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Women in The Great Gatsby 993
Boy has the world come far. Women now have just about as many rights as men and women are financially independent and can be as successful as they would like to be. But this novel, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, tells the story of Nick Carraway who is drawn in by the mystery and enticed by his next door neighbor Jay Gatsby. He is drawn into this social circle and is exposed to the inner workings of the women of the upper class, the complexities and the catastrophes. The women of this time period had only recently achieved the right to vote, men and women were still worlds apart when it came to rights. In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald develops female characters directly and indirectly to explore the facade of the stereotypical women of the 1920's. By delving into what these women say, what they do, and what others say about them. Females say things that make them out to seem stereotypical of the wealthy women of the era. These wealthy women do not have jobs (common o
From Mankind to Humankind: Why Gender Neutral Language Matters 681
I wasn't looking for trouble. What I was looking for, actually, was a little tourist information to help me plan a camping trip to New England. But there it was, on the first page of the 1979 edition of the State of Vermont Digest of Fish and Game Laws and Regulations: a special message of welcome from one Edward F. Kehoe, commissioner of the Vermont Fish and Game Department, to the reader and would-be camper, i.e., me. This person (i.e., me) is called "the sportsman." "We have no sportswomen, sportspersons, sportsboys, or sportsgirls," Commissioner Kehoe hastened to explain, obviously anticipating that some of us sportsfeminists might feel a bit overlooked. "But," he added, "we are pleased to report that we do have many great sportsmen who are women, as well as young people of both sexes. " It's just that the Fish and Game Department is trying to keep things "simple and forthright and attempting to respect a "long-standing tradition." "And anyway, we really ought to be flattered with "sportsman
American Government Agencies Post 9/11 762
According to Timothy Manning, Deputy Administrator for Protection and National Preparedness at the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Since the September 2001 terrorist attacks, significant and measurable strides have taken place to improve preparedness for the hazards faced by all levels of government and all segments of society (DHS, 2012). FEMA is now part of the DHS's Emergency Preparedness and Response Directorate. FEMA is tasked with advising on building codes and flood plain management; teaching people how to get through a disaster; helping equip local and state emergency preparedness teams; coordinating the federal response to a disaster; making disaster assistance available to states, communities, businesses, and individuals; training emergency managers; supporting the nation's fire service; and administering the national flood and crime insurance programs.Listed below are some of the improvements that have taken place post 9/11 (DHS, 2012). In the four years between 2006 and 2010, the proportion of states and urban areas that were confident in the effectiveness of
Global Warming and the Greenhouse Effect 921
These days the problem of global warming is being discussed all over the world. People today see global warming as a both real and dangerous threat. Many idealists painted visual pictures of different scenarios which changed the way the public thinks. Drastic descriptions of high-rising sea levels, scorching heat waves, and wild weather have citizens of this world in fear. Highly respected people continue on repeating how it is very important to take care of our planet. With more and more human intrusions each day, we are putting our precious planet in peril, so some believe. There isn't any type of hard evidence that allows us to predict the severity of global warming due to the amount of greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases are harmful gases that include carbon dioxide, methane, and chlorofluorocarbons. The most common of the three is carbon dioxide, also known as CO2. Carbon dioxide is emitted into the air in a number of ways. It is emitted naturally through the carbon cycle and th
Capital Punishment - The Death Penalty 2732
The 21st century has shown that the death penalty is deeply embedded in the legal and political environment of the American society to the extent that is a definitely difficult for the citizens of this democratic nation to disregard. Our nation executes criminals at a very high rate, one not experienced since the 1950s when recent acts of congress, like recent Supreme Court rulings, have extended the reach of capital punishment and sped up its application. This process has been in the forefront of Anti-terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 which restricted habeas corpus appeals and created several new capital offenses. When the United States executed Timothy McVeigh in the first federal execution since 1963, the American public did not argue against the American media about whether or not McVeigh ought to be put to death; more than 80 percent of the public were in favor of his execution so there was little to discuss (Garland, 2002). There is no right or wrong
The Bill of Rights 723
A document that keeps the government from taking away the rights given to one at birth. It gives all citizens natural rights which leave them to be able to speak, think, or do whatever they want to in a legal fashion. The Bill of Rights was another party for young America as her forefathers helped her grow. By not taking away natural rights, and keeping restrictions to an understandable level, the Bill of Rights caused a stable government to form. First Amendment: Congress can't make any laws establishing a religion, prohibiting its free exercise, abridging the freedom of speech or press, denying people the right to peacefully assemble or to petition the government. Second Amendment: Legally be in possession of a licensed weapon for defense. People have "the right to keep and bear arms, " have guns. Third Amendment: Lodging troops in private homes. Soldiers can't take up residence in citizen's homes without their consent. Forth Amendment: People have the right to privacy "personally and in their homes, and are protected against unreasonable searches and
Mammoth Cave National Park 850
While looking into all the National Parks the United States has to offer, I found that the majority of the parks were either historic or a monument parks (historic battle grounds, national monuments, city parks that protect birds and small rivers, etc.) I wasn't interested in any of those, so I kept on researching until I finally came across one National Park that got my interest - Mammoth Cave National Park in South Central Kentucky. One of the most interesting facts and features about the Mammoth Cave would be the ecosystem (Mammoth Cave National, 2012). It is known to be all interconnected it is now closely monitored in order to maintain its balance as much as it can be so that people can enjoy it years from now. The most important feature is of course the minerals it holds as well as the many miles of cave that is under the Green River Valley (Mammoth Cave National, 2012). Out of all these reasons why the park is a site to see, it is apparent that the park was initially c
Book Review - On Every Front 1127
How and why did the Cold War happen? How and why did it end? These are questions asked by many Americans. It is a spectacle that the advancements were made for two countries in opposition for each other in order to contain global dominance and progression. All in the wake of World War II ending. These two countries were the only two that were involved in the war that actually came out not completely devastated, thus the race for dominance began. In Thomas G. Paterson's book, "On Every Front: The Making and Unmaking of the Cold War", he outlines these questions in a marvelous literary work that shows much research to back his work. He begins the novel by showing how Americans had a sense of pride in coming out on top during the war while not nearly as many Americans died as in other countries. This sense of pride, as Paterson notes, is based simply on luck and good fortune and even makes it seem as if they thought that they were better than everyone else because of it. Americans f
The Pressures of Being a Man 1626
What does it mean to be a man? What does the word masculinity even mean? The definition of masculinity simply means to have the characteristics of a man by having qualities of strength and boldness. In today's society, young boys as young as the ages of three years old are already being pressured to fit the masculine profile. There are so many stereotypes out there that if you are seen doing the wrong thing, you may be labeled as being "gay ". What's wrong with society today is that people are being judged by not fitting the proper profile of a man and woman. If a high school boy would rather be in a school play rather than play football, he may live in fear of being called "gay" "or a "faggot ". These stereotypical names can be so harsh that these young boys may to be too afraid to reveal who they truly are. Kids can be cruel, but the peer pressures do not just happen at school, it happens in the privacy of your own home as well. At a young age, kids fathers are constantly pressuri
Chivalry in Gawain 1349
When most people think of chivalry in this day and age, they think of the saying, "Chivalry is dead. That saying is usually used when bitter women are referring to their past relationships. In the middle ages, however, chivalry was something bigger than just how one treated their suitors. Back then, chivalry was used in referral to the chivalric code. The chivalric code was a lifestyle for medieval knights. In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Gawain portrays many of the things that make a chivalrous knight, but not all of them. "Some expectations of chivalry are: you always fight for your king; you at all times are to protect your king, and serve him through good and bad " (Chivalry In The Middle Ages). In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight the first thing the reader sees Gawain do is stand up for his King. When the Green Knight comes in to the court's Christmas dinner, he begins to poke fun at the knights, and then asks if any of them want to play a game with him. The game is not a
Warfare in the Vietnam War 2488
Vietnam War was reflected in how well they combined guerrilla and conventional operations to achieve their strategic goal of unifying Vietnam under communist rule. Throughout the conflict, the Viet Cong (VC) were employed to conduct guerrilla operations while North Vietnamese Army (NVA) and VC "main force" units were used to transition to conventional operations. Guerrilla operations enabled Hanoi to inflict a steady flow of casualties on US forces which increased anti-war sentiment in America. NVA and VC main force conventional operations reinforced the US Army's conventional approach to the fight which caused the Americans to alienate the people of South Vietnam. By alienating the South Vietnamese people, the Americans enhanced the VC's ability to conduct guerrilla operations and control rural population centers which weakened the credibility of the Government of South Vietnam (GVN). The combined effects of guerrilla and conventional operations supported the North Vietnamese strategy
International Econmics 1030
International Economics, Part 1 Explain the concept of comparative advantage and the principle theories of why trade occurs. First it is crucial to understand the concept of comparative advantage which is "The person or country that produces a good with a smaller quantity of inputs, or that produces more output per unit of input, is said to have an absolute advantage in producing that good ". To illustrate the concept of comparative advantage requires at least two goods and at least two places where each good could be produced with scarce resources in each place. The example drawn here is from Ehrenberg and Smith (1997), page 136. Suppose the two goods are food and clothing, and that "the price of food within the United States is 0.50 units of clothing and the price of clothing is 2 units of food. [Suppose also that] the price of food in China is 1.67 units of clothing and the price of clothing is 0.60 units of food." Then we can say that "the United States has a comparati
A Life of Gaining Knowledge 573
People are learning and gaining knowledge throughout their entire life, from the very beginning " until the end. From the first day in this world, human being is exposed to different stimuli, objects, other people and even inner experience which included people's thoughts, feelings and sensations. Inner experience is how they feel about something. These experience is shaped by people's existence. Some people prefer learning from books, whereas other maintain that first-hand experience provides a better learning experience. What's more, books cannot fully replace worldliness but can increase, simplify and speed up the process of gaining knowledge. Certainly, first-hand experience is useful to learn about different field of the life, but can be also less efficient or not available everywhere. Whereas books are comparatively cheap, easy a
The Iliad in the Light of Politics 5703
There are many scholars who reject the idea of embracing the world described in the Iliad as political. Through a narrow reading of the Iliad, a few scholars may conclude that it has no direct inference to or ideal of the classical polis defined in the light of Aristotle's teaching. However, every activity that is performed either by individuals or groups can be classified as a political activity. Epic poetry like the Iliad is uniquely capable of illuminating the society that produces it and such thought can be applied in the field of politics rather than just confined to the society. First, the paper will give a basic explanation of characteristics that qualify the world in the Iliad as politics. Second, mainly Agamemnon's authority over people and such authority being challenged will be evaluated in the light of politics with many sub-activities among heroes: the political aspects of authority, relations among "demos ", divine intervention, elite relations, and political ethics. Last
History of the Nissan Maxima 1284
Nissan Maxima's have been around for centuries; they are manufactured in Japan and are popular worldwide. There are many different model/shape of the Nissan Maxima's and are categorized by the year and the generation for example they range from the fourth generation all the way up to the eighth generation. Since then each car has been developed tremendously. Such as safety features, security system, anti- theft and crash safety. Nissan has an overall good review throughout the years on its development and its success. The development staff at Nissan has strove for years to make it where they are today and because of that they have mad incredible vehicles that are driven daily and all over the world. Not only are they safe vehicles to drive, but they are also affordable to the lower and middle class society. The automaker got its start in 1933 as the Jidosha Seico Corporation the following year, this outfit merged with another Japanese manufacturer, and the new company was christ
Western Victories in a Changing World 1144
The end of the Twentieth century, wars impacted the world and made it much of the way it is today. These wars shaped many new countries out of existing ones and brought to light the world's superpowers. The west was victorious in this time because of it's growing strength, allies, and power of negotiation through treaties. Population growth in the Western world proved to be a large reason in why they gained so much attention from the world. People from all over the world were trying to move to America because the culture was becoming so popular. They began to share ideas much like the Enlightenment did and made an impact on how the civilization progressed. They created international organizations like the Red Cross at the Geneva Convention, The Telegraphic Union, and the Postal Union to help unite the world, making thought more international. World War I proved the division in Europe by the two rival alliance systems. At this time most of the land of the world had already been cla
The Hamas of Palestine 2935
Hamas is a very controversial group of Palestinians originally grown from the Muslim Brotherhood in the 1960's. Their peaceful and nonviolent beginnings are now a far cry from their beliefs and actions. Following the 6 Day War in Israel in 1967, Hamas has participated in efforts to try and reclaim ground that Israel claimed after the conflict. They were officially formed as the political branch of the Muslim Brotherhood in 1987, and published their own charter in 1988. Their actions would become more violent and anti-Israel as the decades passed. In this report, we will discuss their origin, background, and specific influence that they have on America & American policy. Hamas: Impacting America Hamas, like many other recognized terrorist organizations, had it start with peaceful intentions back in the late 1960's. The acronym Hamas stands for Harakat al-Muquwamat al-Islamiyyah, which means "Islamic Resistance Movement. They were originally part of the Muslim Brotherhood which was fou
Whole Foods Market Case Questions 812
1. What are the chief elements of the strategy that Whole Foods Market is pursuing? Is Whole Foods' strategy well matched to market conditions in the food retailing industry? The chief element of the strategy that whole food is pursuing is providing the finest quality of products in the market that is free from preservative and other genetically engineered products that reduce the quality of being organic. They promote the vision of the whole food, whole people, and the whole planet. Whole food market is focus to extend their market to get dominant position in both the local and the international market through increase the amount of stores itself and acquisition. For high demand from customer and higher profit margin than normal food, Whole food's expansion and quality control market strategy was well matched to recent developments and conditions in natural and organic goods segment of food retailing industry. 2. Do Whole Foods Market's core values as presented in case Exhibi
Online Social Sites and the Erosion of Privacy 3284
A social networking site (SNS) is a website where people create a profile and become a user to interact with other users. Some of the features of SNS include sending and receiving instant messages, scraps, photos and videos. Most SNS's have a common feature of creating user groups and being a member of a particular user group. Examples of the most illustrious SNS's include Facebook, Orkut, and LinkedIn. These websites give people the power to share their ideas and interests and make the users more open and connected. Users often complain of privacy issues related to SNS as these sites run their business at the cost of the user's personal information. The characteristics of SNS which put the users at risk are lack of notice to users about changes in the privacy policy, sale of personal user information to advertisers and no option to delete an account. The online social networks have a common practice of not informing its users about the changes to the company's privacy policy. Any we
Religion of Islam 1122
Islam means submission and peace, and Muslim means a person who submits. Once a person submits to Allah (God), they are able to live a peaceful life in this lifetime and beyond. Islam belief compares to Christianity and Judaism in similar aspects. All three believe in a one Omnipotent God, who created man and woman to equally serve Him. They all believe that God gave humans power over the earth and its creatures as part of their responsibility. Muslims believe that Allah has spoken to many prophets but the main revelations come from a man named Muhammad. As God was speaking to Muhammad; these words were recording and recited in the holy Qur'an. The Qur'an teaches the faithful how to live an ethical lifestyle. The problem according to the Islam faith is that humans reject Allah's guidance. Allah knows who will and will not accept his will, but he wants them to submit on their own. Muslims believe that humans are tested in life, and in these tests are chances to submit to him. Those
Social Nnorms and Sociology 485
According to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, "the customary rules that govern behavior in groups and societies, have been extensively studied in the social sciences are known as social norms. These social norms are often times seen as a type of grammar in a society. Without laws being implemented, social behavior within a society can often be just as powerful as law. Not too many people want to belong in a society as an outcast, so they will do whatever is necessary to become sociably accepted. Conformity is often necessary to stay alive and function within a society. The function of a social norm is to coordinate people's expectations in interactions that cause all influences to be canceled. Norms have a
My Statement of Faith 558
I believe in the only True and Almighty Living God. This is the God of the Hebrew Bible. He is the creator of everything that exists. The Holy One created the Heavens and the Earth by speaking them into existence; He made everything out of nothing. The Absolute is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscience. The Divine One is creator, sustainer, and redeemer; the Ancient Of Days has no beginning and has no end. God is the absolute one who is self- sustaining and self-sufficient. There is only one God made up of the three persons of the Trinity, consisting of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I believe in the sovereignty of God over the universe; The Lord is the Lord of all. God is Spirit, and God is love. The Pre-existing One is the ultimate and perfect being, void of all imperfections, and error. God is the only giver of life, a
Generation Now 2928
Human population is on a rapid growth. As human population continues to grow so quickly, the environments natural resources are going to be at a high risk of depletion. Therefore, the ecological sustainability is in question. We as humans are not taking this matter seriously. Do we really think there is just an endless supply of natural resources that we can just keep reproducing so rapidly without consequences? Absolutely not! We will be discussing how human population is becoming an environmental problem, current solutions in place to mainstream human population and finally introducing "Generation Now"," an action plan to help correct and maintain population within the United States. First, let's examine human population and where it currently stands. The world has over 6,876,263,962 people inhabiting earth. China has a whopping population of 1,333,998,340, India has 1,182,688,293, and the United States has merely 312,013,685. These numbers are as of February 2, 2011, according t
One Decision Can Change Your Life 605
Embrace yourself for the fast pace nonstop roller coaster ride of life. It is filled with twists, turns, highs and lows that spin us through the galaxy at speeds of 1,070 miles per hour. We often look ahead to prepare for the next hurdle and decide where to build our track, but at these speeds this is no easy task. Not only do our lives travel at high speeds that require quick decisions, our lives our surrounded by a magnitude of senses that we need to define and interpret. Although life is constantly in motion, one decision can change our trajectory and causes us to interpret and define the world around us in a different perspective. All it takes is one decision to change your entire life. Just one decision can be the difference between being a doctor or a janitor. Everyone in society has that one decision that creates their future, whether it's the decision to get married or even a simple d
Youth Offenders and Rehabilitation 1926
While the main purpose of the adult criminal justice system is to punish the criminal according to the level of his or crime, the aim of the juvenile justice system is to apply rehabilitation or mentoring to juvenile offenders in order to prevent further crimes and to change their delinquent behavior. The core motivating principle of the juvenile system is rehabilitation. This is because juveniles are not fully mentally or physically developed; they cannot be accountable for their actions in the same way as adults. Additionally, many juvenile offenders come from broken homes or bad neighborhoods and many have been abused. They need a second chance because many have not received even a first chance. Additionally, rehabilitation is by far the best option for them because of the way they would almost certainly be exploited and turned into hardened criminals if sent to prison. This paper will provide further background to the issue of rehabilitating juvenile offenders, and strongly argue
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