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War and Greed 536
War has been around since the beginning of mankind. Since we were cavemen, greed to access what others have has prompted anger, jealousy and battles. There are three levels of analysis seem to depict how war is created very well. First and foremost the individual level of creating a war. (Hitler is a perfect example of how one man can truly create a war) The second is the states society, culture, or economics creating a war. In my personal opinion this second reason is by far the most common reason for war. Going back to the French and Indian War, it was fought over territory, aka economics to profit from that territory, another point is some experts argue that a main reason for the war in Iraq was to secure oil trading back with the United States, again controlling the economy. Finally the t
Budget Sequestration 922
It all started back in 2011 when the U.S. treasury told congress that the government will exceed the maximum amount it can borrow and it will run out of money to pay its bills. Soon after, congress passed a bill called the Budget Control Act of 2011, which raised the debt ceiling and also created a deadline where a law must be passed that reduces the deficit by January 2, 2013 or otherwise there will be an automatic cut in all areas of discretionary spending. Since the super committee failed to agree on a $1.2 trillion deficit reduction package, the sequester was triggered into effect. At the last minute lawmakers passed yet another bill called the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2011, which in some words extended the deadline of the sequester to March 1, 2013. Unless there is further compromise, the sequester will result in across the board cuts to domestic spending. Coming to a mutual understanding between both Republicans and Democrats isn't an easy task and neither side is sh
Immunization Exemption Act 1456
AB 2109, Pan. Communicable disease: immunization exemption states that children will not be allowed to attend private or public elementary or secondary school, child care centers, day nursery, nursery schools, family day care homes, or developmental centers without proof that parents have been counseled, and children vaccinated. This bill would require that on or after January 1, 2014 that any parent/guardian choosing not to vaccinate their children provide a written documentation from their health care practitioner that the parent/guardian has been counseled on the benefits of vaccinating and the risks of not vaccinating children and sign a form stating that they assume all responsibility and care for risks of choosing not to vaccinate their child. (California Legislation, 2012) Senator Wolk and assembly member Fuentes first introduced this bill. It was approved by Governor Jerry Brown of California and filed by the secretary of state on September 30, 2012. This bill is an amendmen
Two Sides Of The Same Coin 1249
Sonny and his brother, our unnamed narrator, are two men who grew up with the same parents, under the same roof, and had the same societal advantages/disadvantages. Given these factors, the two brothers are a lot like and come from the same place. On the other hand, Sonny is an drug user who is also a talented jazz musician while his brother is a mathematician with a family living on his own. The two have difficulties relating to one another but they both appear to want a relationship with each other and before their parents passed away our narrator promised their mother he would look after Sonny. It only took Sonny's arrest and the death of his brother's daughter Grace for the two to start writing to each other. Sonny and his brother are two very different people with their own views on life however they're alike in many ways besides the fact that they grew up in the same house. Sonny and his brother both came from the same place so it's only natural that they have some similariti
Cap and Trade Programs 3643
The threat of climate change in recent years is a real and potentially catastrophic threat to the health and welfare of our planet, as industrialized nations continue to base their economies on carbon intensive production. Recently, it has taken on a larger role in our national media, the public, and the government, as the effects of anthropogenic climate change become more evident. In the United States, for example, the year 2007 brought the first major piece of legislation in the country to address the problem under the Climate Security Act, and the United States Supreme Court ruled that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency had authority to regulate carbon dioxide as a pollutant. Today, many politicians, economists, scientists, and environmentalists propose a solution that would create a regulated market based on emissions into the atmosphere, effectively internalizing all negative externalities. It's called cap and trade, and it has a lot of potential to help incentivize the imp
Academic Challenges and Professional Goals 874
Please explain any academic and/or professional goals you have established for yourself and your efforts to accomplish these goals. Describe with examples of your leadership experience, in or out of school/college in which you significantly influenced others, helped resolve disputes, or contributed to group efforts: When I started college, my goal was to pick a major and stick with it until I was finished! Well I have halfway done that. I completed my undergraduate with honors in Elementary Education sticking with it until after student teaching, graduation, and certification. However, upon completion I realized that while I love children and teaching I cannot be stuck inside a building all day. Therefore, after completing my bachelors in December of 2012 I decided it was time to enroll at Southwestern Oklahoma State University and get a graduate degree in Sports Management. My goal as an educator was to be the best motivator and encourager I could be and I feel that I can also carr
Once Upon a Time in America 944
For this assignment, I decided to watch and review the movie "Once Upon A Time in America"" by Italian director Sergio Leone. I found this movie by searching on the Top 200 Italian Movies" and this movie was high up on the list, as well the list for best American movies so I thought I would give it a shot. After watching it, I realize why it was given such high reviews by everyone. Although it was nearly four hours long, I thought the movie was very well done and extremely entertaining throughout. The movie was kind of confusing for me for the majority of it because of all the flashbacks that occurred, and some of the flashbacks were shown twice in the movie. The movie started out with Robert "Noodles" DeNiro smoking in what seemed to be an opium den of some sort. Then, Robert "Noodles " DeNiro buys a one way ticket our of New York and heads to the place that I think is where he grew up. Next, for about 45 minutes of the movie, the movie flashbacks to when Robert "Noodles "
The Real Chow Baby 527
The human body goes through many stages and changes in our lifetime, therefore, it is important that we do what we can to improve and maintain its health. In addition to exercise, our diet is one of the most crucial aspects to maintaining the physical health of our bodies. This is the most challenging aspect of staying healthy in a society of fast food restaurants on every corner. Thankfully, there is a healthy & delicious alternative here in the Atlanta area - "The Real Chow Baby". For those who want to remain health conscious and still eat out, the variety of food and great service at "The Real Chow Baby" make it a must-eat destination. Chow Baby offers delicious ways to include food from the four food groups in one meal. In grade school, we learned of the importance of ea
2008 Euro crisis 1844
The economies of the world have their periods of rising and falling. No economy can experience total stability over a period of time, there must be some forms of rise or fall in the stability of the economy. Today, practically every country in the world is affected by what happens in other countries (A.Freedman 2013). Some of these effects are a result of political events, such as the overthrow of one government in favor of another. But a great deal of the interdependence among nations is economic in nature, based on the production and trading of goods and services (A.Freedman 2013). The interdependence among nations is attributed to the world economy. Hence, Global economy can be said to be the interdependent economies of the world's nations, regarded as a single economic system. As a result of the interdependence between economies of the world, there now is a cause and effect between what happens in one country and the state of other countries. The global financial crisis really st
Biblical Reference for Catholic Mass 2294
Owing to the number of incidences that the Catholic Church is facing today, many actions done by worshipers are subject to questions especially from the non-believers. However, the most valuable thing is that the Holy Scriptures are available for relevant guidance. They act as a source of accurate and believable information that everyone with doubt needs. The Catholic Mass, for instance, is indeed all Jesus and all Biblical. Believably, the Mass serves as the most common and simplest biblical way of worshiping God. The history of Christianity is a testimony justifying that fact, as the Catholic Mass has been the same way since the time of the Apostles and the first Christians. Sources opine the Mass as an interesting call as it links Christians to God in the flesh when they go in front for the Holy Communion[1]. This paper will give a biblical reference for the Catholic Mass. The Catholic Mass involves a ceremony, incense, and golden chalices. The early Christians were men of culture
Theater Review: No Child 1139
In 2001 President George W. Bush proposed the No Child Left behind Act which forced schools to take action with the below average test scores. Due to this act schools are required to have their students take tests and have a certain percentage increase in grades every year otherwise there would be consequences from a school being labeled as a needing improvement to the extreme of having it privately run or shut down. The play "No Child" written by Nilaja Sun acts as a direct commentary for the need of the No Child Left behind Act. In this play the characters and their actions have such a strong correlation to the real problems that students in under privileged societies in America face as well as the need for reform in the education department. (No Child Left Behind) The setting of the play is the school that seems unfit for children to be going to receive an education. The janitor describes the school "The building fallin apart, paint chipping, water damage, a whole in the fourth
Journey into Asperger's Syndrome 1577
What is Asperger's Syndrome? How can you distinguish between a child with AS or Autism - is there such a method? AS is an acronym that stands for Asperger's syndrome. Asperger's Syndrome is considered to be a variant of autism rather than a distinct disorder on its own (Minzenberg & Yoon 2008). Asperger's is considered to be equivalent to high functioning autism. Asperger's syndrome was coined by the psychologist, Hans Asperger, in 1944 (Barlow & Durand 2012). Lorna Wing recommended in the 1980s for Asperger's to be reconsidered as a separate disorder from autism due to the limited interests emphasized in Asperger's. Having Asperger's Syndrome doesn't mean you are cast out of society, but many feel people with Asperger's Syndrome are weird loners with unusual interests and inappropriate behaviors. Below I want to further discuss the questions formed about Asperger's Syndrome with associated features, possible complications, age of onset, and every factor, cause and patterns Asperger's
Women in The Awakening and Daisy Miller 1950
Gender inequality is an ugly reality that has been subsistent in societies since the inception of civilized life. This ever-present prejudice has been forced into the mindset of the masses, and has blatantly impinged on societal norms, making the degradation and objectification of women commonplace. This discrimination, although still a very real issue to this day, faced its culmination in the 19th century. Rarely was someone bold enough to address the injustice, but despite the criticism that would surely follow, there existed writers who believed in the freedom to express their views, no matter how harsh or taboo. Among these writers were Henry James and Kate Chopin, both of which would soon be considered among the most influential writers of their time. Their works "Daisy Miller" and "The Awakening", James and Chopin, respectively, explored these 19th century ideologies and the consequences of straying from the gender roles that had become societal convention. In these writings, t
Altering Photographs 1246
While it is true that many photographs are now altered, and that some of these alterations provide a false sense of the world, there are limits to these alterations that are not created by news organizations or individuals but which instead are dictated by reality. The average consumer of a photograph typically has a general idea of what the scene that is being represented should look like. For instance it is understood that land should lie below the sky and that people are typically larger than insects. Thus alterations that would violate either of these norms are guarded against by reality and convention. If the photographer's goal is to be believed, he cannot stray too far from conventional reality. The range of manipulations is usually relatively small. Through both altered and unaltered images, digital technologies have provided artists with greater capabilities in this field, yet the barriers of what could conceivably be reality have remained largely unchanged. When it comes down
Children and Families of Divorce 2189
The death of a parent is less devastating to a child than a divorce.(Billota, 2012) There are long term and short effects that children face during and post divorce. There are six stations in which most couples face while going through these trials. About fifty percent of married couples will get a divorced before the children are of the age of 18. (Scott, 2010) Since divorce is so complex I will discuss some guidelines on how to ease the pain on children growing up or going through a household in which parents are getting a divorce. The death of a parent is less devastating to a child than a divorce. (Billota, 2012) After carefully analyzing this statistic I can say that I agree with the statistical fact. Speaking from personal experience, I feel like I am a creditable source and can relate to this topic of Challenges Children Faced in Divorced Families. Another statistic is that half of American children, under the age of eighteen will witness the actual break of their parents and
My Guilty Pleasures 587
I believe that we all do activities we should not do, but decide to do anyway. There are many different reasons why people do activities they should not do, and the reasons vary for each individual. There are three activities that I know I should not do, but I do anyway, and those activities are drinking soda, watching television, and spending too much time on the computer. First, one activity that I should not do, but I do anyway is drink soda. One of the main reasons that I drink soda is because of it's taste. I drink soda because it's delicious and its deliciousness made me get addicted to it. Another reason, soda is everywhere. For example, soda is prominently displayed in vending machines, at fast food chains, and supermarket checkouts and that makes it easier for me to drink it. Soda is convenience to me because it's easy to grab and convenient to drink. In add
The Hukou System in China 1384
No other creatures in the animal world form anything like cities. The closest resemblance would be a bee hive or an anthill, however in contrast to human agglomerations; they are closed to non-natives and not based on voluntary exchange (Bartlett, 1998, cited in O'Sullivan, 2009). The hukou (household registration) system, implemented in China in the late 1950's and still being enforced today, assigns a hukou location to every Chinese citizen that curtails self-initiated moves and limits migration from rural to urban areas (Fan 2005). These restrictions create agglomerations much like those described by the hives and the hills of nature, and it is questioned whether such restrictions are preventing Chinese cities from obtaining a socially optimizing equilibrium. This essay looks to discuss the determinants of city size, the effects of the hukou system on these determinants and hence evaluate whether Chinese cities are induced to become 'too small'. The size of a city can be distin
Nu Shu - The Women's Writing of China 678
Nu Shu, also known as the women's writing of China, was a major part of Chinese women's lives throughout the 20th century. Unlike any other writing, it is the only known hidden written language. Women used Nu Shu as a way to escape from the oppressive outside world and enter into a peaceful state of mind. Life was hard enough for women; it's scary to think how hard it would have been without Nu Shu. Nu Shu was probably the most commonly valued thing for women in China during this time period. It was valued so much because it was used to share women's miseries. China was ruled by men, and women were nothing more than housewives and sometime field workers. What made it so special was that only women knew about it. It was a written language expressed by songs and stories. Any other language besides Chinese was forbidden by Emperors. Women couldn't use any form of education, so it had to be formed in secret. Having been something only women knew, it was an easy way for them to express their hardshi
Construction Business Memo - Sample 528
RE: ----------- Building Project Dear Mr. M-----: As a representative for ----- Construction, I am very pleased to offer our proposal for the new --------------------- Building Project. The contract value for this project will be for a guaranteed maximum price of $). All work will be completed as required in the modified General Conditions and the Standard Form of Agreement for a Guaranteed Maximum Price Contract document. ----- Construction has great interest in this project because it is a design of steel base construction we are familiar with. The design is ambitious and will be a great addition to the ----- campus. We are familiar with this type of space frame, base isolation design as it was recently implemented in the ------ Lab project for which we were the General Contr
The Value of a Life 1701
How is the value of life measured? In dollars and cents? Do you measure it's value by the number of battle scars on your knees each time you fell but got up to face the battle once again, or by the number of family members you leave behind when the bright light cradles you through the pearly gates? Is life measurable or immeasurable? In excerpts from radically different view points from the optimistic words of Lance Armstrong to the pessimistic outlook of Hamlet, the tragic account events of 9/11, to the cold calculus of the Human Life Value Calculator" readers are provided with prime individualistic examples on such thought provoking questions as these. "To be or not to be, that is the question"!" Hamlet, a lost soul, despises life and contemplates the benefits of suicide yet questions the the happenings of the unknown, such as life after death. In his famous "to be or not to be " soliloquy by William Shakespeare, Hamlet weighs the pros and cons of life and death as he struggles to
Marcia Linehan, PhD 1985
The radical and fundamental idea that our thoughts make up our realities may seem trivial at first, especially when we think of how important circumstances can be in our lives. Even the word "reality " itself is continually used in such a way to imply external circumstances; for example, the phrases "back to reality " or "harsh reality, " usually refer to external circumstances, not our own thoughts. If you ask most people what their "reality " is, they will almost always go on to describe the role they take on, their jobs and where they live. On one side, this is how we usually define our "reality, " but on the other, it's easy to see how two people in these same circumstances could have quite diverse experiences. One person might be more positive and jovial, they enjoy life immensely; however someone else might be more cynical and apprehensive, and appreciate life less. What is it that makes one person anxious and other person optimistic? We each have our predispositions toward d
The Bosnian War and a People Divided 669
The Bosnian War not only destroyed buildings and the economy, but more importantly it altered the identity and ethnic politics of the people who lived there. It affected the relationships of villagers, as well as the relationships among the sexes. People who once lived peacefully were forced into a sort of ethnic arms race, encouraging the distrust and disdain of your fellow neighbor. In the beginning of the film "We Are All Neighbors"", we are introduced to several members of the village who are of a mixed ethnicity and religion; those being Catholics and Muslims. The women explain that they have been living side by side for centuries; all Croats, Serbs and Muslims have been working together, enjoying leisure time, and ultimately becoming friends. The people of the village also convey that it will "definitely be the same in the future ". The relationships between the Catholics and the Muslims in the beginning of the war are positive. The people of the village undermine any mention of
Markets with Asymmetric Information 1496
This essay will discuss the relative relationship between adverse selection and asymmetric information. Based on empirical evidence, this essay will critically assess the extent to which there is evidence of adverse selection in markets with asymmetric information. Finally the assignment will discuss and evaluate the implication for several types of market. In order to analysis problems and impacts, it is necessary first to define the adverse selection and asymmetric information concept. The concept of adverse selection was first noted by Nobel Laureate George Akerlof in 1970 and explains the situation in which a product or service is often selected by a certain group of people that tends to limit the quality of products/ service exchanged. On the other hand, asymmetric information problem occurs when there is asymmetric knowledge between two parties involved in a transaction. ( Online) Katz, Michael and Rosen discussed the adverse selection as being a problem of asymmetri
Functions of Art and Artists 662
1. "Artists create places for some human purpose. Some forms of art are created by artists to unite groups of people together for a sense of purpose. An example of this form of art would be Michelangelo's interior of the Sistine Chapel. 16.9 Michelangelo. Interior, Sistine Chapel, Vatican, Rome. 1473-80. Michelangelo's work of art in the Sistine Chapel has united many groups of people from all over the world over many centuries to admire the hand painted masterpiece of the several nude male figures engaging us effectively based upon religious themes on the ceiling and walls of the Sistine Chapel. 2. "Artists create extraordinary versions of ordinary objects." Some artists bring a fresh focal point of ordinary objects to a new form of gratitude. An example of this form of art would be Gabriel Orozco's Horses Running Endlessly. 23.8 Gabriel Orozco. Horses Running Endlessly. 1995. Gabriel Orozco takes an ordinary beloved game board such as chess and brings it to a fascinating ne
Alterations of Capitalism 1468
The most recent financial crisis to occur in the United States is still not over, and unfortunately we are unaware of its current stage. Many believed that this crisis came about due to a failure of ethics; however Anatole Kaletsky argues that the biggest cause of this crisis was due to a failure of ideas. The commercial system that economists defined as capitalism has existed for more than two centuries, but it has dramatically changed over time adapting to different political, economic, and social events. In capitalism's lifetime it has gone through three major alterations. The economic distresses of 2008 were the motivation for the latest version, Capitalism 4.0. This new version rejects the belief that markets are always right and embraces the concept that government has an important role in economics. Kaletsky claims that we are currently in a point of history where it is time for the whole capitalism system to be reinvented in order to achieve economic recovery. Kaletsky sta
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