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The Expansion of the NFL Generations 1278
The National Football League (NFL) has changed over time during its existence from 1920. The National Football League's experience is even more exciting today then in past generations. The players today are bigger, faster, and stronger then professional players. Although the same general rules still apply in today's game, but new ones are brought up every year to protect players from injuries. Ever since the league started in 1920, the football equipment for players has improved even better over the years. Also today's football culture is even more exciting for players and fans to enjoy. For the players today, it is easier to promote themselves and their teams from the Internet and social media. Since the arrival of the NFL, it has improved over the years and the now fans have made it a way in their daily life. The NFL experience improves every year and it is easier for players to promote themselves because of the Internet. Currently, every player joined the NFL because of the Inte
The American Politics of Gay Marriage 1129
In the Gettysburg Address, Abraham Lincoln spoke about "a government of the people, by the people, for the people". (Dye p. 15) The United States is a country where people from all around the world are able to fulfill their dreams. American Citizens are free to equally live and believe however they please, as long as it does not cause harm to those around them. With such beliefs as these, the marriage between two men or between two women would not seem like such a problem. Gay marriage has been a frequently discussed topic throughout the history of our country. Same sex marriage can be looked at in many ways and can affect people personally, religiously, politically, emotionally, rationally, legally, and even constitutionally. Many people, including the Obama Administration, argue that it is unconstitutional to discriminate against same sex marriage. Now the constitution is put to the test as the Supreme Court decides whether or not California's Proposition 8 and the Defense of Marr
Our Unique Identities 1058
Identity is defined as "condition or character as to who a"". People have different ways of identifying themselves and each person has their own reasoning's for how they see themselves. Some people use their social groups to help define their identity. We see this in adolescents. Their music, social-clubs, and peers define what they do and how they accomplish everyday tasks. If their favorite band/group has recently been on the television claiming that they want to burn all and any black shirts because they think it is offensive to the African-American community, more than likely these juveniles will do the same. They are letting this band/group determine what they will do and how they think. People who live in close knit families also influence each other's thought process and how they will act on things. There are Tio Taco's and Uncle Tom's in our society and more than likely they have children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, etc. whom they influence and make these c
The Australian Identity 1748
The nature of Australian's national identity has been an ongoing debate for many years. It involves how Australians see themselves, and how other countries view Australia as a whole. Throughout the country's history, the national identity has not remained constant, and currently it is a debate to what Australian's true national identity is. As the original country to settle in Australia (excluding Aboriginals), British Culture has a strong influence in Australia. Australia was originally a colony of Britain, and therefore its national identity was very similar to that of an Englishman. Australia adopted the English language, government, religions, and even sports. Further, until the Second World War, the majority of all Australian trade was with the British. It is not hard to see why the British very heavily influenced Australian's national identity in the 19th and early 20th century(3). Australia is still a commonwealth of Britain and has allegiance to the monarchy. Australia reli
Research American Civil War Poetry 3545
One of the greatest misconceptions of all time is the glamorization of war. This realizes as prolonged as history. Why does population think that the war is glorious, and why population thinks that the war cannot be touched by that? Many population, any person who have never supposed war, and we know from stories conveyed simply of heroic deeds and great courage. There are many intents why the war we humans are impractical even in our minds. Perhaps, we do not know what is truly occurring, misled by other account assertions, or we are afraid of war may truly be that we prevent our reality. Many poets have endeavoured to describe the horrors of war through their work. The main intention of this war is war poets and realistic manner, so that they can escape it. It is definite that these poets loathe war, and they endeavour to remove the glamorization of war, which regularly John Ciardi was trying to come to terms with survival, mortality, death and killing through his literary endeavors
Philosophy and Empire in Ancient China 1671
The late Zhou period of, also known as the Age of a Hundred Schools of thought, was a turbulent era in Chinese history. Although these schools all contended against each other, they had the same basic goal. To unify China. The three most influential schools of thought that existed were Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism. Although ultimately it was legalist principles and methods that ended the Period of the Warring states, through the eyes of the Confucian thinkers, Qin Shihuandi's legalist policies may have been a harsh and overtly utilitarian way of unifying China. Confucianism is a school of thought that developed from one mans want for a more "moral way " of ruling. Kong Qiu, as he was named before history posthumously named him Kong Fuzi which was later "Latinized into Confucius, was born into an "aristocratic but impoverished family ". His experience with rituals of his native state of Lu in Northwestern China, led him to embark upon a "14 year period of wandering with his st
Art - Realism, Expressionism and the Abstract 709
Realism is an expression of art in real life and in real time, reproducing images exactly as they appear to the eye down to the smallest detail such as a photograph, whereas abstract is a form of art with a particular twist which demonstrates a distortion of the thing being reproduced based on the artists own perceptions and added flare; which in some cases is not recognizable upon its viewing as identifiable to the object that is being represented. This type of art is meant to grab your attention and pull an emotional response right from within you. Once you see that part of the painting or that specific object it keeps you drawn in, and it keeps your mind thinking, and pondering its meaning. Expressionism on the other hand is art that is more associated with emotion or feeling than with literal interpretation of a subject. Expressionistic art will use vivid colors, distortion, two-dimensional subjects that at times lack perspective. It is created to express the emotions of the artist as well as produce an emotional response of the viewer. In t
Singing in the Rain 911
When I was little, my parents showed me the infamous scene in "Singin' In The Rain" where Gene Kelly, in a moment of genuine happiness, dances and sings on the side of a street in the pouring rain. Although I can't remember what age I was when I first witnessed this classic moment in cinema, I do know that I was young enough to not understand what exactly was happening in the movie, who the person was on screen, or the impact the film would eventually have on me. However, I was aware of one thing and perhaps the thing that matters the most. I was able to recognize that for whatever reason, this moment did not only show the simple joys of life but also was extremely important to the subject that I would later have passion for and devote my studies to. After watching this film in high school and then again in this class, I've decided to analyze this particular scene for no other reason than that I love it so much. I know it's the cliche scene to love and is the most recognizable and f
Human Sexuality 1432
Human sexuality is such a broad subject with many interesting theories. Some people think that human sexuality is just a god-given trait that we are born with. People do not want to further research sexuality because of the controversial issues that society has introduced today. Psychologists, on the other hand, have researched sexuality and have come up with very interesting theories and outcomes. Psychology has been especially helpful in the area of human sexuality, where our understanding lags behind the importance of an area that affects us all. Not only would the human race not survive without heterosexual intercourse, but also, there are many important aspects of human sexuality that are poorly understood. Some subjects that I found interesting and read up on included: sexual intercourse vs. masturbation, masturbation itself, ovulation and the effect on female sexuality, and homosexuality. Sexual intercourse and masturbation might seem like two completely different things. Ho
The Truth Behind Mount Rushmore 1391
Why South Dakota? Why make a massive sculpture of men's faces? Why those men in particular? Who could possibly mastermind such a marvelous work and exactly how could something born of imagination become a real work of art? Above all, for what purpose would anyone choose to undertake this? So many questions go through my mind contemplating the remarkable monument of Mount Rushmore. Mount Rushmore resides in the Black Hills of western South Dakota. In 1868, at Fort Laramie, the United States military signed a treaty with the Sioux tribes acknowledging Sioux ownership of the Black Hills region which ended Red Cloud's War, a series of Indian raids on white gold mining settlements. The Black Hills was home to the Lakota Sioux and it held a special significance to them. Legend says that the mountain was part of a trail that the Lakota leader Black Elk took on his spiritual journey. ( However, the US military seized the range after a series of victorious battles known as th
The Accidental Racists 972
Although race is a social construct and exists in the perceptions people hold of others based on physical characteristics, it is still very real and has profound social implications that effect a minority individual's identity development. After the song "Accidental Racist", written by Brad Paisley and LL Cool J, we see many controversies erupting around the country. We as people believe in certain stereotypes being linked to a certain race. When listening to "Accidental Racist ", many believe it to be a song having to do with racial discrimination because of certain stereotypes people believe. Racism, predominant throughout the world today, affects the way one thinks about others. The problem in society is that a lot of people discriminate against other races in many ways that have nothing to do with the race or person at all. In "Accidental Racist"", we notice many references to objects, and society taking it as it to be discriminating. "When I put on that t-shirt, the only thin
Crossfit Business Plan 2309
What is CrossFit? There is no better time to find out about CrossFit than right now. The CrossFit Games Open is full effect and the whole community is participating in this world wide event. By definition CrossFit(CF) is: constantly varied functional movements performed at relatively high intensity.("What is Crossfit?," n.d., para. 2) CF is also a community where everyone is treated as an athlete regardless of their ability and is this what makes it such a success and a viable business option. In creating a business plan one must be able to demonstrate the feasibility of the idea, ways to raise capital, and set up a plan for the future success of the business endeavor. We will start with the executive summary. Executive Summary RESTLESS GARAGE CROSSFIT is thriving in Pooler, Georgia USA and will expand in the next twelve month. It is a fitness organization that offers several services to include: one on one personal training, weightlifting coaching for woman and men from a begi
Human Rights Violations (FGM) 2656
Article 1 in the Declaration of Human Rights lays down the fundamental most basic platform to begin any discussion of human rights stating: "All persons are created equal. It would be nice to have the naivety to believe in one blanket statement encompassing all of humanity. Of course, as becomes clear every time you read a newspaper or turn on the news, how we view others and how they view us becomes entrenched in ideas of the "other " and who and what they are and where they belong in society. Culture, religion, imperialistic and colonial ideologies provide a lens through which the world is seen. With this in mind, how can one speak of universal human rights? What happens when cultural beliefs will not allow room for UN Declarations etc. etc. to be heard over the voice of long standing traditions. Where can human rights enter the dialogue with the deep-rooted belief systems of a community who subordinate members of their own community and perpetrate human rights violations again
Happiness By Design 2060
It has always been one of the great and prolonging questions: can true happiness be quantified? Is it possible to take emotional elements of a subjective human life and convey them, through an objective lens, to a global audience? For that matter, is happiness even something that can be quantified, or is it a localized phenomenon? Austrian graphic designer Stefan Sagmeister attempts to answer this question through design, a paradoxically unorthodox medium for conveying the impartial. Through graphic design, with unique attention given to Sagmeister's design exhibit The Happy Show, it becomes clear that perhaps true, lasting happiness isn't a relative emotion; it's a science. Stefan Sagmeister began his career as a graphic designer in Hong Kong in 1991, where he joined the Hong Kong Design Group, led by infamous designer and advertising magnate Leo Burnett. After a short stint as a staff designer, Sagmeister moved to New York in 1993 to form his own design firm, Sagmeister, Inc. His c
Medical Law and Ethics 1065
In 1997, the Death and Dignity Act was implemented in the state of Oregon. This piece of legislation enables a competent adult who desires to end their life access to a lethal dose of medication. In order for a person to qualify for assisted suicide under this act, they must be 18 years of age or older, a resident of Oregon, able to verbalize and understand the consequences of their decision, have a prognosis of six months or less to live due to terminal illness, and convince a physician of their desire to end their life. Although the Death with Dignity Act empowers individuals to control the timing of their death, physician assisted suicide still remains a controversial topic on today's society that raises many ethical questions. These questions include: who is the true owner of our lives? Should relieving suffering always be the highest priority or does suffering occur for a reason, or is suicide purely just an individual choice? The purpose of this paper is to describe the benefi
The Choice of Life or the Death Penalty 581
Since the beginning of time, there has always been the problem of the occurrence of crime. When crime occurs, the criminal has to face a punishment for their actions, all punishments differing for the crime that was committed. Although most punishments are agreed upon and not disputed one particular type of punishment has caught the eye of the general public and created a controversy that has been debated since its creation. I believe not only should the death penalty should be used but also it should be used more often against criminals that commit the most horrid of crimes. In a moral stand point the death penalty should be used against any homicide crimes. When a person is killed there is no bringing them back; they are gone forever. While the killer gets to remain alive to breathe, eat, and sleep on this earth. In all fairness why should that criminal
Moral Questions and Homosexuality 693
Homosexuality wasn't officially identified or labeled until the late 19th century by a German psychologist, Karoly Maria Benkert according to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. That is why heterosexuality is a norm in our today's society because it has existed since the beginning of mankind. Although there is no exact evidence of the occurrence of homosexuality, our knowledge is only based on recent research and not enough risen questions about this issue. Some of it is due to the fact that lots of people in society choose not to question things like that in life, because the bible or any kind of religion prohibited such an act. This leads to the thought I had that most religions state certain rules after the occurrence of the act. Corvino and Bradshaw discuss homosexuality with opposing ideas. They both have their own opinion with supporting ideas, however only one of them has a more logical and reasoned explanation. Let's first take Corvino's argument. He had the most difficult job perhaps, because he's opposin
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly 1586
This essay will define the opening in The Diving Bell and The Butterfly as the first three minutes of the opening of the narrative whilst considering how effectively it evokes emotions of discomfort and disorientation. In order to focus my analysis, I will explore how feelings of discomfort and disorientation are created though, compositional balance, camera quality, POV and sound; what is being shot, how it is being shot, where it is being shot from, whilst exploring how it simultaneously creates both a film world. Although the opening credits play soothing music which seemingly relax the viewer, the opening of the narrative instantly disorientates, creating the feeling of discomfort. The theme of uneasiness is continually present throughout the film and it is only with Jean-Do's acceptance of his new situation that the audience is allowed respite from this unease felt at the start of the film. Throughout this opening the audience experiences the room through the visual stimuli of
Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe 715
Pride makes people shift their focus to themselves because they are too caught up with their needs and their wants. Extreme pride is shown in the novel, "Things Fall Apart", by Chinua Achebe, as Okonkwo, the main character, struggles to keep his power while the white men take over his village. It is Okonkwo's tragic flaw, extreme pride, which got in the way and led him to failure. Okonkwo's tragic flaw was extreme pride, which led him to have high expectations, fear of looking weak, and to separate from his family. Okonkwo's extreme pride led him to do many things throughout the book, like having high expectations. The book "Things Fall Apart" says, "The man who had contradicted him had no titles. That was why he had called him a woman. Okonkwo knew how to kill a man's spirit " (Achebe 26). At a kindred meeting, a man had contradicted Okonkwo and since the man had no titles Okonkwo called him a woman. This is a good example of high expectations because Okonkwo thought men with no titles should not be allowed to go to the kindred meetings. In the no
American Icon: McDonald's 607
For the charter round of inductees into the American Pop Culture Icon Museum, the fast food giant, McDonald's, should be considered. Since McDonald's reopened its doors in 1948 with their new simpler menu and quicker service they have shown that they are an American pop culture icon. McDonald's exhibits three qualities that are important in determining the validity of a pop culture icon. They have a positive influence in the community due to their development of the Ronald McDonald House Charities. They are also known throughout the world and appeal to many countries and cultures due to their menu changes for different areas. Not only that but McDonald's represents the fast paced world that we now live in. The reality of becoming a multi-billion dollar company, and the sales from their famous Shamrock Shakes was what enabled McDonald's to start the Ronald McDonald House Charities. Through thei
Abbott Laboratories - AMO Acquisition 675
Abbott Laboratories, based in Chicago, Illinois, is a global pharmaceuticals and health care conglomerate. They were originally known for developing the first ever HIV blood screening test in 1985. Created in 1888 by Dr. Wallace Calvin Abbott, the company has grown to a $35 billion revenue BioPharma powerhouse. One of their go-to growth moves is acquisition. These acquisitions have added to their portfolio such brand names as Ensure, EAS and Similac just to name a few. In 2009, they continued this trend and broke into the vision care market by acquiring Advance Medical Optics Corporation for $1.4 billion on February 26, 2009. According to Abbott's 2009 10-K filed with the SEC, "Abbott acquired AMO to take advantage of increasing demand for vision care technologies due to population growth and demographic shifts and AMO's premier position in its field. " (SEC, 2010, p. 36) 1) As it was 2009, Abbott used the acquisition method of accounting for business combinations. As stated in Note 11 of their
Ralph in Lord of the Flies 1184
After a few continuous moments of weeping, the boys gathered themselves together and began wondering what would happen to them. The silence was deafening. The naval officer drew closer; where the uncivilized boys were standing. They were quiet with not even a whisper coming out of their mouths. The sound of the sand crunching under his two enormous feet sounded like it was right next to our ears. "Sir Ralph, said the officer, "Inform everyone to come abroad. " All of a sudden even before, Ralph could turn around, a huge wave crashed against the beach. On this particular day the tide was higher than usual. As the tide runs out, two small figures lay washed up on the sand. We all stood inquisitively staring of into the distance, from where the bodies washed up. The naval officer began to walk towards the figures. He gradually bent down to study the bodies. He gazed up at the boys, with a blank look on his face. He waved his hand to signal to them to come over. Right in front of them w
William Zinsser on College Pressure 967
William Zinsser who is the master of Branford College at Yale University said "The pressure is almost as heavy on students who just want to graduate and get a job. (Zinsser 399) This sentence shows that many college students are having trouble to achieve their genuine dream. Also, they felt four kinds of pressures such as economic, parental, peer and self-induced pressure. In addition, the author argues that college students prefer to have higher grades than others one because they think it will be really help them achieve a successful life. According to Zinsser, "students in the late 1960's were concerned about 'why is there so much suffering in the world?' or 'How can I make a contribution?' However students in late 1970's were concerned about taking a good grade (Zinsser 398). They believed how one looked on paper is more important than how one looked in person. These sorts of things interrupted what they really want to do. First, students are being forced to make limited decision
West Bank Settlements 976
A settlement is any residential area built across the Green Line, the 1949 cease-fire line between the newly established state of Israel and its Palestinian/Arab neighbors ( These settlements currently exist in East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Golan Heights, which is in Syria. These lands were occupied by Israel during the 1967 Six-Day War. After the Six-Day War, Israel extended Israeli law to East Jerusalem (and later, the Golan Heights), which in practical terms meant annexation. But the rest of the West Bank remained under military occupation, with Palestinian autonomous rule in some areas (Gorenberg 1.) The issue with the settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem is that these settlements are built on the "proposed " Arab State. In the year of 1996, the Israeli government responded to international pressure, by saying they would finally halt settlements in occupied territories. However, when religious settlers began to establish their own colonies, no legal
2012 Congressional Elections: A Post Mortem 3693
The morning of November 7th, 2012, while many political pundits were busy dissecting the factors in the presidential race that led to a smooth re-election for President Barack Obama, a select few discussed the intriguing results of various races for seats in the House of Representatives and the US Senate. American public have always held a special interest in the way congressional races are run and won, but this election season was particularly intriguing due to the high national profile that certain congressional races received. The national media played a major role in the exposure of these elections; the Senate race in Massachusetts was instantly framed as a clash between true liberalism and a senator's ability to "reach across the aisle." In Virginia, the media quickly picked up on a rare campaign for an open US Senate seat between two highly respected former governors. Across the country, in California's sunny San Fernando Valley, a race between two longtime incumbent Democratic
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