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Single and Dual Parent Homes 775
Many kids are raised in a single family home where there is an absent parent be it the mother or the father. Some live and grow their whole childhood being raised by only one parent. It appears that single family homes are becoming more and more known. Some kids are still blessed to grow up with both parents in the home yet it is becoming rare in this 20th century. In 2010, according to the U.S.Census there were 11.7 million single parents living with their children (Census). Many single parents raise well-mannered children. Some raise children that stay out of trouble and grow up to be successful adults. On the contrary, some seem to think that disciplinary problems, anger issues, and depressions are side effects of children raised by a single parent. Some also seem to think that a child being raised in a single parent household will learns differently and is less likely to succeed. Any parent or parents can raise a well-mannered, intelligent hard working, successful child. (Ricciuti 196) Just because a child is raised in a single parent environment doesn't mean that that child will be a troublemaker or grow up to be unsuccessful. A lot kids
Road to the Civil War 804
The Compromise of 1850 led a series of events set out to prevent war. It seem the United States is always at war. This compromise of consisted of negotiations including issues on: slavery, land, and money. Also there were events that helped lead to war such as the Kansas-Nebraska Act. Tensions between the north and the south. The Compromise of 1850 contained many different ideas; California was admitted to the Union as the 16th free state as one of the first proposes. In exchange, the south was guaranteed that no federal restrictions on slavery would be placed on Utah or New Mexico. Texas lost its boundary claims in New Mexico, and was compensated with $10 million, many of these ideas helping to prevent to war. The attempted Compromise of 1850 was an unsuccessful effort to prevent a civil war. The Kansas-Nebraska Act was a reopened debate over slavery proposed by Stephen Douglass. His intention was to build a railroad that would pass through Chicago. To do this he needed to orga
Tintern Abbey and Landscape 816
What is more awe-inspiring, nature or man? During the romantic era from the late eighteenth century to the mid-nineteenth century the answer would have been nature. Romanticists stressed that instead of being in awe over what man has done, we should be in awe over what nature has done and undone. Nature is gentle yet harsh with man-made things, breaking them down while adding to their beauty, something clearly shown in "Tintern Abbey" and "Landscape". Both paintings are classic examples of artwork from the romantic period, getting the viewer to feel awed at the grace and beauty of the paintings while the underlying theme of nature being a greater force than man is still present. A beauty created by man's hand for God's worship lays broken and weathered on the cool ground, weeds and ivy slowly splitting it into even more pieces. Yet hope still resonates in this old sanctuary, people still coming to visit and marvel at its wonders. Light bounces off every piece of this aged abbey, cha
The Election: Obama and Romney 2825
In this election of 2012, America can expect fairly close votes between president Obama and Mitt Romney. President Obama's aiming mostly towards Electoral College victory in big states while Romney has slight less advantage over the national popular vote among smaller states. The biggest cognitive dissonance of this election is when candidates change up their plans and sway their beliefs which can create confusion. Again, both candidates have different views of making choices for America, therefore we as citizens should support what we belief in as well. Whichever parties we are on, all votes count, because all elections determine the outcome of our future; especially with our generation. People have similar perception of what the economy should be, but at the same time both candidates' present different ways it should be done. President Obama developed changes within these challenging 4 years in the office involving major issues such as Medicare, government spending, military spending
Illegal Immigrants and the Importance of Documentation 2563
Ever since it's founding in 1776, and even before then, the United States has attracted immigrants from around the world. For well over two centuries, people have flocked under this nation's protective wings as opportunities, sojourners, missionaries, refuges, and even illegal aliens. With the Statue of Liberty greeting Europeans entering Ellis Island, and The Golden Bridge greeting Chinese and other Asians into San Francisco, the United States (US) has long since been a refuge of the world, with opportunities abound and freedom for all. Over time, millions around the world have found emigrating to the U.S. as the only alternative to starvation, death, or a life full of hardship and suffering. With thousands from nations spanning the globe, Americans has become a mosaic of people, culture, and hope. Illegal immigration is a big issue in the United States today. There are so many issues to address about them. Because they are undocumented we do not know how many are actually even he
The Kings Voice - Martin Luther King Jr. 840
There are three words that could not have better captured the focus of Martin Luther King Jr. as he pleaded for freedom and equality from the confines of his Birmingham jail cell: love, faith, and brotherhood. It would be difficult to blame King had he grown angry, or shown signs of frustration with a decades-long struggle hitting obstacle after obstacle. He did not; instead, citing his Christian morals and a brotherhood, he said he shared with all who valued freedom. The reverend delivered perhaps the ultimate effort in reaching for common ground, supported by historical trends and the words of some of history's great intellectuals. Martin Luther King uses rhetorical devices to critical clergyman, arguing that his actions were not "unwise and untimely " (King). Through techniques such as tone, allusions, and metaphors, King politely provides a rational explanation as to why direct action must be taken immediately. King uses a polite tone by answering their statement in "patien
Justification for Torture 1146
Torture is a scenario that dates back to the old government ages. Is government torture ever justified? This answer is can be answered by this quote,"Torturing the terrorist is unconstitutional? Probably. But millions of lives surely outweigh constitutionality "(Levin 1). Who would not save the lives of fellow citizens If the only option to solve the issue was torturing an individual for his crimes? Many people would see the situation as a sacrifice for the better of the people. The lives of Americans should be the most important priority of a nation. Torture is justified as long it is for the safety of the people and not for the mere cause of violence. Torture is the considered to be a harmful mentally and physically to anyone. It is a very well known method in the time of war. There have been many cases where it used on children and women. The course of torture can range from physical abuse to sexual abuse. Those are without a doubt an international crime. Using torture on innoce
Symptoms and Cures for Breast Cancer 742
Breast Cancer is a horrible cancer that I wish never existed. Breast cancer is the leading cause of death among women. However, with all-of -these walk/ run for the cure hopefully soon with all of the research they will be able to find a cure to this deadly disease. According to the American Cancer Society, breast cancer is a malignant tumor that starts in the cells of the breast (American Cancer Society). Unfortunately, there is no real "cause " of breast cancer. As you get older and if you have a family history of breast cancer, then obviously you are at a high risk of developing breast cancer. According to WebMD, women who are over 50 are at a higher risk of getting breast cancer than younger women, and African Americans are at higher risk than white females before menopause (WebMD). There are two genes that have been identified that are responsible for some instances of familial breast cancer. The two genes are BRCA 1 and BRCA 2. (American Cancer Society). However, breast cancer could possibly be avoided if you go at the recommended age of 40 and start getting some testing done. There a
Argument on the Legalization of Marijuana 1590
Marijuana is a well known drug that a lot of people have used either by smoking, or remedial way. There are many names use for it, such as weed, mary-jane and grass. Marijuana is one of the most debate and controversial issue; it has been an extensive debate with a valid argument in the United State today. Arguments for legalizing marijuana are not just an easy pros and cons argument in both national and local media. There have been growth rates of marijuana use among adults and youth in the United States, and this have made the headlines. There are different approaches and opinion to each arguments. There are three main arguments, the medicinal use, recreational, and the government enforcement. However, there are many positive points to support the motion, people believe that it has medical benefits and which should make it legal. According to Dr Miron state "people use drugs because they think drug will give them some benefits"(Norml). While some people think that it is ille
Oliver Wendell Holmes: The Path of the Law 1056
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. has been given many different titles ranging from nihilist to utilitarian. Holmes is a unique individual, given the fact that not many people can accurately label him. The problem with labeling Holmes is that he does not fit under just one group. Holmes has a different outlook on the law and should be called a libertarian, positivist, and pragmatist. In my essay I will define the different labels given to Holmes and show why he would properly fit in each category, with the use of different primary and secondary sources. The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy defines a libertarian as a person who is "committed to the belief that individuals, and not states or groups of any other kind, are both ontologically and normatively primary; that individuals have rights against certain kinds of forcible interference on the part of others." (IEP) Libertarians believe that the government's involvement with the public should be minimal. The government should not b
The Benefits and Problems with Credit Cards 1754
What is a credit card? What the purpose of having a credit card? Why were credit cards developed? And what are the benefits and problems behind them? A credit card is part of a system of payments named after the small plastic card issued to users of the system. It is a card entitling its holder to buy goods and services based on the holder's promise to pay for these goods and services. The issuer of the card grants a line of credit to the user from which the user can borrow money for payment to a merchant or as a cash advance to the user. A credit card is different from a charge card, where a charge card requires the balance to be paid in full each month. In contrast, credit cards allow the consumers to 'revolve' their balance, at the cost of having interest charged. (Wikipedia) A credit card is form of electronic money borrowing used by consumer's everyday in the United States and Europe. The credit card system was developed because "governments wanted to establish payment sys
Robber Barons of the Gilded Age 1079
The Gilded Age was a time of economic struggles for the United States and also a difficult time for each and every person living in this era. The term Gilded Age was coined by famous author Mark Twain, with the view of the country booming and the men portrayed like John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie and cruel and ruthless businessmen that they were that who would stop at nothing to achieve great wealth. An analysis of the gilded age reveals that the Robber Barons took advantage of the growing economy to rapidly increase their wealth without any consideration to their workers and the long hours and low wages they worked. These "robber barons" were accused of taken advantage of workers and forcing horrible working conditions and unfair labor practices upon the worker. During the gilded age the development of extensive businesses concentrated great authority in the hands of booming financiers. "Their ability to hire and fire employees, to make or break the fortunes of many, and to sh
Integrating the Philosophy of Socrates into the Engineering Curriculum 1150
The engineering curriculum in higher education can enrich students' learning through implementation of Socrates' education philosophy in methods of teaching. Academic institutions in America have a difficult task, being primarily responsible for the education of the population. Higher education institutions play the largest role in developing individuals and helping them find their roles within society. It is then necessary to look into how the best institutions in the country are educating and developing the minds of the next generation of leaders. In particular, a great focus should be placed in the rising responsibility of STEM (Science Engineering Technology and Mathematics) graduates and their education due to the growing demand of STEM professionals in this era. Engineering curriculum's, for the majority, follow specific criteria to define what is necessary and important for an engineering student to learn. This criteria is set by ABET, the Accreditation Board for Engineeri
Sway of the Literary Pendulum - Romantic and Victorian Era's 889
The Victorian Age was a time when literary ideals shifted from the admiration and infatuation with nature to the safe stricken world of moralistic ideals and family values. People had grown tiresome of the Romantic rebellion writers and artists of the late eighteenth century and craved stability and comfort. The striking difference between novelists of the romantic era compared to the Victorian Era is the unexpectedness and mysterious aspect the romantics held. Victorian writers, known for their grace and continuity when conducting literary works, play it on the safer side. This type of approach appeals to most audiences and keeps the readers feeling comforted and at ease. One of the most highly regarded novels of the Victorian Age, "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens, is a prime example of storytelling that emphasizes the lessons that should be learned in life around a time when all people are expected to practice humility, charity, and love; Christmas. "Merry Christma
Review of the Democratic Peace Theory 3039
The theory of democratic peace stands on the idea that countries with democratic governments are less inclined to have conflicts with other countries that lead to war. On the surface level this already appears to be quite shaky ground to stand on. Many countries have displayed actions that go against this stance and the very basis of why the theory should work is never really the case. On the other hand, many researchers have gathered information to support the theory and some of their findings have proven interesting. Analyzing countries with authoritarian, totalitarian, and democratic regimes, respectively, will show that a countries inclination to be involved in conflicts leading to war does not seem to be dependent on their political system at all and furthermore has even less to do with the peaceful wishes of the general population being respected by the nation's leaders. Before the theory can be proven or disproven, it must first be explained. The democratic peace theory simpl
Europe's Relation with the Country Turkey 1223
Identification with the particular meaning of the European continent has always been linked to the continent's history, geography and culture. However, through the process of European integration the meanings of a European identity have been reshaped and therefore become increasingly complex. Difficulty of defining the borders of Europe has led to the emergence of the European Union membership as the most concrete indicator of Europeanness. The enlargement process of the EU have determined the boundaries of what is Europe and what is not and Turkey's accession to the EU has become the most important and visible line of demarcation in that aspect. The main obstacle to Turkey's membership in the EU was not the reason that European officials formally cite - problems related to democracy, economics and human rights - but rather lies in the Turkey's identity, its cultural differences and divergent social norms. The declaration of representative of Christian Democratic Party from Six countri
Analysis of Government Power in The Hunger Games 2283
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins is a thought-provoking, action packed novel which, through its depictions of the fictional nation of Panem, portrays the potentially bleak future of America as a dystopian society dominated by class struggles. Panem is illustrated as a nation in which people are trapped within one of twelve districts,. While some districts struggle to find enough food on a daily basis, others are well fed and focus their attention on pleasing The Capitol. The slightest attempt at rebellion over these conditions is quickly squelched by the tight control of the "Peacekeepers." The hatred of The Capitol caused by these policies is redirected at the other districts in an annual ritual called The Hunger Games. Thus, through the economic control of Panem's citizens, the restrictions placed on their personal freedoms, and the forced class-warfare between the twelve districts, Collins has chosen to warn against the increasing size of modern American government. Economic Co
The Museum of the Moving Image 830
The Museum of the Moving Image is the country's only museum dedicated to the art, history, technique, and technology of the moving image in all its forms. It is one-of-a-kind destination for audiences of all ages and interests, from connoisseurs of classic cinema to children and families to avid gamer's. The Museum is located the state of New York in Astoria Queens and has a collection of approximately 130,000 artifacts relating to the art, history and technology of the moving image. The collection is the largest and most extensive in the United States, and is considered one of the most important collections of its kind in the world. Soon as one steps into the building the whiteness of the interior decor makes us wonder what is behind the walls. The museum embracing a wide range of subjects, including artifacts from all stages of film creation from nineteenth century optical toys to the latest in digital art and explores every phase of the production, promotion, and exhibition of
Internet Piracy and Its Economic Effects 1269
America has been faced with a variant amount of problems throughout the U.S History The ongoing dispute over illegal Internet-based file sharing between the entertainment and software industries and the vast, online pirating community has been one of the most debated upon topics that has gripped public attention for the past decade. What was once a single public website created by a college dropout has become an empire of trafficking communities, used by hundreds of millions of people, that robs billions in revenue each year. Although these rogue websites claim to strictly serve only as hosts for illegal file sharing, the United States government must take action to eliminate Internet piracy and protect copyright by implementing digital encryption technologies and strict laws that prohibit tampering these encryptions. The trafficking of copyrighted goods must be put to an end because it promotes illegal transactions of an owner's intellectual property, causing sales in the entertainme
Themes of Life in Frankenstein by Mary Shelley 1121
In the inciting book, "Frankenstein ", written by Mary Shelley, there are several different themes that are found in the story. How a simple man with an urging curiosity to bring life into the world with his own hands, and the serious consequences that were faced in the aftermath. Through the eyes of Victor Frankenstein's creation, the monster, we see the importance of human needs; however, through Frankenstein himself, we see how one without morals, can push curiosity to a new level by facing extreme consequences. There are some people in this world that are OK with how much they have achieved with just the way they are, however there are those special ones who are always curious on how much they can achieve if they push themselves hard enough. One of the biggest examples, is Pandora, who opened the box that she was told not to. Which comes from the saying, "curiosity killed Pandora. However, that is only curiosity, there are those special ones that have curiosity that leads to bec
Greece's Economic Crisis 614
An increasing amount of turmoil and stress has set in over Greece which has had a significant impact on not only the citizens of the nation, but also at a much larger level on a global scale. Over the past 30 years Greece has slowly followed in the tracks of other countries that have faced similar economic collapses. There are many economic, financial, political, and social issues that are similar to those of Argentina, which defaulted in 2001. With the current administration of Greece having borrowed far too much after joining the Euro in 2001, the New Democracy and PASOK (Pan Hellenic Socialist Movement) also failed to make necessary reforms after the global crisis in 2008. Initial denial by the government about the amount of money borrowed, followed by commitments that could not be met resulted in the downfall of Greece's international standing, which is when the
Making Life Choices 597
Choices. In life, every single day we are confronted with the idea that we must make a choice. Whether the choice is what we are eating, what we are wearing and other silly things like that. Although these choices may seem like a big deal at the time, in the big picture of life they are minuscule. Throughout my adolescence I was constantly making choices that I thought were a big deal, but it wasn't until my senior year of high school that I was faced with one of the biggest choices of my life; where I would attend college. During high school I had this fantasy about college, I wanted to go to a big school, with a big football team. I wanted challenging academic classes and most importantly an incredible psychology program where I would be able to not only have the most amazing four years of my life, but a great education and going into the field that I love. So when getting accep
The Real Story of Frankenstein 731
Many people do not understand the real story of Frankenstein. The actual story of Frankenstein has been portrayed in the form a novel, as well as a film. Both give an interesting version of the story. The film portrays the story in a way that keeps its viewers on the edge of their seats. The novel however, tells the story with greater details. The two versions of Frankenstein vary in many aspects, but the novel focuses more on the theme of what responsibility do we bear for our actions more than does the movie. The first difference is the amount of detail the book provides versus the details provided in the film. The novel of Frankenstein gives a very descriptive account of everything that happened in the story. For instance the novel gave a thorough account of how the monster lived from the beginning of his live and so on. The novel explains why the monster is in seek of revenge. Also, readers are able to learn how he is able to develop communication skills, along with the ability to read and write. Mary Shelley describes how the monster learns about his creator and the histo
Addiction in Film - The Lord of the Rings 1168
"Addiction is characterized by inability to consistently abstain, impairment in behavioral control, cravings, diminished recognition of significant problems with one's behaviors and interpersonal relationships, and a dysfunctional emotional response. " Or so says the American Society of Addiction Medicine. Typically when I think of addiction I think of drugs, but it really covers a wide variety or substances and even action people use. You can even become addicted to your routine, and when something doesn't go as planned your whole day is shattered. I found a very interesting example of non-drug addiction when I watched The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Lord of the Rings series was recently released and based on several books written by J. R. R. Tolkien in 1954. It is a story of a young hobbit that goes on an adventure, which is quite untypical in the hobbit culture. The adventure begins with his uncle gifting him a ring. To make a very long (but great) story
Interview with a Hurricane Katrina Survivor 706
(Opening sentences missing) He invited me over next day and I started my interview. I asked him how he survived Katrina and he told me "If you can survive Mardi gras, you can survive anything. " We chuckled as we started the interview. I started my interview asking a little about his background. He told me he was born and raised in New Orleans and lived all his life in River Ridge subdivision of New Orleans. He told me he doesn't remember much of his teen years. He told me he attended Riverdale High School in New Orleans where he met his wife. She walked into his math class late on the first day of his junior year and sat next to him. He said they started talking and he asked her to be his girlfriend at the beginning of senior year and he took her prom, where they realized they wanted to spend their life together. He told me after he finished high school, they both decided to attended Louisiana state university where he studied business. He told me when he was in sophomore in college he was drafted into the military to serve in the Vietna
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