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Disc Golf - The Sport of a New Generation 633
Disc Golf is a sport that most have never heard of. Statistics have proven that disc golf has grown at a rate of twelve to fifteen percent annually for the the past decade. Why is this important you ask? Disc Golf is a sport that not only men and women can play but also children, seniors and handicapped. It can be incorporated into the school system as a new and refreshing sport for kids, it promotes a healthy lifestyle and most of all gets people outside to enjoy nature and exercise. These are things that most of society has failed to utilize more now then ever. As the sport of Disc Golf inches ever so closely to mainstream there are many great positives that support why it should be in the forefront. Many feel that it's the next big thing to hit the sports market since skateboarding. However, it has yet to receive a major push or sponsorship. The Educational Disc Golf Experience (E.D.G.E.) was developed by a group of World Cham
Methods of Policing 699
When it comes to the methods of policing, there are many various types. The methods of policing used in a certain area is determined by the nature of that particular area, frequency of crime, types of crime, and the availability of resources. Some different methods of policing are patrolling in a vehicle, patrolling on foot, horse patrols, special operations, riot control, and activities preformed by officers in civilian clothing (policing undercover). Out of these types of policing the three most commonly used tend to be vehicle patrolling, patrolling on foot, and policing undercover. Police use a vehicle while patrolling to help them patrol large areas and help them get to an emergency quicker. Patrolling in a vehicle is more commonly used now then patrolling on foot due to more civilians driving and operating personal vehicles. Vehicle patrolling also allows officers to be able to carry more equipment such as automated external defibrillators for people who maybe in cardiac arrest or even road cones for traffic obstructions, a
The Globalization of Jersey Shore 3721
We live in a global age where the television program format 'reality TV' has become a widespread and successful phenomenon. This due to the underlying forces of globalization that allows a circulation of such ideas thought-out the world. If one were to sum up the whole process you could use the word 'liquidity'[1], painting the picture of words, images and other cultural elements flowing with relatively ease around the globe. The process is amplified by the fact that reality shows exist in an electrified form that, since the arrival and expansion of cable and satellite television, has lead us towards new heights in terms of transnational flow of things. As a result of this, questions regarding the interaction of reality television with local cultural are being raised. How are cultural elements being integrated into the local realities? Is the spread of reality TV a part of a process causing the world in different places to becoming more the same or can arguments of a contrary sc
Internet Addiction: Ushering in a Generation of the Socially Inept 1422
How long does a year take when it's going away? This was a question asked by Dunbar to a very highly disciplined soldier right before explaining, rising in almost furious passion, how fast life goes and that the only way that can slow it down is the slow, tedious, and overall unpleasant aspects of life. Granted this conversation took place in a work of fiction; however, how Dunbar insisted that he spend most of his time on base shooting skeet simply because it made his life seem to pass slower does draw parallels to how we distract ourselves today. Unlike in the 50's when Mr. Heller first introduced us to his pleasantly insane world that was Catch-22, today we have the amazing expanse of information and entertainment known as the Internet as well as the multitude of mediums for accessing it: computers, tablets, cellphones, televisions, even the very confines of our car can read Facebook updates. But with this quickly growing rise in demand for technology, status updates, and quick amu
Character Analysis of Bonnie Grape 1540
The outward portrayal of the matriarchal character Bonnie in the film "What's Eating Gilbert Grape?" stays largely constant as the story unfolds. She remains morbidly obese, always dressed plainly in the same clothes that pull at her immense body, depicting a rather uncomfortable scene whenever she is in frame. But the depiction of Bonnie's distressing, yet perpetually enormous body does not parallel the internal transformation she underwent. Following the suicide of her husband, Bonnie Grape hadn't left her house in seven years, becoming largely immobilized and was essentially held prisoner by her home. But after her son Arnie, who is mentally handicapped, was put in jail, Bonnie stayed true to her matriarchal role and faced her vulnerabilities by leaving her home to help him. Bonnie Grape's decision to confront her insecurities with her body and the shame, fear and other slew of emotions that come with it is one of the most important parts of the film. Before this act of courage,
How Can Apple Gain a Competitive Advantage Over Samsung? 3988
[pic] [pic] Apple Inc., widely considered the world's most successful modern company, has watched its share price plummet since mid-September. Days before the iPhone 5 was released, Apple was worth over $658 billion, more than all the companies in Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain, combined.[1] With roughly 63,300 employees, each person working for the company added $10 million in value. Not only was Apple the world's most valuable company, it was worth nearly twice that of the next most valuable, Exxon Mobil. Today, Apple shares have tumbled 43% in only seven months and continue to fall, while shareholders have seen $283 billion in wealth evaporate into thin air. The all-important question is what has changed and how can Apple reinstate investor confidence. To begin, many believe Apple's innovation died with its co-founder, Steve Jobs. The release of Job's final project, the iPhone 5, marked the beginning of Apple's decline.
The Scientist 1340
Sitting in his old beat up 1980's white Buick, his face has a scared look to it while looking around the buildings parking lot. He's looking from his car at all the trees in front of him moving side to side, then he proceeded to zipper his jacket all the way up and lift his hood over his head to keep warm for the few seconds it takes to run to the huge double doors of the building. He quickly got out of his car and rushed to the front of his building with these strongly made heavy doubles doors, then pushed threw it as hard as he can. When he got inside he was shivering really badly even though he had 2 layers of clothing. He sighed then proceeded to walk to the metal detector, took off the clothing he just put on in his car not even 2 minutes before because of policy. He put his keys in the plastic tub and some loose change from his pockets. The new security guard on duty asked him for his id, and he quickly responded with "I have worked here for twenty years why would I have to show
Arab Influence on Syrian Jewish Music 1721
It may surprise some that Arabic culture influenced Jewish music and these adoptions are still used to this day. I know I was surprised when I learned that Jewish music contains forms that were adopted from Arabic culture, many decades ago. This paper seeks to address how Arabic culture influenced Jewish music, and to what extent. I will be discussing the various forms of music, which Jewish culture has adopted from Arab culture. Arabic music has been apart of Jewish culture since the late 15th century. There are many topics which will be addressed. Some questions which will be discussed and analyzed will be: How did Arabic music and Jewish Culture first interact? When the Arabs and Jews interacted within Spain? How did the Sephardic Jews and their culture expand to the Middle East? Why did the Sephardic Jews leave Spain? What was the result of Jews mixed with Arabic culture and heritage? How had music become so popular with Syrian Jews? What Arabic influence is seen in Jewish Mus
Catholic and Protestant Art 1023
Following the Italian Renaissance among other things, Europe had now on a whole experienced significant change in artistic development and sophistication. This new visually intense form of expression took on very different characteristics in different regions of Europe, largely in part due to the movement sparked by Martin Luther as well as the Catholic Church's response. In Northern Europe and largely in the Netherlands, the Baroque movement took on a significantly non-secular undertone as a result of the predominance of the Protestant faith in the region. Meanwhile, Catholic countries of Southern Europe like Italy and Spain produced works of art that were restricted to only religious and sacred themes. So, whereas the artistic work produced from the reformation and counterreformation were both characterized by a more definitively naturalistic and realistic approach, the disparity between Catholic and Protestant art arises from two divergent worldviews of the divine and its relations
The Life of Edgar Allan Poe 1299
Edgar Allan Poe was born on January 19, 1809 in Boston, Massachusetts to itinerate actors, David Poe and Elizabeth Arnold Poe. However, about 18 months later his father deserted them and when he was two his mother died during a tour in Richmond, Virginia. Poe then became the ward of the Allan family, Mr. and Mrs. John Allan, but was never legally adopted. The Allan's along with Poe moved to England and lived there from 1815 to 1820. The family returned to Virginia when Poe was eleven. While he was attending the University of Virginia he came into gambling debts and his foster father removed him from the institution. While John Allan tried to force him to work for him Edgar ran away to Boston, where his first literary works were published in 1827. Following this accomplishment he then joined the army for a short time. After he was discharged from the army he published Al Aaraaf, Tamerlane, and Minor Poems. After the deaths of his foster parents he published Poems in 1831. Even with
The Impact of Muhammad Ali's Refusal to Fight in the Vietnam War 1241
Muhammad Ali's public opposition of the Vietnam War inspired social change in America by promoting a new image of a black American as defiant, confident, and demanding of equality. In a time when black Americans were expected to keep quiet in society, Ali took advantage of his fame to act as a voice against discrimination. Ali advocated for the rights of black Americans, justifying his refusal to fight in the Vietnam War by stating that America's issues were domestic and not with the Vietnamese. In addition, Ali's refusal to fight in the war because of his religious beliefs further supported his opposition and showed him as a symbol of black independence. Overall, Ali's bold stance against the war gave black Americans a new type of leader to follow and showed them to stand by what they believe in and speak out against their oppressors. Muhammad Ali's willingness to go to jail rather than fight in the Vietnam War demonstrated his commitment to his beliefs and made him a figure of bla
Policy Analysis and Assessment: TANF ( Temporary Assistance For Needy Famlies) 2426
The social Problem or issue I wish to address is social welfare mainly TANF also known as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families as it affects mostly single mothers. The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program provides cash assistance to low-income families with children while they strive to become self-sufficient. TANF replaced Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), which had provided cash welfare to poor families with children since 1935.The goal of this program is to reduce the number of families living in poverty, through employment and community resources. This program is funded by the federal government which provides a block grant to the states. The states then use these funds to operate their own programs for needy families. Part 1: The Problem and Population Being Addressed The nature of the problem that is being addressed is that our welfare system is not doing a good job serving its beneficiaries and providing them with services and assistance tha
Jefferson's Nephew: A Frontier Tragedy 540
A cruel axe murder and dismemberment of a black slave was committed in 1811 by two brothers, Lilburne and Isham Lewis. Their mother was Thomas Jefferson's sister, and their father was Jefferson's first cousin. This story forms the core of a real-life, historical detective story and an account of the violence of frontier life in western Kentucky. On December 15, 1811, drunk and enraged over the breaking of a pitcher, Lilburne went on a rampage because the pitcher had once belonged to be his mother. Lilburne's youngest brother, Isham, brought a slave, George, into the cabin, blaming him for breaking the pitcher. Lilburne and Isham secured George to the floor. Lilburne gathered up all his slaves and brought them into the cabin. He explained to the slaves that what was about to happen to George was a w
Problems in Baltimore 1704
Baltimore is a port city that is filled with many popular tourist attractions such as its museums, aquarium, and sports teams. It is also a city that has been on the decline for many years. The crime, drugs, and unemployment levels have all risen over the past two decades. Back in the Baltimore heyday, it was a booming city with high levels of port traffic. Today however, the ports are not seeing as much activity as before and that has led to an increase in unemployment and crime. Could Baltimore be on the same path Camden, NJ was on: booming port overtaken by crime and drugs? The television series "The Wire"" was based in and on Baltimore. Created and written by a former journalist for the The Baltimore Sun, David Simon, each season focuses on a different facet of the city: the illegal drug trade, the sea port system, the city government and bureaucracy, the school system, and the print news media. The show tried to create a realistic vision of an American city through truthful
Nature and the Romantic Poem 826
In comparing the poets William Blake and William Wordsworth, you come to realize that, even though the element of nature is commonly found in both of these writers works, they express this element quiet differently. Blake uses nature to show the direct connection between man and God. In his poem, The Lamb, nature is expressed using this connection between man and God quite vividly. "Little lamb, who made thee? Dost thou know who made thee? Little lamb I'll tell thee, He is called by thy name, For he calls himself a Lamb: I a child & thou a lamb, We are called by his name. " (Blake, 335) You can see that these lines bring to mind the awareness of how God made nature, including both animal and humans. It was fascinating to me to see how Blake not only used the example of the lamb to show that it is one of God's creations, but also shows God himself as the creator of all things. Through this depiction, God is being shown as not only being a part of nature, but as the essence of
Mail-Room Policy Recommendations 1758
Park University Mail service Department is situated in the underground of Parkville Campus. It is a body that is responsible for providing students and faculties with mail boxes. At Park University, it is required of both students and faculties to have a mail box on campus so as to know the recipient of incoming packages. They also offer work opportunities for students who are looking for a job on campus. My focus for this report will be on the employees. As an employee, mail-room is known for its diligence and hard work among the employees. Each employee tends to provide students, staff and faculties the best services and however, they make sure that their needs are met. Complaints was received from the University concerning the poor and ineffective services provided by this department but I find this disgruntling because each mailroom employees put in their effort in doing what was taught to them by their supervisors and doing their job accurately and effectively. I conducted a res
BRICS: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa 1797
In the economic world, BRICS is a grouping acronym that refers to the countries of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. These countries are all known to be at the beginning of newly advanced economic development. The acronym was created by Jim O'Neill in a 2001 paper entitled "Building Better Global Economic - BRICS". The acronym has come into worldwide use as a symbol of the shift in global economic power away from the developed G7 economies towards the developing world. G7 countries are existing nations with well-developed economies. It is estimated that the BRICS economies will overtake G7 economies by 2050. Although there is argument of whether South Africa should be included in the BRIC countries due to its population of 50 million, it was still included. China and India, predictively, will become the dominant global suppliers of manufactured goods and services, while Brazil and Russia will become similarly dominant as suppliers of raw materials. India is the second
The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet 2142
George Bernard Shaw says, " first love is only a little foolishness and a lot of curiosity ". This is shown in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare was born and raised in Stratford-upon-Avon in Warwickshire. At the age of eighteen, he married Anne Hathaway and had a daughter then twins in 1585. After this there is a gap in time known as 'the lost years'. Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet between 1591 and 1595. It is earliest known to be published in 1597. Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy based on star-crossed lovers. The lovers are Romeo and Juliet. They are forbidden to be together because Romeo is a Montague and Juliet is a Capulet. The Montagues abd Capulets have had a strong and long hatred for one other. Romeo and Juliet fall deeply and insanely in love. While out the blessing of their parents the two young lovers decide to get married and that is when the plot line goes downhill. But throughout the tragedy, Romeo and Juliet show that young love can be dangerous, addictive
Sin and Dante's Inferno 640
According to Dante Alighieri, Hell is shaped like a crater composed of nine circles, the first circle being the largest and the last circle being the smallest where Lucifer resides. Hell extends all the way to the earth's core, situated underneath Jerusalem on the Hemisphere of Land and the mountain of Purgatory lies beneath Hell at the opposite side of Jerusalem on the Hemisphere of Water. Dante's structure of Hell is divided in nine circles and some of the circles are divided in rings. The Upper Level of Hell, which is comprised of the first 5 circles of hell, is habituated by the incontinent. The bottom 4 circles of Hell compose Hell's Lower Level where the Violent and the ones who commit fraud go. Passing the black forest at the Gates of Hell one encounters Peter. Then there is the Vestibule or Ante-Hell, where the souls of the damned fall at their death to be taken by Charon to Hell through the Acheron River. Passing the Acheron River the
Catholic Citizens in a Free Society 563
What are the responsibilities of a Catholic citizen in a free society? As Catholic citizens, in a free society, we have many responsibilities. Some of the responsibilities include volunteering in your community, attending church, and helping one another. There are so many things and good deeds you can do to help the community or people in your local community. You can volunteer at soup kitchens, or help at an animal shelter. These are some responsibilities and different ways of being a Catholic citizen in a free society. There are so many ways to volunteer in your local community. You can take part in town events that need volunteers. As well as, inviting people, in your community, that has nowhere to go on the holidays like Christmas or Thanksgiving. You can spend your time at a convalescent home spending time with people who a
Arthur Gordon's The Sea Devil 569
In Arthur Gordon's short story, "The Sea Devil"", the unnamed protagonist is portrayed as an intellectual, patient and persistent character. The unnamed protagonist is a very intellectual person because he demonstrates his intellect when fighting the stingray and outsmarting him. He is pulled into the ocean by a sea devil that is stuck in his casting net on his wrist. When he tries to survive his intellect lacks in helping him, "his brain told him quiet calmly that he could last another forty or fifty (118). When his intellect kicked in by letting the men know he could breathe at least for another forty or fifty seconds, this allowed him to not to panic and be able to devise a plan to survive . He has been trying to use his physical strength to keep him alive for most of the story, but it is only when he realizes "by using his brain could he
Christopher Nolan's Memento 1735
Imagine living life and not being able to remember what happened ten minutes ago. It's like walking down the beach and the water comes in and erases the footprints like one had never been there. This is the life of Leonard Shelby. He goes by notes, pictures, and tattoos that cover his chest, arms, and legs. This is the reality of Leonard Shelby's life we are shown. Christopher Nolan made his audience experience what the main character, Leonard, was going through. In this paper the film will be compared to the short story by Jonathan Nolan which had a similar storyline. By playing the movie backwards he left us sitting anxiously to see what would happen next, if we could trust the same character through the whole film, and if Leonard even remembered as much as he claimed from his past before the accident. None of this would be possible if it weren't for the way it was told and the perspective it was told from. At the beginning of the film it is seen that Leonard kills a man of whom we
Social Group Inequalities in Canada 1776
The search for a Utopian lifestyle on planet Earth has been the concern of most humans during the course of humanity itself. Immigration and emigration are both everlasting proof of some of the methods humans go through in order to establish newer and enhanced lifestyles, leaving behind misery and lack of opportunity. It is evident to the twenty first century inhabitant, that utopia or a Utopian society is practically impossible to reach. Rather than Utopian characteristics in our society, one can notice wars, illnesses, poverty, famine, disease and notably, inequalities. Inequalities are a major factor which unfortunately cause unhappiness and social separations as well as affect economic growth. Following the release of the Broadbent Institute report in October 2012, "Towards a More Equal Canada, A Report on Canada's Economic and Social Inequality ", which covers the social and economic inequalities in present day Canada, one can easily be more aware of the problems that the Cana
A Strong Stance on Abortion 977
Abortion, an immoral activity, is the choice of 1.3 million women only in United States every year. Abortion is no longer a new issue anymore, but it still receives numerous proponents and opponents. It causes controversy from moral and religion to law and medical. Pro-life people against abortion to protect innocent baby; Pro-choice people argue that abortion is a right of women about their body. From my point of view, woman should reject abortion in order to protect themselves as well as save a life. As a woman, I know that having an unplanned pregnancy is the most terrible trouble. A pregnant woman has to face to many difficulties from mental such as morning sickness, fatty and unrest, to material such as money, medicine, etc. Having baby force women to stop her dream or her job and focus a hundred percent on her fetus. That is the reason why many women scare and do not ready to have baby. However, there are many methods to prevent pregnancy rather than deny the responsibility on
Ted Hughes and Nature 1759
"The richness I achieve comes from nature, the source of my inspiration," Claude Monet said. Nature has played a prominent role in the lives of every human being on earth. It has inspired, it has depressed, it has brought forth life, and it has taken it away. Just by looking at its surface one can see without difficulty the numerous emotions that nature can elicit. In the life of Edward James Hughes, more famously known as Ted Hughes, nature was also a source of great inspiration. Through his poetry, Hughes used nature as a symbol to reach out to the world. He saw humanity as the earth's wildlife and once he discovered that poetry was an exhilarating battle between hunter and prey, nothing could stop him from writing about the animals that resided in earth's forests. He was skilled in portraying human nature by way of these creatures as well as his own emotions and thoughts. Through his symbolic use of nature and wildlife, Hughes could effectively depict human ideas, instincts, and emo
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