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Cimon, Athenian Democracy and Imperialism. 1343
Cimon, the son of Miltiades, was a leading figure in Athenian affairs, particularly through his contribution to the development of Athenian democracy and imperialism, between the years of 478 to 461. Cimon made a direct contribution to the development and growth of Athenian democracy, however only indirectly and inadvertently, primarily demonstrated by this ostracism in 461, as a result of his foreign policy. Cimon's contribution and influence to Athenian imperialism was direct and intentional, due in large part to his military successes against the common threat, Persia. In any case, Cimon's contribution to Athenian democracy and imperialism was absolute: his role crucial to the development of both. Cimon originated from a wealthy aristocratic background; with the particular advantage of being the son of the "Hero of Marathon". Cimon's representation varies, although the influence of Cimon in the history of the period between 478 to 461 is likely to have been very great. He was, in
Neck & Neck Business Strategy 572
Which have been the key elements for "NECK & NECK" success? The elements that helped in the success of "Neck & Neck" are the following: - Create a brand image. It's very important to consolidate the brand. The "Made in Spain" brand had an important position in the international market, so it was very important to achieve a new brand positioning. "Neck & Neck" is an exclusive brand for children. "Neck & Neck" is recognized under the brand name "Made in Spain" - Professionalism. Since the Zamacola family took over the management of "Neck & Neck", the company began to have continuous growth. This is due to investing time and energy into creating an efficient and professional team. Although the previous management had an adequate business strategy, they had an overall inefficient management team. The new administration is focused on being profes
Generational Leader Portrait: Sandra Cisneros 507
Sandra Cisneros is a very important part of Latino society. She's a Hispanic/American author who has written many well known books. Sandra Cisneros is admired by many people because through her writings she demonstrates how Chicano's see the world from their own perspective. Not only does she show what many Chicano's go through, but she makes her stories interesting and uses imagery which makes you feel as if you're part of the story, experiencing what the main characters are feeling. Her novels have realistic experiences which many people relate to. What makes her novels different from others is that she always shows the bright side of an obstacle no matter how big or small it is. Sandra Cisneros is important because she is a prominent Hi
Mrs Slade in Edith Wharton's Roman Fever 649
This essay focuses on how Edith Wharton describes the complicated relationship between Grace Ansley and Alida Slade in the short story "Roman Fever" (1934). It deals especially with the theme of Mrs Slade's long-time suppressed negative feelings for her friend. The story takes place one late afternoon in Rome, where the two ladies meet after many years and remember the old times. From the beginning an innocent conversation gradually turns into revealing the truth about their relationship and the events that happened during their first visit in Italy. The essay tries to point out the motifs, which demonstrates that the 'friendship' of the protagonists could be more likely considered only an illusion. What well illustrates this superficial friendship is the period when the women were living opposite each other. Although Mrs Slade took an interest in Mrs Ansley's life, it was rather about a fear of not having everything better than her friend. The motif of fe
Good Business Leadership 391
Having a good leadership is an important factor for a company's success. In the book "The Art of War", by Sun Tzu, explores the five fundamental factors that make good and effective leadership. He states, "the leader of the army is the arbiter of the people's fate."" (Sun Tzu 47), which means that the one who leads the army is ultimately responsible for the lives of the people he's fighting for. This quote can also be applied to the books we read in class this semester: "Who Says Elephant Can't Dance?"," by Louis Gerstner, "The Goal"," by Eliyahu Goldratt and "The Principles of
Dede Mirabal: Journey from Captivity to Liberation 1030
In "In the Time of the Butterflies" by Julia Alvarez, the author employs a repetitive theme of entrapment concerning the famous myth of the Mirabal sisters of the Dominican Republic, also known as La Mariposas. One example used by the author is the feeling of captivity the sister Minerva feels by her constricting home as a child. Another example is how the Mirabal sisters, under the pressures of an authoritarian dictatorship, felt confined by society and the physical entrapment the Mirabal sisters endured during their imprisoned time. The key and most essential example of entrapment in the biographical fictions has to be Dede Mirabal's inner-captivity that consumes her throughout the novel. In this novel, Dede goes through a personal prison while struggling for her identity, but eventually grows into. This magnificent ending serves as proof of Dede's liberation, epiphany, and revelation. "In the Time of the Butterflies" takes place in a time in the Dominican Republic where the count
Constitutional Reforms and the UK Government 1825
Governments since 1997 have gone thorough huge amounts of constitutional reform, including devolution, the human rights act, powers to the European Union (EU) and many others. However there has been a fierce argument whether this has reduced the power of the UK government, this has also been a big issue with the public and at the 2010 election the conservative party won support by arguing that the New Labor government (1997-2010) gave to many powers away and they would fight to claim them back. The coalition agreement focuses a lot on constitutional reform and in their 20 months and 20 days in power they have gone through a incredible amount of constitutional reform, heavily influenced by the lib dem side of the coalition. The Blair government was elected on a manifesto which included the promise of devolution. Devolution is a process of constitutional reform where power, but not legal sovereignty is distributed to local institutions in Northern Ireland,  Scotland  and  Wales. Ther
Heroic Aspects of Robert Benigi's Life is Beautiful 1029
The power of laughter, to lift the spirit in any situation, even in the face of extreme danger/tragedy makes the characters in Life is Beautiful very memorable and heroic. Robert Benigi, director and actor of the movie, Life is Beautiful, based this movie on his father's re-telling's of how life was in concentration camps in WWll. However, Benigi added a little twist to these dark moments, by adding humor to these times and showing the power of laughter (Life is Beautiful(1997) - Plot Summary). Guido, the main character, is very cunning, hilarious, and has a wild imagination, which lets him pull of crazy things, just to make life for his son and wife better in a sense, making him almost heroic for doing so. Robert Benigi shows this power of laughter, by taking an almost fairy-tale like approach, which made it both funny and emotionally moving, but with a shift in tone once Guido and his family were taken to the concentration camp. Guido, played by Benigi, used his sense of humor and wi
The Idosyncracies of Garage Sales 722
Who would have thought that having a Garage Sale could be SUCH a catharctic experience? Mother Theresa once said, "The more you have, the more you are occupied; the less you have the more free you are." And she was right! Mind you, I doubt she ever had the level of clutter and embarrassing evidence of consumerism-gone-rife that we have. Garage Sales tell you a lot about yourself, your family and the general public. It's a true eye-opener when all of your no-longer-wanted stuff is piled on tables and in your drive-way. You groan at how self-indulgent you have been, how you've spoiled your kids, how many useless and overpriced, gimmicky fishing, golfing and gardening gifts there are available on the market, and how impossible it is for your friends not to buy them for your husband...a man who denies himself nothing. You have things broken, stolen, pulled apart and rejected by an eager, bargain-hunting public. And despite all of this, holding a garage sale is a really liberating experience, culling all of the excess things out of your life and watching othe
The Magnificent Seven of Story Genres 1408
Choosing a specific television production, identify and examine its use of genre and narrative tools and how an online or portable media transmission would affect these tools. In this essay I will be examining The X Factor as my chosen television production, and identifying and examining its use of genre and narrative tools and also looking at how an online media transmission would affect these tools. Genre can be described as a set of particular conventions or rules that present a story in a specific, particular way. Glen Creeber says, "genre simply allows us to organize a good deal of material into smaller categories. For example, a process of generic categorization is used in biology to distinguish between different types of living organisms, mammals, birds, and fish and so on." " (Creeber, 2008:1) Each genre has certain conventions, rules and expectations associated with them. The story and image rules of each genre are the key to what defines them as a specific genre. Narrat
Progressive Social Media 1658
An online community is a network of people who come together and communicate online, usually because of a common interest or goal. There are many different types of online communities. Some examples of online communities are: email distribution lists, message boards and newsgroups, instant message (IM) services, chat rooms, blogging sites, social networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook, and online classrooms/school groups. Tom Hodgkinson in The Guardian online news article said, " Right now, two million new people join each week. At the present rate of growth, Facebook will have more than two hundred million active users by this time next year. "I intend to discuss three of these types of online communities (chat rooms, social network sites, and online classrooms/school groups) and look into the pros and cons of using each of these. First, I will talk about internet chat rooms. A chat room is a site where users can talk live to other users. Users are online at the same time
The Massive Impact of Smart Phones 495
Technology has improved a lot in over the last few decades. One of the best and biggest technological advancements is the creation of smart phone. A smart phone is a device which offers more advanced computing and connectivity than regular mobile devices - in other words, it's much more than a phone. It's a piece of equipment, small in size but very powerful. Although smart phones can be used to make and receive phone calls, they have many other features. Smart phones are changing the way people around the world live, work, study, communicate, play, pay and create. The growing technology of the smart phone has an especially huge impact on the younger generations - and it's not all positive. Having access to a smart phone giv
America and Our Spanish Influences 1149
Inside the Wiencek essay "The Spain Among Us" he explains that the Spanish play a much larger role in our history than the British would lead us to believe. As Whitman said "We Americans have yet to really learn our own antecedents, and sort them,to unify them. They will be found ampler than has been supposed, and in widely different sources. Thus far, impress'd by New England writers and schoolmasters, we tacitly abandon ourselves to the notion that out United States have been fashion"d from the British Islands only,and essentially form a second England only-which is a very great mistake."(Wiencek 1) Throughout the essay, he explains that the Spanish are more a part of our legacy - not just known for the many missions they built. They not only founded many American cities but also started much of the American way of life. For example, the American cowboy lingo such as bronco, chaps, and buckaroo are derived from the Spanish language. A large part of what lies at the heart of the Am
Rules of European Citizenship 1839
The relevant legal basis concerning the deportation of a woman seeking asylum falls under the following provisions: Art.3 TFEU (on EU arms), Art.5 TFEU (on the principle of subsidiarity and proportionality), Art.18, Art.19, Art.157 (on prohibition on discrimination on grounds of sex, nationality, ethnicity, religion), Art.48 TFEU (on arrangements on immigrants), Art.67 (the EU shall frame a common policy on asylum, immigration and external border) Art.68 (on strategic guidelines within the area of freedom, security and justice), Art.72 (on temporary derogations regarding the maintains law, order, and internal security), Art.78 (on development a common policy on asylum), Art.79 TFEU (on development of common immigration policy), Art.153 (on protection of workers when contract terminates and legally residing third-country nationals). The relevant secondary legislations are: Geneva Convention of July 28 1951 on the status
A Doll's House: The Awakening of Nora 502
"A Doll's House", the most famous play of Henrik Ibsen, stirred up controversy regarding women, their rights and their place in society. The central plot of "A Doll's House"" is about a woman who lives her entire life accepting her menial role in society and the awakening she went through as she began to discover her true self. The play starts with a stereotypically happy family - a wife (Nora) who loves her husband and kids and a caring husband (Helmer) on his way to big success at work. The character of Helmer is very dominant. He's controlling and rules over Nora, all under the guise of care and protection. An example of this is when Helmer doesn't let his wife eat a macaroon because he's afraid she will harm her teeth. Nora eats them a
New York Institute of Technology (NYIT) 1960
NEW YORK INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY "Your First Choice University" MEDIA PLAN I. Media Objectives II. Media Strategies III. Media Tactics IV. Media Effectiveness I. MEDIA OBJECTIVES 1. Target audience analysis The target audience is composed by primary target and secondary target described as following: Primary Target Girls and Boys, 16-18 years old, living in urban areas, junior and senior high school students, interested in going to college, from northeast region, have flexible transportation, want a variety of academics programs, want an attracting school area, concerned about their education Secondary Target - Men and women, 40-55 years old, living in northeast region of US, fixed job, income medium to high, holding at least college diploma, have children in high school, want to keep their children close to home, highly interested in media news, highly envolved in their children life - Men and women with ages in between 24-38 who do not have a college diploma ye
Four Business Types - Pros and Cons 1434
Pertaining to your requirements of starting into a new venture, we act as in-house consultants for all legal matters in setting up of business, IPR's & other related matters. Four major types of businesses with their advantages & disadvantages are: 1 - Sole Proprietorship: This kind of business is owned by single person, involves lesser cost & time & has very less statutory requirements & owner is personally liable for acts as well profits & suits to very small businesses or shops. 2 - Partnership: Where two or more persons come together invest capital, share debts & profits for common goal. It is usually easy to form, no corporate Income taxes, fewer regulations applicable but have unlimited liability extendable even to personal properties, & have limited in scope & workings & have frequent disputes among partners. 3 - Corporation: Corporation is separate legal entity having rights, duties & privileges of a natural person. They can be sue & be sued their own
Overview of The Shawshank Redemption 493
The Shawshank Redemption is not the typical story of a man who gets convicted of killing his wife and is sent to prison - it's so much more than that. Based on a short story by horror writer Stephen King, The Shawshank Redemption is known collectively by movie enthusiasts and professional critics as one of the best movies ever made. It consistently ranks in the top 100 of most critic's list of the best movies of all time. It's ranked #72 on the prestigious American Film Institute list of 100 Best Movies. The lead character, Andy Dufrense, is a banker who is wrongly accuse of killing his wife. Although all evidence points to Andy, the viewer is aware that he is innocent of the crime. So when Andy is sent to Shawshank pri
George Orwell's Animal Farm 1096
In the allegorical novel "Animal Farm", author George Orwell reminds us how power can corrupt an individual. "Animal Farm" tells us about the rebellion of animals against humans. The rebellion is a great success and pigs, being the most intelligent animals, take control. However, as time goes on, life for the other animals becomes worse while the pigs prosper. Orwell based this book on Russian communism and used Stalin as prototype for Napoleon. He also tries to demonstrate that once a person has complete power, that individual will become corrupt and will do anything in order to maintain it. Orwell wanted this novel to be a warning for future societies. An example of that is seen in the character Napoleon who slaughters any animal who openly opposes him. He also uses different methods of psychological manipulation and physical threats to maintain his hierarchy of leadership. Napoleon attempts to maintain his power by threatening animals physically, even slaughtering them. For insta
Bill Gates and Steve Jobs Comparison 728
The old folktale of the tortoise and the hare has been told often, but can rarely apply to the real world. Conventionally, the richest and most dominating figure wins out against an individual who starts poor and tries to overcome his difficulties. This pattern has been broken on a few occasions in history, but more recently by two dominating figures of the modern era, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. As young men, both Steve and Bill had similar ambitions and the products created by their companies remain indicative of their respective ideals and goals. Bill Gates was the typical technology nerd of the 20th century, expressing ambitions in math and science beyond imaginable at the time. His intelligence came a monetary cost. He came from a wealthy family that sent him to private school and when his high school days were over, Gates was on his way to Harvard. But Gates wasn't happy at Harvard, where his talents were channeled into learning" and not creating." Thus, he dropped out of college and eventually founded Microsoft. For decades, Gates remained the face of Microsoft, being
Growing Up in a Colorful World 639
My world growing up was different than my neighborhood counterparts, not because of being Jewish, while they were Christian, or having two working parents, while most had a stay at home mom, or even because my family had such large age gaps between children, but because I had a chance to glimpse the full color wheel of life; that is the diversity of our planet, that makes it so beautiful to be a part of. My parents and grandparents gave me able opportunities to see the world that I was a part of, visiting museums, Quebec, Hawaii and Mexico and introducing me directly to new cultures, people and ideas through the people they knew. My Rabbi, doing justice to John Dewey's philosophy of education, encouraged active participation, questioning and free thinking about religion, ideas and history, leading the way for me to put this knowledge to use in high school and work. My high school, participated heavily in the foreign exchange student program a
Roman Law and the Rules of Ownership 1899
Ownership is an undefined right in Roman law. It takes its meaning through the claims and actions individuals made for the exercise of the right. Through these claims, several features have been ascribed to ownership including exclusivity and indivisibility. Peter Birks categorized these features either as a part of the concept of ownership or as within the content of ownership. In terms of content, absolute ownership refers to an unrestrained enjoyment of the right as well as an immunity of the right against any restriction. As a concept, ownership could be considered to be absolute if it was exclusive and precluded another person from asserting rights. Additionally, absolute ownership would entail "a unity, or a monopoly, in that it neither had any competitors nor could itself be divided into slices of time". Roman law had a complex system of allowing actions and acquiring ownership. There were actions in rem and in personam. Claims following a right in rem were related to relation
Computer and Internet Hacking 927
We live in a society where obeying the laws is part of our culture. Of course, there will always be people who attempt to break the rules and disrupt society. That's human nature. Crime can happen anywhere and can even invade our homes. In fact, our computers and laptops are prime targets for the criminally minded. These criminals, known as "hackers" have the knowledge to steal or damage information on the internet - information from personal bank accounts to top-secret government files. Computer hackers must have a very good understanding of computers, know the ins and outs of the internet, and possess an ability to indulge in criminal activity. It's certainly a myth that anyone with computer intelligence or wearing a "computer nerd," label is a hacker. But in the movie "Hackers", this stereotype is strongly reinforced. Throughout the film, nearly every person with access to a computer was some sort of hacker; good hackers, bad hackers, and really crazy hackers. In my personal exp
Has British Food Become Trendy? 1292
British food doesn't have the best reputation...greasy, unusual combinations, unattractive. In fact, according to some studies, England may be serving up the worst food in the world. Tourist agency, Visit Britain, asked 26,000 tourists to give their opinion on the foods they ate while visiting Britain. Although the Russians, Irish and Americans weren't impressed with English cuisine, the French, Italian and Spanish were noted to give it a big "thumbs-down". In the food survey, Russian tourists were the most enthusiastic about UK food but those from Germany were reluctant to even try it. Even the components of a typical English breakfast are somewhat surprising: a hot beverage (usually tea), orange juice, toast with butter, jam or marmalade, baked beans, sausages, tomatoes, mushrooms, and sometimes black pudding. Breakfast isn't the only meal suffering from a bad reputation; dinner is frowned upon, too. Many tourists are reluctant to try "jelly" - a sugary, colorful, see-through condime
Lust, Caution by Ang Lee 1202
"Lust, Caution" directed by Ang Lee has been recognized as a sensational film with a high degree of sexuality. However, a solid plot of the film has captivated spectators who was initially allured by a rumor that the film contains numerous sexual scenes. In addition to the solidity, the movie includes an esoteric ideology and a complicated psychology of two protagonists. Therefore, appreciating the movie once may not able us to catch messages that Ang Lee conveys. After watching the film several times, concentrating on the narrative and formal elements that build themes of the film, I could finally recognize some of purposeful messages that Lee hopes to convey. In the sequence (2:21:38~2:25:30), a scene right after Mr. Yee madly runs to his car when Wang Chia-chi tearfully murmurs to Mr. Yee to escape, a professional combination of formal elements, especially mise-en-scene and cinematography, effectively builds two themes in "Lust, Caution" - a destined life of one woman and her sacrif
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