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Big Brother's Role in 1984 1174
George Orwell was a prominent political writer in the post WWII era who opposed the rise of totalitarian states. In the novel "1984", he created a dystopian society where the people are stripped of their humanity and the individual does not exist. The story takes place in a fictional setting---- a country called Oceania, where the ruling Party and its leader, Big Brother, seek absolute power over its people. Big Brother, although never seen in person, is the leader of Oceania. Posters of his image are everywhere. On posters, on the backs of coins, and in the telescreens. His face looms over the citizens with every passing moment. It is unavoidable. Big Brother is a symbol of the party. He can be considered equivalent to the government within the novel, but he is even (better, higher, more powerful) than the government. Big Brother has absolute power over everything; he is immortal, he is love, and he is the one that everyone loves. He plays the role of god within the book. One of the
Nation on Occupational Fraud and Abuse 492
At the beginning of the report, it introduced the basic information about occupational fraud. Base on the report, there are three major types of occupational fraud. They are Corruption, Asset Misappropriation, and Financial Statement Fraud. The report highlights that Asset Misappropriation is the most common type of occupational fraud. Also, in the Abuse Classification System, Financial Statement Fraud is the type of occupational fraud that causes the greatest loss. Next, it states the fact that how the loss caused by fraud distributes in the amount of loss. Based on the studies of 2008, 2010 and 2012, most fraud cases distributes in the two groups of losses. Half of cases happen cause the dollar losses less than $200,000, one-f
Teresa of Avila 1361
The writings of Teresa of Avila are among the most graphically and ecstatically described experiences with the divine I have seen in Christian mysticism. The idea of the transverberation, or piercing, of the heart as described by Teresa of Avila is viewed as one of the most noted and moving stories in Christian mysticism. Her writings on this experience serve as an integral piece in Christian and Catholic history, and are still revered today as one of the most definitive experiences with the divine. Throughout the following body of work, Teresa's experience with the divine will be deeply investigated while drawing close parallels with that of Song of Songs 2:5, as well as a brief analysis of Gian Lorenzo Bernini's sculpture, "The Ecstasy of St. Teresa". " It is said to have occurred around the time of 1560 when Teresa of Avila came into contact with God and the divine. In a graphic description of her experience, she says: "I saw in his hand a long spear of gold, and at the iron's
Concepts of Love in A Thief of Time 935
"A Thief Of Time" is a book about murder mysteries, a missing anthropologist, and pot thieves - all of which cohere with each other. The book begins with Dr. Friedman Bernal (also known as Ellie) searching for a specific Anasazi ruin she had heard of. She soon becomes a missing person due to her non-arrival back to town and this is when the police become involved. Throughout the remainder of the book, murders are committed and Anasazi pots are illegally excavated while officer Leophorn and then, later, officer Chee are on the hunt to find Ellie. In reading the book, I noticed that many characters in this book portray some aspect of love - whether it's a person or an object. I also begin to notice that a lot of these people who love someone or something fall into a category with some other character found in the book. During this paper I will talk about these categories, characters and what they love. First lets start with the difference kinds of love I come across in the book and ex
The Right to Marry 733
A. Imagine living in a world where you are made to believe that you are free. You are made to believe that everyone around you is just like you, that you are all created equal. Now, imagine one day the right to marry the person you love gets taken away. You are torn and devastated and don't understand why others around you can get married and you are not given that same right. This has become a reality for most lesbian and gay couples today. B. As college students, we have become the generation that looks at the bigger picture and can make a difference in other people's lives. C. We have a voice and that voice should speak for all those gay and lesbian couples seeking out their right to marry and legalize gay marriage. D. Today, I'm going to explain the reasons why gay marriage should be legalized and the benefits of making it legal. There are a few reasons why gay marriage should be legalized: A. The first is gay marriage will allow same-sex couples to gain all the same rights and benefits heterosexual couples have. 1. According to domestic.o
Who Killed Kennedy - A Conspiracy Theory 2601
John Fitzgerald Kennedy, thirty-fifth president of the United States of America, was well known and admired for his charm, intelligence and charisma. He was a beloved figure in the public eye. Yet on the 22nd of November, 1963, Kennedy was shot and killed whilst riding in the back seat of an open top limousine motorcade to arrive at the Dallas Business Center. As the motorcade made a turn onto Dealey Plaza, on the corner of Houston and Elm Street, shots were fired, injuring Governor Connally and killing the president. Eighty minutes after the assassination Lee Harvey Oswald, an employee at the Texas School Book Depository, was charged for the assassination of Kennedy yet he himself was shot and killed by local Dallas night club owner Jack Ruby. So why would anyone want to kill him? What could someone have against him that he had to be assassinated in front of so many citizens? These, along with many other questions about the assassination have confused many. After Kennedy's death
Who Killed Kennedy - A Conspiracy Theory 2601
John Fitzgerald Kennedy, thirty-fifth president of the United States of America, was well known and admired for his charm, intelligence and charisma. He was a beloved figure in the public eye. Yet on the 22nd of November, 1963, Kennedy was shot and killed whilst riding in the back seat of an open top limousine motorcade to arrive at the Dallas Business Center. As the motorcade made a turn onto Dealey Plaza, on the corner of Houston and Elm Street, shots were fired, injuring Governor Connally and killing the president. Eighty minutes after the assassination Lee Harvey Oswald, an employee at the Texas School Book Depository, was charged for the assassination of Kennedy yet he himself was shot and killed by local Dallas night club owner Jack Ruby. So why would anyone want to kill him? What could someone have against him that he had to be assassinated in front of so many citizens? These, along with many other questions about the assassination have confused many. After Kennedy's death
Oppsing the Evil Empire - Ronald Regan 1485
On January 28, 1986, there was a tragedy in America - the death of seven talented and professional astronauts. The well-known space shuttle Challenger", which was headed out on it's tenth flight, exploded several seconds after a seemingly successful launch. This shocking and terrifying moment was broadcast live to millions of Americans. In the moment of shock, the President of the United States, Ronald Reagan, addressed the United States citizens with some important, encouraging and inspiring words. American heard Reagan's "The Space Shuttle Challenger Tragedy Address" and the consolidating purpose of the speech was to console and restore the moral of Americans. Without a doubt, it was a significant and powerful speech that eventually encouraged the nation (Hannaford & Hobbs 118). Although it was difficult for families of dead astronauts to believe in emotional words of Reagan at once, they had heard the most important words from President to be satisfied lately: the Challenger Seve
Homosexuals and the Right to Marry 1460
What if you were denied rights that a U.S. citizen is guaranteed in the Constitution? What if you were treated as a second-class citizen because of what you believe to be fair? That is the case that all homosexuals are not only discriminated and treated badly but they are also denied the rights that should lawfully be theirs. Many Americans see no reason why Gays should be granted the right to marry. They base their argument on the bible and quote certain scriptures. The most reiterated bible passage is that "God created a man and a woman " however it is completely taken out of context. When a person states this they are indicting that the union of a man and a woman was intended strictly for the purpose of procreation. God's intention for giving a woman to a man was to give man a companion not a breeding partner. Yet a man and a woman's extremities such as a brother and sister being able to wed or even polygamy. At some point people have said that homosexual couples will lead to the en
Hair and Nail Salon Review 482
The place that I chose to visit is the B. Bella Salon. As I observed the interior, I couldn't help but notice what a vertical and narrow the space it is. The modern design reminded me of a spa. The walls, tile and floors are white, the sleek, orange chairs are aligned in perfect rows and fancy mirrors have been mounted on the walls. A massage chair sits in the front window where it can be seen the moment you enter the salon. For an oriental flare, there is a solar-powered Chinese kitty sitting in the window, waving hello and goodbye as customers enter and leave. Both I visited the salon, I got a different vibe. I decided to visit the hair salon twice on Tuesday the 20th of October. My first visit was at 10:30am
The Cold War and the End of History 3224
When we refer to "Cold War"" it is very difficult to define it, since it is a part of history composed and influenced by many people, events and ideas. Cold war can be the outcome of the relations between the United States and the Soviet Union; for the conflict among these superpowers has had a leading role in international politics. This conflict was unique because it did not end up at some warm war event with many losses; it was certainly more complex than people then could realize. The debate on the origins, deep rooted reasons and results of Cold War is still going on by historians and political theorists and the examination of several different elements of the cold war are still analyzed in our days, but it is natural that we don't have a complete picture on the topic; it is so recent that we cannot have the distance and objectivity needed to provide answers. As a result of this constant debate and blurred view of Cold War, many theories have developed, providing examination and c
The Use of Diffusion in Silicon Semiconductors 966
The Use of Thermal Diffusion in Silicon Semiconductors Introduction Doping of silicon wafers is an essential step in the processing of silicon wafers. Intrinsic (extremely pure) silicon wafers have a very high resistivity, and subsequently are poor conductors. With doping, chemical impurities are introduced to the intrinsic silicon wafers, changing their electrical properties. Silicon can be doped to be either p, or n type silicon. P-type silicon contains holes (the absence of electrons) as charge carriers. The most prevalent p-type dopant is boron. N-type silicon contains electrons as charge carriers. The most prevalent n-type dopant is phosphorus.1 When p-doped and n-doped regions on a silicon wafer are brought together, they form a p-n junction (Figure 1). When the two regions are brought together, a depleted zone forms between them, which is void of charge carriers. This depleted region can be made in such a way so as to form a diode, allowing electricity to flow one direction,
The Case for Social Change 778
In the article "The Case For More Guns" by Jeffrey Goldberg and the essay "The Modest Proposal" by Jonathan Swift both present examples of the need for social change. Rhetorical strategies permeate the pieces and even though the articles are written in different time periods and on different subjects, their goal is the same, to achieve social change. Swift implements irony, logos and ethos to help him persuade his audience to his side which is to show the world that the British landlords are cruel and ruining the lives of the Irish. Goldberg relies upon pathos along with logos and juxtaposition to convince America to add more weapons to the public through concealed weapon permits. When Jonathan Swift wrote "A Modest Proposal" Ireland was ruled by the British who were causing mass poverty and starvation across the nation. It was so horrible that some Irish people resorted to cannibalism. This piece was originally published as anonymous so nobody knew Swift wrote it, causing people to believe it as an actual proposal instead of knowing it was satire. By Swift saying,"... that horrid practice of women murdering their bastard child..." he appeals to
Character Analysis: A Rose for Emily 648
From the short story A Rose for Emily, Miss Emily Grierson was an only daughter and we only see that she grew up with only a father figure, we can only assume that because we did not hear anything about her mother throughout the story. The physical description of Emily and the house she lived in suggests that she was a dark and mysterious person. The narrator which seems to be the whole town not one person started the story with Miss Emily Grierson's death. The pity and curiosity of the town is shown by the narrator "our whole town went to her funeral: the men through a sort of respectful affection for a fallen monument, the women mostly out of curiosity to see the inside of her house"(Faulkner Paragraph 1). Emily Grierson first appeared to be just a depressed woman who was lonely at the beginning of the story. The narrator goes into detail about Emily - greeting her neighbors at the door, denying her father was dead, and continuing to do so for three d
Marketing: Organizational Buying Behaviour 1157
Introduction For successful business to business marketing it is very important to know how the organization's buying behavior is built. Organizational buying activity consists of two major parts; the people who influence the purchasing decisions (buying center), and the decision making process. The buying behavior model suggest that the organization's internal factors, inter-action factors and individual factors, together with the environmental factors are affecting the buying process and people who are making the buying decisions (Kotler & Armstrong 2010) Business to Business - market customers are paying more attention to the environment prevailing economic factors. Economic factors such as customer buying habits, investment and interest rates. Organizations try to avoid any additional costs during the downturn, when the level of demand can be difficult to keep the same. The organization purchases are also affected by technological changes, environmental policy development, and
Teenagers - Today and Yesterday 727
I learned that my parent's teenage life style was extremely different from mine. Technology has taken our world to another level. What used to be fun in the 1950's would most likely seem boring to us now. We are never happy if we do not have a hand held component in our hands. For instance, today children acquire a great amount of technology at their fingertips. They possess video games, computers, iPod's, iPad's, and most importantly, cell phones. All they need to do is push some buttons and whatever they want is there. We no longer need to connect with each other face to face because it's so much "easier" to text. Many years ago, children developed their imagination to play and create things that would occupy their time. Learning how to interact, share and be friendly with each other was a part of learning and developing social skills. Now, we spend most of our time with earphones plugged in, watching T.V, playing video games and texting each other. Besides the obvious difference in technology, children in the 50's did different things to achieve fun and to entert
Grendel and Beowulf 564
'So times were pleasant for the people there until finally one, a fiend out of hell, began to work his evil in the world.'(99-101) The Christian writing of a pagan society places Grendel as a creature of hell, an evil monster born from the sins and banishment of Cain, 'Cain got no good for committing that murder...out of the curse of his exile sprang...evil phantoms'(109-112). He is a symbol of the non-logical, rage filled evil that is the opposing force of God. From this Christian perspective Grendel's purpose is to represent the chaotic and destructive nature of evil which can be defeated only by a man of God. Setting aside the Christian influence and focusing on the pagan society, notice Grendel attacks only the mead hall, the center of the Danish community's civilization and the 'greatest house in the world'(145). This attack o
Italian Architecture During the Renaissanse 1863
The Italian Renaissance is considered to be the most vigorous and exciting time period in the history of Italian architecture. Architecture during the renaissance Italy transformed the countries great cities into centers for learning as well as new ideas. Clergyman, were not the only ones who searched for understanding regarding how the world worked; other brilliant and inventive individuals outside religion were involved. The ever increasing wealth of city-states along with grander schemes of expression of God's glory and coupled with civic pride, led to creation of secular architecture that has no parallel elsewhere in Europe.1 Such cities as Florence and Venice were the centers for harboring brilliant artists and their ideas. While the painters studied geometry and perspective, the sculptors studied anatomy and the world around them. One thing for certain, these individuals were tremendously instrumental in the development of renaissance architecture in Florence and Venice during
Politics and Propaganda 910
Political advertising is often considered a deceitful and scheming idea. Advertisers carefully word everything they include in an advertisement to give off a claim that many viewers do not realize is not really there. These false claims are meant to alter the public's outlook in favor of the advertisement. Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton's advertisements are primary examples of the devious techniques that are exemplified in the works of William Lutz and Donna Woolfolk Cross through the use or weasel words, stroking, and euphemisms. During his first presidential election in 2008 for the Democratic candidate, Barrack Obama launched an advertisement titled Defining Moment. He says he will launch a rescue plan for the middle class and provide a tax cut for ninety-five percent of working Americans and will make low-cost loans available to small businesses. Obama promises to focus on our urgent national priorities by reducing the cost of health care and provide children with the educat
The Effects of Nuclear Power on the Environment 4511
Running head: The Effects of Nuclear Power on Environment The Effects of Nuclear Power on Environment Sripanya, Kritsana Level 110 ELS Language Center Adelphi University Manhattan May, 2011 The Effects of Nuclear Power on Environment Outline I. Introduction II. History of Nuclear Energy A. Discovery of Fission 1. Enrico Fermi 2. Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassman B. Theory of Relativity 1. Albert Einstein III. History of Nuclear Power Plants A. Obninsk APS-1 IV. Environmental Effects of Nuclear Power Plants A. Construction of Nuclear Power Plants B. Water Usage and Release C. Effects on Air D. Waste Disposal Issue 1. Low-Level waste 2. Intermediate-Level Waste 3.
America and Military Strategy 5967
The current tension between Iran and America is one reminiscent of the Cold War: uncertainty, fear, and insecurity has again inspired the question "if Iran attained nuclear weapons, what would we do?" President Barack Obama has stated that if Iran should attain nuclear statehood, military action would be taken. From hindsight this seems like a reasonable response; no one wants a nuclear Iran, especially with the past anti-Israel comments made by Ahmadinejad. Yet, in the end one must realize and ultimately accept that if Iran did obtain nuclear weapons we, as in the world, have no idea what Iran would do. There is no evidence other than rhetoric spewed by a leader who, in the end, had to explain his "Israel wiped off the map"" comment by the request of Ayatollah that Iran would ever attack Israel, especially with nuclear force. There is also no hard evidence that a nuclear Iran would pose actual danger to America's national security. While a nuclear Iran may hinder America's intere
Quentin in The Sound and the Fury 748
In William Faulkner's "The Sound and the Fury"", it is evident that the historical context of this novel was greatly influenced by Mississippi, the area in which Faulkner spent most of life. The novel is set in 1910 and in 1928 during the post civil war pre-civil rights movement. The protagonists of the novel are the Compson's, a landowning family living in Faulkner's fictional county called Yoknapatawpha, which was inspired by northern Mississippi. The story mostly takes place at the family home and in the nearby town of Jefferson as well as Harvard University. Out of all the major characters in the novel, the life of Quentin Compson, the eldest of the Compson children, seemed greatly effected by southern culture and heritage. He's a very complex character and desperately tries to live up his heritage and its codes which ultimately results in a tragedy. At his Southern home, Quentin did not have a good male role model. His father was an alcoholic who did not give the family any warmth or love. His grandfather on the other hand was different. He thought of his grandfather as an honorable and admirable
The Justice System and the Guildford Four 1014
The movie "In the Name of the Father"" by Jim Sheridan tells the story of the Guildford Four from the point of view of Gerry Conlon. The movie takes place in 1974 during an I.R.A. terrorist campaign. At his father's request, Gerry leaves Ireland for London. There, Gerry and his friend Paul Hill, and two other friends, are falsely accused for a bombing that occurred in a pub in Guildford, England. Due to the pressure to bring the perpetrators behind the bombings to justice, Inspector Pavis is forced to push the blame on the most likely suspects without regard to their innocence or guilt. The four friends are arrested, tortured and forced to confess to the Guildford bombing. In this situation the system of justice was completely broken down. The court made a decision to put in prison innocent people with a life sentence. This is fully contradicted system of justice and the meaning of the court and a judge. In the movie "In The Name of the Father " were violated many Cha
Practice Safe Texting 1146
For 80 years now, people have been talking on the phone, and for over 100 years, we have been driving vehicles. However, it was not until recently that individuals have tried to combine both by using a cellular device and driving. The dangers are obvious. I personally went online to research the the cause and effects of driving and texting even though it is obvious what the effects are just by getting into a car and driving on the streets. Linda Doyle, a loving mother and an avid helper for the Central Oklahoma Humane Society, became a statistic in the year 2009. Her life abruptly ended in a car accident by a distracted driver. Linda Doyle's life was cut short, simply because a driver could not put his cell phone down while driving. It shows that 6,000 highway deaths each year involve distracted drivers. While this number tends to sound extreme, knowing 6,000 lives could have been saved if only drivers would have taken seriously the dangers of driving while distracted. While a p
Social Construction of Gender in the Movie Mean Girls 1519
For most children, the kind of person they will eventually become is decided upon once their sex is discovered. After this point, society takes hold of the wheel and steers either towards the path of masculinity for males or femininity for females. The construction of gender by society is so ingrained in how we live that we seldom take a moment to realize all of the cues. The 2004 film "Mean Girls" paints a perfect picture of how it is not one's sex, but the culture with which one is surrounded which will dictate their behavior. According to Judith Lorber, author of the article "The Social Construction of Gender"", gender construction starts with the assignment of a sex category. Beginning at birth, babies are named, dressed and exposed to specific situations which support and build their gender" based upon their sex. Sandra Lee Bartky, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Illinois at Chicago, goes on to explain that individuals are born male or female, however, not mascul
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