in 1837, Tiffany & Co. has operated as a jeweler and specialty retailer. They are most well known for their extensive selection of high-end jewelry. However, they also specialize in other areas such as timepieces, sterling silverware, crystal, fragrances, etc. According to 2011 sales numbers, over 91% of the business conducted by Tiffany's came through jewelry sales. Perhaps as well known as the jewelry itself is the notorious "little blue box " that accompanies all jewelry sold at Tiffany's. List Corporate Locations Company Headquarters TIFFANY & CO. 727 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10022 212-755-8000 Ownership Tiffany & Co. is a publicly traded company. They are listed on the New York Stock Exchange as TIF. Tiffany and Co. first went public on May 5, 1987 and began offering stock at an initial price of $23.00 per share. As of November 2, 2012, Tiffany'
Socio-Cultural Influences on Sexuality 1389
"Sexuality is an important part of our lives"(King, 2012, p.1), and a reoccurring theme throughout our development. The role that sexuality plays in each of our lives is so important that we see its influence through multiple sources in life, including media and social culture. No matter where you look in society some sort of sexuality is present; whether walking in the mall, observing the family life, or watching teens socialize. What is it though that makes a sexually relationship healthy? Is it attraction, intimacy, love, or interactions with each other? Through this paper we will discuss all the aspects of socio-cultural influences on sexuality, as well as the healthy relationship. Education Within the Family It was Rathus (1993) who told us "human sexuality is the way in which we experience and express ourselves as sexual beings." It only makes sense that through our environment we learn what is appropriate or inappropriate behavior, even when talking about sex. History is flou
The Effects of High Glucose Intake 1219
Glucose is a sugar that comes from the breakdown of all carbohydrates in the diet, and is very soluble in water. The chemical formula for glucose is C6H12O6. Glucose is a vital part of brain function as it is the only fuel that your brain can use. If you are consuming a low-carbohydrate diet, you may not be getting enough glucose for your brain to function properly. Because your brain ultimately controls all other functions within your body, giving your brain too little glucose can be dangerous to your overall health. Also, overconsumption of sugar in the body can lead to unpleasant phenomena. According to biochemistry Reginald Garrett, Ph.D. and Charles Grisham, Ph.D. the first major side effect of glucose overconsumption is a sugar high (hypoglycemia), which feels a bit like a caffeine buzz, because glucose absorption occurs really fast in the body when partaking too much sugary foods. Diabetes is a very scary and progressive disease, which can result a serious social problem and an
Autocratic Leadership 536
INTRODUCTION 1. Nowadays there are several leadership styles being employed to run the organization in order to achieve the goals. One of the leadership styles that being used is autocratic style, which tell people what to do. The autocratic leadership style is always defined as excessively demanding with basically a one-way of communication. The leader will have the legitimate power to coerce subordinates to accomplish the mission. Decision-making comes from only leader and is not shared. Nevertheless, authoritarian can be useful in the under pressure situation. Leaders sometimes have to utilize this type of leadership to achieve their goals. This essay will argue that autocratic leaders are not always ineffective. This will be argued by some examples and reasons why autocratic leaders coul
Sweeping Change of the 1960's 1431
In January of 1960, liberal historian Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. stated, "Somehow the wind is beginning to change."" Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr.'s premonition was distinctly correct. The barriers of social construct within the United States were about to be interrupted by social angst, intellect, and more importantly activism. To do so, the United States would have to work in an unseen manner, by having the varying social entities that permeate the United States, work in a unified sense. John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr., and the SDS were all prominent figures among the issue of civil rights. Each of them having different sensibilities for what transpired in the realm of civil rights. In 1961, the United States was immersed in a middle-of-the-road climate. This climate forced Kennedy to drag his feet among the plethora of campaign promises he made to the African American community. Kennedy tip toed around the notion of helping the black community. It was as though he had the best
Arguments Against Hard Determinism 1359
Compatibilism is the belief that free will and determinism are compatible ideas and that it is possible to believe the simultaneous existence of both without being logically inconsistent. Compatibilists argue that determinism is compatible with human freedom and that incompatiblism is not logical and go so far as stating that incompatibilism is incoherent (Compatibilism ", n.d.). This argument will discuss the two arguments. Compatibilism is an attempt to reconcile the theological proposition that every event is causally determined, ordained and/or decreed by God with the free will of man (what is compatibilism ", 2011). Using Christian beliefs, it is possible to adequately defend compatibilism, however logically and philosophically the argument to be put forward would be weak and therefore it would be difficult to adequately defend compatibilism. The thesis of compatibilism was originally put forward by Greek Stoics from the School of Hellenistic Philosophy founded in Athens be Ze
Lifestyles that Lead to Obesity 1474
The debate over whether or not obesity is a disease grows as obesity rates and the cost of treating obesity-related conditions increase in the United States. Proponents stress that obesity is a disease because it is a result of genetics and biological factors, or illnesses that cause weight gain. Opponents argue that obesity is not a disease because it is the result of a person's chosen lifestyle, eating habits, and environment. Obesity is defined as "A condition that is characterized by excessive accumulation and storage of fat in the body and that in an adult is typically indicated by a body mass index of 30 or greater" (Merriam-Webster). Lifestyle is the main reason why people become obese. Results of recent studies strongly indicate that lifestyles rather than genetics or biological factors are causing an obese society because people choose to not exercise, not to watch their diet, and to eat fast food. Even though there are many reasons that cause obesity, overeating is one of th
Gift of the Magi and Handel's Messiah 567
Part I. After reading this short story "The Gift of the Magi"," I have come to the following conclusion. The "magi"" is referring to a wise gift in this story. The Magi is also the name of the three kings, or also known as the three wise men. The wise men gave, but of course wise gifts! After reading this I believe the story really isn't just about a poor couple trying to get each other gifts for Christmas but looks deeper into life as materiel possessions are just as stated a material item . The story starts off with a very poor yet content couple, Jim and Della. Della has been saving her money for months to buy Jim a Christmas present and has still fallen short of her goal. Looks in the mirror and see's she has something of value, her hair. Della then decides she must sell her hair to by Jim a gift. Same thing with Jim, all he has
A Day's Wait by Ernest Hemingway 1217
"The hold over himself relaxed too, finally, and the next day it was very slack and he cried very easily at little things that were of no importance."" This simple yet significant phrase in the resolution period of Ernest Hemingway's short story "A Day's Wait" indicates the theme of fatalistic heroism and miscommunication. Fatalistic heroism or braveness in the face of death as shown by a little boy Schatz throughout the story until he realized that he is in fact fine, resulted from the miscommunication with his father. This essay intends to delve into the details of Schatz's heroism by closely examining his words and actions and to prove how the miscommunication took part in influencing Schatz's transformation from a macho figure to a feeble ordinary boy. Machoism of Schatz is constantly depicted through his words and attitude over his day's wait. The tragedy begins when Schatz is determined that he is doomed to die when in reality he is okay. The most striking revelation of Schatz'
Abortion: The Hardest Decision 498
25 years old, just starting to get my career going, and newly married. Life was wonderful, but then I find myself in a situation that I never thought would present itself, pregnant. At that very moment, I sat on the bathroom floor, and just cried. My brain was racing, all I could think was, "what am I going to do? I can't have a baby right now, I'm still a student, I have too much debt, I cannot afford to raise a kid. I sat there for a good hour and just cried. Not knowing what to do, I called my husband. He was silent on the other end when I told him, all he could say was "we will talk when I get home. The next few days after getting this information left us confused, lost and not really sure of what to do next. After lots of discuss
Ethical Hacking 983
Hacking has come to have many different and often conflicting definitions. Hackers do not require certification, anyone can say they are a hacker. For the purposes of this paper we define hacking as the software methodology to achieve a particular goal using self-taught programming Experimentation "to make rough cuts"" (Murray 2000). Celebrated incidents of unauthorized Computer intrusions into computer systems have been attributed to hackers due to the extensive Programming experimentation needed to achieve success. Computer intrusions are considered to be unethical and laws have been passed to prosecute such Behavior. Spafford clearly states that computer intrusions are ethical only in life-saving circumstances (Spafford 1992). Once hacking ability is used to commit a crime, the hacker Becomes a criminal. However, a new class of "ethical hackers " has arisen who believe that Probing for computer intrusions, a legal activity that provides sensitive information, provides a Altruistic
Toni Morrison and Traditional Historicism 559
With reference to the definition of traditional historicism that Bennett and Royle outline in chapter 14, to what extent is this approach appropriate for interpreting Morrison's novel? Toni Morrison's "Beloved" is an inspired story by the African American Slave Margaret Garner who, for a short time, escaped slavery in 1856. The important word here should be the word "inspired ". "Morrison had come across a nineteenth-century magazine clipping which became the inspiration for 'Beloved'. According to the article, a young runaway slave woman named Margaret Gamer was tracked by her owner to Cincinnati, where she had sought refuge with her freed mother-in-law. Facing imminent capture, Garner attempted to kill her four children, and in one case succeeded. All of the accounts of the tragedy remarked on the woman's tranquility, Mor
Toni Morrison and Traditional Historicism 559
With reference to the definition of traditional historicism that Bennett and Royle outline in chapter 14, to what extent is this approach appropriate for interpreting Morrison's novel? Toni Morrison's "Beloved" is an inspired story by the African American Slave Margaret Garner who, for a short time, escaped slavery in 1856. The important word here should be the word "inspired ". "Morrison had come across a nineteenth-century magazine clipping which became the inspiration for 'Beloved'. According to the article, a young runaway slave woman named Margaret Gamer was tracked by her owner to Cincinnati, where she had sought refuge with her freed mother-in-law. Facing imminent capture, Garner attempted to kill her four children, and in one case succeeded. All of the accounts of the tragedy remarked on the woman's tranquility, Mor
Trading Liberty for Illusion by Wendy Kaminer 868
The events of 11 September 2001 inverted the actions that have led the US government to deal with criminals and terrorists in different and wide-ranging principles and measures. Standards that are mildly intrusive, coercive, and less democratic induce Security Departments to break privacies and breach human rights in the name of 'war on terror' The power given to the government to prevent and investigate the potential acts of terrorists was not balanced with civil liberties. These rights were guaranteed by the First Amendment "[to allow] the individuals to speak, think, assemble, worship, or petition without government (or even private) inferences or restraints " (thefreedictionary, 2005). Rehnquist, Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, concludes in his book, All the Laws but One: Civil Liberties in Wartime, "in any civilized society the most important task is achieving a proper balance between freedom and order" (Rehnquist, 2007, n.d.). But the events of 11 September su
Aung San Suu Kyi 1290
Burma, like most other Southeast Asia countries, was run by a nationalistic military regime during the twentieth century. Aung San Suu Kyi led the National League for Democracy (NLD) movement in Burma. Her perseverance and commitment served as a symbol of hope for a nation plagued by power hungry elites who committed various crimes against humanity. Because of her background, Suu Kyi was turned into a cultural phenomenon by the media and humans rights organizations, which energized citizens to advocate for freedom to Burma. Aung San Suu Kyi's nonviolent leadership combined with her unique story allowed for her to change the politics of Burma and become a popular symbol of freedom to the world. Aung San Suu Kyi's family background played a role in her popularity internally. Her father, General Aung San had helped fight for the country's independence from Britain as part of the Communist Party of Burma (Wintle 85). Then, he battled the Japanese (McCain 226). When he was assassinated in
Presentation on McDonald's Global Position 831
Good afternoon everyone! Thank you very much for taking the time to hear us today. We'd like to share what it takes to succeed as an international/global service provider in Asia as" related to McDonald's. I think that the tangible and intangible components of our products are equally important to fast-food customers when they are making a fast food purchasing decision. McDonald's has opened many restaurants all over the world and one of the most profitable markets is Asia. When we define the marketing mix in Asia, we should take into consideration aspects such as the following: People - employees are qualified to deliver fast, quality service - focusing on friendly service to its customers Process - McDonald's uses two ways of delivering its products: direct and indirect Physical Evidence - McDonald's policy ensures that everything regarding health and safety are strictly followed including facilities, quality of the product,
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