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Minorities and Law Enforcement in Los Angeles 628
Too many, living in Los Angeles is by far one of the best cities to grow up and become extremely successful. Whether it's in Hollywood, becoming a doctor, or even opening your own business. Yet, as much as it carries great advantages there are certain areas that still struggle with these opportunities. Such areas, as South Central L.A., lack tremendous problems of low income, eminent domain increase, color tension, etc. Recently, the Los Angeles Time's blog had a minor debate amongst two community activists, Joe Hicks and Earl Hutchinson over the problems facing this city. Thought both men stand firmly on either of their points and beliefs, by surprise they come to an agreement. In the first article, "Serving South L.A." both activists make their different points on how or how not the political leaders have served the community. Joe Hicks begins by using different categorical statements, implying that there can be no arg
Objectification of Women in Advertising 1172
Irwin Allen Ginsberg; an American poet once said, "Whoever controls the media, the images, controls the culture." The media constantly expresses images of the ideal female body. All women have their own individual set of attributes and characteristics, however, the media continuously tries to spread what they feel is the universal standard of what a woman should look like. One might argue, that the images put out by the media strongly affect our generation and the way in which we perceive ourselves. Ginsberg's statement reminded me of a television advertisement produced by Carl's Jr. This advertisement featured swimsuit model Kate Upton eating a burger in the backseat of an old school looking car. The advertisement was exceedingly sexually suggestive and showed a substantial amount of unsuitable sex appeal. Carl's Jr. has acquired quite the reputation of producing these overtly sexual advertisements. Advertisements such as this are damaging today's generation's mental and physical stat
So Long A Letter by Mariama Ba 1439
Mariama Ba's novel "So Long a Letter" depicts a female figure who confronts the presence of culture represented by patriarchal institution, it explores a spiritual journey in which the protagonist recognizes the need to rewrite her own story and takes a process of affirmation to proclaim that self-hood. She expresses freedom because she becomes the teller of her life story. Mariama Ba sets out to write a book that exposes the double standard between men and women in Africa. In most African countries polygamy is a normal way of life and is the driving force behind the African tradition. The novel exposes several themes such as spirituality, customs, gender power, female subjectivity and polygamy that are interchangeable within each other but represents the bond that connects the people of Africa. The book is written in the form of a long letter written by widow, Ramatoulaye, to her friend, over the mandatory forty-day mourning period following the death of a husband, Modou. The intro
The Sixth Sense and Religion 1155
The Sixth Sense is a psychological thriller movie made in 1999. This movie tells a story about a young boy named Cole who lives a troubled life because he can see and hear dead people. Dr. Malcolm Crowe is a child psychologist that helps this boy deal with his troubles trying to find a way to cure them. This movie makes wide use of religious imagery. In the beginning of the movie, Cole is playing with toy soldiers inside the church and cites the first line in Psalm 130 in Latin, "De profundis clamo ad te domine". This translates to, "Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord (Psalm 130:1). It gives important clues throughout the movie about the plot and about how both Cole and Malcolm's problems will be resolved. The church is an extremely comfortable place for Cole. He plays freely and has no worries when he is there. Starting the beginning of the movie off with this scene sets the image that God and religion play an important role in this movie. When Cole quotes the first line of
Rockumentary: From Snapshot to Photo Album 1376
The films "Gimme Shelter" by Albert and David Maysles and Charlotte Zwerin about The Rolling Stones, and "Pearl Jam Twenty" by Cameron Crowe re obvious rockumentaries. However, they are differences between the two films in style and content. Both films take a look at two larger than life rock and roll bands, but the films are focused at different times in these bands careers. The films also give an inside look at the two bands from a viewpoint not normally seen. Contrarily, the style with which we are shown this differs from film to film. In both Gimme Shelter and Pearl Jam Twenty, we are given very up close and intimate views of The Rolling Stones and Pearl Jam. In Gimme Shelter, this is accomplished by the filmmakers following The Rolling Stones on the final leg of their 1969 United States tour. Throughout the film we see the band in numerous settings from on stage, in the recording studio, hotel rooms, and interviews of members when they are actually viewing pieces of the actual
Choosing Judaism 1025
The book "Choosing Judaism ", written by Lydia Kukoff, is a book of writings that has to do with the primary aspects of becoming a part of Judaism. It is mostly contains excerpts and/or questions concerning conversion to Judaism written by other individuals, and responses to each by Kukoff herself. The first few portions of the book discuss the author's opinion of Judaism. This includes the story of her own conversion, going back to her initial curiosity in Judaism, which began while she was in high school. She was raised in the Baptist religion, up until the end of high school, at which point she acquired an interest in Judaism. In the book, she gives us her reasons as to why she took an interest to it initially: "What I liked most about Judaism was that it was oriented toward this life and this world in a very real way. It seemed to give its followers a system to live by, a system that at the same time had legal, spiritual, moral, and ethical components that were inseparable f
The Justification of Increased Sin Taxes 1936
Can "Sin Taxes " be ethically justified? Sin tax is a slang term for surcharges levied by local, state and federal governments on products considered by lawmakers to carry a high medical cost to society, such as alcohol, tobacco and gambling. Alcohol and tobacco have long been subject to sin taxes at the state and federal levels. Sin taxes began in the early 1600's as a tax targeted towards morality. After the Civil War a one-cent tax was imposed on cigars, manufactured tobacco, beer wine and even playing cards. They were originally attempts to modify sinful behavior. This was the beginning of "Sin Taxes ". Today they are, primarily used to tax alcohol, tobacco, gambling and pornography. "The recent debates on health care reform have seen proposals for new and increased taxes to finance reform efforts. Sin taxes are, often promoted as an efficient means of discouraging such behaviors that might result in social problems. Critics of sin taxes often argue such taxes disproport
The Reign of Charles V 1670
Charles V reigned over a vast empire in a tumultuous age. The New World was a relatively recent discovery, and several other factors point to the idea that Charles V's reign coincided with a global transition into the modern age. Although Charles V's focus was primarily domestic (in the sense of Europe and the surrounding territory), the meeting of traditional values and modern ideology was one of many issues Charles faced, independence was another. Consolidating and re-consolidating his power was a problem that sapped much of Charles V's, and by extension his empire's, time and resources. From the papacy to the fiercely independent German coalition of prince-states, Charles often to had to take extra measures to enforce his policy in an empire that varied greatly from one polity to the next. Religion was another obstacle faced by Charles. The Protestant Reformation (steeped in the last vestiges of a somewhat anti-clerical Renaissance movement) appealed to many not only as more pious f
Occupational Psychology 1546
Theories of motivation provide those that are in managerial positions with greater understanding of what makes employees perform to their peak performance. The practice of comprehending motivation can result in influencing and managing the behaviour of a workforce effectively. Motivation is intrinsic or extrinsic and is seen as a desire or need that gives an individual focus and drive in their role, tasks they are employed to do and controls an individual's behavior. We are all motivated by different things and in different ways. Some people are motivated by doing a good job and look for personal recognition and personal growth, whereas others are motivated by money and promotion. When applied to the workplace it is about getting the most from an employee through encouragement in order for them to give the best performance in their role. Two theories that have influenced organizations and are used to date are Maslow's theory ˜hierarchy of needs' and Locke's theory on goal set
Memory Loss and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder 976
At some point in every persons' life, they will experience trauma, and though we know the shock of trauma usually occurs instantly, we cannot always anticipate how the anxiety may affect us in the long term. Those who have personally been exposed to a life threatening event or have been confronted with a serious and disturbing tragedy, may develop what is known as acute distress. Acute distress may leave a person feeling frazzled after a few sleepless nights, but it is not something to be exceptionally worried about until it persists for over a month. When this happens it is called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).(Schiraldi, G. 2009) What many people do not realize, is that Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can occur at any age, including childhood. Symptoms usually begin within the first three months after the trauma, though it can be months or even years before symptoms appear. Many times the symptoms associated with PTSD cause significant problems with marriages, social relat
Tower Life Building: History and Architecture 1556
The Tower Life Building, formerly known as the Smith-Young Tower, in San Antonio, Texas is known for its historical background and its beautiful late Gothic Revival architecture. The building has had several names in the past: Pan American Building in 1938, San Antonio Transit Building in 1942, and was given the name that it has now in 1962, when it became the home of the Tower Life Insurance Company. The building is most commonly called either the Smith-Young Tower, its first name, or its current name, the Tower Life Building. The fourth tallest tower in the Alamo City, it stands at 404 feet tall and includes 30 stories and the recent addition of a 100 foot flagpole. Built over a two year period in 1927 and 1928, it was one of the tallest buildings west of the Mississippi until the 1950's and it was the tallest building in San Antonio for almost 60 years until the Tower of the Americas was built standing at 622 feet. The building sports a late Gothic Revival style of architecture
Death Penalty Under the Scope 1946
Have you ever asked yourself what would you do if you were the family member of a murder victim? Some people may agree that capital punishment is the right punishment; therefore, the law "an eye for an eye" should apply to those murderers. Why should anyone have compassion, for a person, who did not have compassion for his or her victim? After all, this is the risk the predator took when he or she decided to pull a trigger or plunge a knife into a victim thinking they would never get caught. So, what should anyone do? Although capital punishment may seem like the only way to get justice for the families of the victims, there are several factors to consider such as humanist objection, no convincing evidence, no crime reduction, waste of resources. Public Opinion Against the Death Penalty "In an April 2001 poll of 1,003 adults conducted by International Communications Research for ABC News and The Washington Post, a majority of Americans (51 percent) supported a national moratorium on
Business Bluffing: A Game of Ethics 1043
Fifteen years from now, you and millions of Americans wake to find that you're plagued by brain tumors and other cancerous ailments. You also learn that the most likely cause of these tumors is linked to cellphone usage. The news leaks information that cellular providers have been paying large sums of money to hide the adverse health effects of cellphones. This ultimate bluff has horrifying consequences on society's health and has potential to destroy the economy. How would it make you feel if this bluff impacted you or your family's lives? How bad would this make the cellphone industry look? The answer is simple: you would be enraged and cellphone businesses would be sued on a large scale because of their selfish, unethical actions. However, in other scenarios the answer to whether or not business bluffing is unethical is not as clear cut. Norman Gillespie and Albert Carr both have differing opinions on the role ethics and playing the "business game ". I concur that it is okay to bluf
Being a Succesful College Freshman 993
Before attending Northern Michigan University, I really didn't know what to expect as far as how life as a college student would go. I had visited colleges and talked to friends and family that were already in college, but I still didn't really know what life away at school would consist of. I highly doubted that it would be as wild as the American Pie movies portrayed college life to be, but I also didn't believe that it would be all work and no play. Something that would have been helpful would have been a guy's guide to what life at college was like, something that I could relate to so I could go off to college having some idea of what I was getting myself into. Having spent a semester and a half living the life of college freshmen at NMU, I feel that I can offer a guide of what to expect during your freshman year. I have broken down my description into a couple different categories; Social well-being, intellectual well-being, physical well-being, and emotional well-being. Pay
How to Motivate Ethical Behavior in the Workplace 1907
In present scenario, to maintain the competency and healthy working environment within the organization it is essential for the organization to incorporate some prominent strategies which are based on the proven practices and programs. To maintain ethics in the organization is very necessary in order to develop an ethical environment which in turn also assists the organization to incorporate value system in an effective manner. Ethical program assist the organization to achieve its objective by demonstrating its competent activities which are based on the ethical code of conduct. A good manager will tell you that marketing, product placement and budgeting all take careful planning, not random or unorganized effort. Many managers however, forget that motivating ethical behavior in a workplace takes careful planning as well. Ethical employees make for an ethical company, which will receive many benefits from its good reputation. Not only does it attract more customers, an ethical company
The Giorgionesque Style 694
There is no single definition of art. Art reflects a person's innermost thoughts and feelings which can be reflected through painting or drawing, in a book, or even a movie. Coming from a small town of CastelFranco Veneto just 40 kilometers inland from Venice Giorgio Barbarelli da Castelfranco; was an Italian painter of the High Renaissance in Venice, his name sometimes appears as Zorzo. Giorgione, who had the passion "for painting, for music and for love" - as the chronicle affirms - was the artist preferred by a cultured and elegant society that loved beauty: the music of Giorgione's lute, his singing and surrounded itself with his pictures. Giorgione sees nature through his feelings and emotions, and every element of it, man himself, is just a detail, a detail of a whole. He painted, without a previous sketch; he subordinated everything to color, freeing it from the dependence of form, and that's exactly what he accomplished in these three paintings "The Pastoral Concert, "Sleeping Venus, and "The Sunset. " Giorgione expl
Battle Royal by Ralph Ellison 1655
Ralph Ellison introduced a story about a nameless young African American protagonist who is struggling to find himself. Ellison's use of imagery and satire dramatizes the horrific experiences of the protagonist and vividly depicts real cultural issues that help to explore the theme of individuals' search for self-identity which helps the main character to live with a clear mind and to make contribution to his self-value realization. First of all, the protagonist's growth environment foreshadows that he always submits to the white dominance and lacks the sense of self. The behavior of African Americans who live around the narrator has a tremendous influence on the shape of his initial behavior. The freed African are told to be united with others "in everything pertaining to the common good "(Ellison 227), then "they stayed in their place, worked hard "(Ellison 227), which means they never betray and question the white's and gradually get used to obey all demands without their own thou
a rose for emily 1177
"A Rose for Emily" represents a Southern Gothic literature story. A southern Gothic story is considered to be full of suspense, surprises and depicts life in the south. "A Rose for Emily" has every one of these theme of a southern Gothic story. The story took place in the south. Emily was known to the town as a strange old woman. She rarely would leave the house and was very rude to others. The suspense in the story shows when Ms. Emily goes to the druggist and buys arsenic. The druggist figured she would poison herself after her lover Homer had left her, but she never committed suicide. In the story "A Rose for Emily", "Miss Emily had been a tradition, a duty, and a care; a sort of obligation upon the town" "(Faulkner 91) the quote from the passage refers to the mayor of the town Colonol Sartoris remitted her taxes. Colonal Sartoris allowed Miss Emily not to pay her taxes to the town. When the mayor Colonol Sartoris died the new mayor of the town required everybody to start paying
Racism in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 1033
Apart from being one of the landmarks of American literature, Mark Twain's classic tale, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, is a mirror of the deeply embedded racist attitudes of the Deep South in the 1880's. First, not to mention the most controversial and obvious, is the liberal use of the word "nigger throughout the book. Taken as a derogatory term by modern-day Americans, Twain's use of the word "nigger is simply a reflection of the times. Huck Finn was written when cruel and unjust treatment of blacks were commonplace and use of such a word didn't get so much as a second thought. Huck Finn depicts a time when blacks were not treated as people but as things without emotions or personalities, mere property. For instance, Jim is initially known only in relation to whose property he is (Miss Watson). He escapes from being continuously treated as property, even sold-to a family that will most likely treat him even less humanely. When Huck talks to Aunt Sally about a supposed stea
Locke's State of Nature 1428
John Locke is considered one of the most influential political philosophers and ideologists. One of the main topics he is famous for is his ideas on the state of nature. In his book, Two Treatises of Government, Locke discusses the state of nature, which he defines as a state of freedom and equality. Each individual in this state have certain rights, which are the rights to life, liberty, and property. He uses the state of nature to illustrate why people would be interested in a social contract with the government. Locke addresses the principles of the state of nature, the problems that arise within it and the solutions to those problems in order to draw conclusions about the origins of politics. Society in Locke's state of nature is organized on the principles of perfect freedom, of equality, of liberty, but not of license. On this topic Locke says,- "To understand political power right, and derive it from its original, we must consider, what state all men are naturally in, and tha
Euthyphro, Socrates and Meletus 622
Euthyphro is just one of Plato's early dialogues. In this passage only Socrates and Euthyphro are conversing to one another. Plato is the writer and philosopher. I have read and will attempt to write about passages 3a - 4b. In Plato's Euthyphro, Socrates is considered to be like a priest. He is accused of corrupting the young people. Meletus, who is like a prosecuting district attorney, is trying to get rid of people that corrupt the minds of the young people and Socrates is among those that Meletus wants gone. What could Socrates possibly be saying to the young people to corrupt their minds? I don't think he would purposely do this? I think he was trying to teach the young people the ways of their religion but Meletus didn't see it that way. Meletus is attempting to do an injustice to Socrates by getting rid of him. According to Euthyphro, Meletus would be doing wrong to the city at its hearth, which means at its
Zeitoun and Hurricane Katrina 940
Hurricane Katrina, one of the most devastating and costly tropical cyclones to ever impact the country, devastated the southeastern United States on August 29, 2005. New Orleans, bearing the force of Katrina, was in a state of chaos. Government aid did not reach the city until several days after the storm made landfall. Many people argue that this delay in government aid forced the people of New Orleans to migrate out of the city or caused tons of looting because of the governments lack of communication with it's citizens. I was not prepared for how shocking Zeitoun by Dave Eggers would be.  It is a story about Hurricane Katrina, but it is not shocking in graphic depictions of misery and death.  Instead, it is the story of a Muslim family where the husband stays behind during the storm to take care of the house.  He takes a canoe through flooded streets, helping stranded people and handing out bottles of water.  Yet, he ends up being arrested and held in a prison without due process.  
Danusha Goska's "Political Paralysis" 1618
The essay "Political Paralysis"" by Danusha Veronica Goska is talking about how people believe that unnoticed gestures of insignificant people mean nothing. This is a factual statement of human nature. In today's world with our busy lifestyles, people often think that smaller gestures do not have an effect worthy of a gesture. In Goska's essay she is portraying this through her own experiences. This essay is an example of an effective form of rhetoric. Rhetoric is "the study of writing or speaking as a means of communication or persuasion" (Webster's). Goska's speech echoes the persuasive form of rhetorical concepts of ethos, pathos, and logos that are discussed in Aristotle's "Rhetoric"". Ethos is the speakers' power of evincing a personal character which will make his speech credible. Logos is the power of proving a truth, or apparent truth by means of persuasive arguments. Pathos is the power of stirring the emotions of the hearers (Honeycutt). Goska skillfully appeals to the emoti
Guest Comment Cards: Worth the Investment? 1255
The hospitality industry is base on satisfied customers. When guest are satisfied with the service they return. When guests are constantly returning the business will become a success. Hospitality businesses use several different methods in trying to determine how satisfied guests are, and what things they can do to satisfy guest even more. One of the most common methods in accomplishing these two tasks is through guest comment cards. Guest comment cards are almost mandatory in all hotels, however, many people argue that the cards are not worth the effort and give small value to the company. Guest comment cards are used by almost everyone, but are they truly worth the investment? With modern technology, guest comment cards have changed dramatically. With the changes made, comment cards have become even more controversial about whether or not they are worth the money used. When deciding about whether guest comment cards are worth the investment or not, it is important to look at
The Copernican Revolution in Modern Science 1141
The following essay will describe and define the Copernican Revolution. It will speak about Nicolous Copernicus and who he was and what he stood for and why it is important for us to understand Copernicus and this revolution in order for us too fully understand the modern subject. The following essay will explain the shift from the previous believed Aristotle Ptolemaic or geocentric model to the heliocentric model and how this shift became the starting point of the scientific revolution in the 16th century and how this revolution brought about the theories of Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei and Isaac Newton. This change challenged previous misconceptions about the universe, sun and earth as well as the moons that orbit the planets. This revolution would be seen at the time as going against the church and being in contrast to religion and many of their beliefs at the time, especially those of the Catholic church who were seen as the frontiers of science. Nicolous Copernicus was born i
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