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The Ethics of Enron 1269
Reading Enron's code of ethics, on first impression, you would expect nothing but excellence from a respectable company. Their code of ethics relied heavily on effective communication, a high level of integrity, and nothing but excellence. Through this code they portrayed a business that was capable of exceeding greatness to the highest standard. This soon to be eluded fact jaded by the deception with Enron's unethical actions, which would ultimately lead to its untimely demise. Enron, at one point, was the seventh largest company within the Fortune 500. Careful accounting strategies allowed it to be listed as the seventh largest company in America, and it was expected to dominate the trading it had virtually invented in communications, power and weather securities. Instead it became the biggest corporate failure in history. Enron was formed in 1985, by Kenneth Lay, CEO. Lay graduated from the University of Missouri with a degree in economics. He then went on to get his Ph.D. from th
Horror in The Turn of the Screw by Henry James 1342
Terror is the emotion felt in anticipation of an event. Horror is the emotion experienced after seeing something ghastly. One of the greatest sources of terror is obscurity or ambiguity; of the reader not knowing what is real or unreal, true or false. James is the master of ambiguity in the novella. James introduces terror via the genre of the gothic novel which he encourages by the Governess's own reading of The Mysteries of Udolpho' a classic gothic story. James introduces a number of features of the classic gothic novel: Isolated setting at Bly in 1840s when Jane Eyre, another Gothic claasic was written Luxury and eccentric architecture of house Innocents endangered by the supernatural Young woman in danger without male support Secrets about death Hints of sexual transgressions The Governess is also aware of other texts that may influence her interpretation of events such as Jane Eyre. After her first sight of a male figure on the battlements she wonders whether there is, " an u
China and the Cultural Revolution 2224
The Cultural Revolution that took place in China is one of the most important experiences of the 20th century. It represented the result of a series of contextual events that marked the emergence of the phenomenon, and in its turn, it influenced the future evolution of events, to this day. In order to properly understand the complexity of the issue, it's important to analyze the event from a historical perspective. At the same time however, although the approach is chronological, there are essential issues that must be looked at. Therefore, the events that took place in the late 1960's and the first half of the 1970's had important internal and external causes that should be pointed out for a comprehensive perception of the historical context. Next, the logical evolution of the paper focuses on the actual manifestations of what became known as the "Great Cultural Revolution ". Finally, aiming to offer a complex image of the entire political, economic, social and cultural of this ph
The New America 703
The Spanish were determined, religious people and they had a large army. They wanted to rule and settle down in order to find gold and convert native people to Catholicism and make their country more rich and powerful. "Virginia Company had more interest in searching for gold and in other ways exploiting the area's natural resources than in establishing a functioning society." (Foner, p.46). There were various reasons why the American colonies were established. The most important reasons for colonization were to spread their empire and an economic opportunity in their colonies, (Foner 21, 46, 50, 67). Although the Spanish originally came to seek an easier route to Asia to seek gold, upon discovery of the New World, they saw an opportunity to expand their empire. The English had already landed in the New World and now both Spain and England had intentions of colonizing and settling in hopes of finding gold. Settlers crossed the Atlantic for different reasons, and their governments took different approaches. The Spanish government was g
The Psychodynamic Theory 1020
Which theory is the most sexual and the most sexist? That would be the psychodynamic theory. However, psycho-dynamic theory is basically the study of human behavior that includes internal processes, personality, motivation, drives, and the importance of childhood development (Tavris & Wade, 1998). The psycho-dynamic theory, developed by Sigmund Freud, emphasizes the interplay of unconscious psychological processes in determining human thought, feelings, and behavior. The basis of this approach is that psychological factors play a major role in determining behavior and shaping personality. Freud divided the human psyche into three; the id, ego and superego. He said you were born with id which was in your unconscious and it comprised of selfishness and lack of awareness. The other two parts; the ego and superego were said to be in your conscious. The ego was comprised of awareness and consciousness and the superego of definite conscious where you begin caring about others (IoHT). The psy
The Minimum Wage Debate 2047
Many people say, "The rich get richer while the poor get poorer." This quote is often said these days due to the economic downfall and crisis happening in the United States. One of the only ways to make due is by working relentlessly day in and day out. Today's minimum wage simply is not cutting it anymore, especially if you reside in the state of New Jersey. With the cost of living going up, it is safe to say that there must be a raise in minimum wage in order to keep the quality of life stable. However, not very many people agree with the raise in minimum wage being the resolution to any economic issues. In fact, increasing the minimum wage could possibly hurt us. New Jersey is by far one of the most expensive states in many aspects across the board and in any category. With many people living day-to-day and paycheck-to-paycheck, it is safe to say that the place minimum wage is right now is not working for most of New Jersey's residents. For example, let us take a look at a s
A Summary of the Life of Jesus 1868
1) The Birth of Jesus, the Messiah Matthew 1:18 "This is how the birth of Jesus the Messiah came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit. " The word "Messiah" means "Anointed One," the name given to the promised Deliverer who would someday come to the people of Israel as their great Savior and Redeemer, "anointed" as Prophet, Priest, and King by God Himself. Then what is the reason that Jesus was born who has been prophesied and testified throughout the centuries, through the body of the Virgin Mary as a human? Do you not believe that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit in the Virgin Mary, born into this world, and saved us from our sins? " How does God work with His mighty power to save you and me? 2) Jesus' Miracles Luke 4:38-39 "Jesus left the synagogue and went to the home of Simon. Now Simon's mother-in-law was suffering from a high fever, and they asked Jesus to help
A Tale for Children 1167
The story "A Tale for Children" has several different meanings or themes and they are presented vividly. The author does a great job of showing the true colors of people and explores the possible ways that human nature is flawed. The characters featured around the protagonist are precise and to the point in their actions and behaviors. In this story many of the behaviors seen are relevant to what has been observed throughout human existence. The theme of this story represents how cruel and indifferent humans can be to something whether it be unknown or akin to them and shows the ignorant lack of compassion that many people possess. The author Gabriel Garcia Marquez illustrates the main character as an old bald man with wings and very few teeth, who also spoke in an unknown dialect. The old character is recognized by a neighbor as an angel. She then wanted to club the angel to death because this was presumed to be an old fashioned custom. Pelayo the house owner "armed with his bailif
Richard Wright's "Eight Men" 1055
In Richard Wright's "Eight Men"", I enjoyed the themes that consistently referred to white supremacy and the never ending struggle that all African American's must endure in order to truly earn their freedom. The main story that caught my eye in reference to this theme was "The Man who saw the Flood"". The emphasis exhibited by Wright towards the black family's necessity to begin again even after all their struggles and successes is evident throughout the writing. This creates the theme that no matter the situation, white men remain supreme to African Americans. Within the first two paragraphs on page 102 and leaking over onto page 103, Wright notes, "Every tree, blade of grass, an stray stick had its flood mark; cakey, yellow mud "(102-103). By writing this so early on in the story, I believe that Wright is simply making a reference towards the fact that no matter what color, shape, or even size the people living in this area are, they have been equally affected by this flood. The
The Aspect of Gendering Jobs with the Notion of Gender Binary 1615
Sex is the term hegemonic society uses to identify the anatomical differences between men and women on the contrary gender conforms to such sexes. Nonetheless, gender has been constructed to reconcile to certain roles for men and women. Gender roles are pre-conceived ideas that hegemonic society has based on an individual's sex. The definition of gender is an individual's sense of identity or belonging to either the male or female classification. The social construction of gender is what hegemonic society sees as normal, regardless of an individual's biological assignment. Gender is an ideology as well as a hegemonic idea. Gender is embedded in society because it is constantly being performed. Gender is performed everywhere such as an individual's home, store, bathroom, and even the educational classroom. The classroom is a universal space which constantly provides a space for gender roles to play out. Gender is constantly being performed in the classroom and it is routinely enforced b
Gender Roles in Glaspell's "Trifles" 1040
Before the women's movement of the 1960's and 1970's in America, women's roles were primarily of a domestic nature. Although some women did work outside the home, their incomes supplemented their husband's primary incomes. Most mothers of preschoolers were stay-at-home moms who took care of most domestic needs such as child-rearing and homemaking. A turn of the century American writer who exercised her voice in support of women's equality was Susan Glaspell, author of the one act play "Trifles". This play illustrates the clear lines between the gender roles of early twentieth century Americans. Perhaps the most significant social custom in America before WWII was that of men and husbands being the breadwinners - working as farmers, attorneys, sheriffs, etc. - in the family while the women and wives stayed home and tended to the home, chores and children. This arrangement created an unequal relationship between men and women because, perhaps subconsciously, money means power; therefor
The Bible and the Christian Worldview 1381
Many wonder whether biblical figures utilized the scientific method or if it is appropriate to apply the scientific method to God's word. For those who have an integrated Christian worldview and acknowledge that God created man in His own image, all knowledge is general knowledge given from God. Therefore Christians can choose to believe that God has provided the necessary information in His Word for scientists to develop the scientific method. By reading the biblical stories one can see that the Adam, Noah, Jethro and Daniel all demonstrated the use of scientific concepts and that these concepts were given to them from God. None of these men had prior knowledge of classification, measurement, program evaluation or research methodology. God used common, ordinary men to teach mankind extraordinary lessons that have proved to be timeless. Francis Bacon may have learned the scientific method from his study of the Bible (Treece, n.d.). Genesis 2:19-20 God instructed Adam to name ev
The Marines 542
There are several main branches of the U.S. military: the Air Force, Army, Marines, Navy and the Coast Guard. It can be argued that the most important are the Marines because they are the " first to fight"" (Schading (Ph.D)) in any given situation. Their ability to wear down enemy forces determines whether or not the other branches will be able to swing a victory. Their purpose, training, and war record also set them apart from the other branches because those things basically make a Marine what he is - a Marine - and not an airmen or sailor. The United States Marine Corps was established as a branch in the military during the fall of 1775 by the Second Continental Congress (Schading (Ph.D)) in response to the conflict between American and Great Britain at the time because Patriots wanted to stop Bri
The Power of Photographic Images 1647
The statement "we don't believe in truth anymore, we believe in images"", has spawned numerous debates in the scholarly world - do we believe in image over truth? Arguments have discussed that imagery can provide truth, however to a certain extent, as the subjective, objective view point of an image and its purposes, alters the truthfulness of the image itself. To extend this endless debate, digital manipulation, a "result of technical enhancement over the years" (Lodriguss 2006), have further caused greater debate in whether images are considered to be truthful in there context. Hence, the scale is unsteady as whether to believe images are truthful or not, which thus, has resulted in evidence to be questioned in the most serious of situations, such as court cases. Therefore, when deciding on whether we still have photographic truth, one must consider the images subjective and objective characteristics and also ensure they understand the ethical and aesthetic aspects. Moreover, in some
Legalization of Abortion in Ecuador 450
Abortion refers to the termination of pregnancy by natural or deliberate causes. This termination of pregnancy constitutes an important choice to a woman that has been raped and is pregnant: it does not only look after her life but also guarantees a healthy recovery. For instance, the United Kingdom maintains it's laws of a legal abortion until the 24 weeks of pregnancy as long two registered and official doctors agree based on the terms of the British 1967 Abortion Act. Following that example of that first-world country, a woman must have the right to practice abortion when the continuance of the pregnancy would involve risk to the life of the pregnant woman, or o
The Role of Tradition in a Modernizing Africa 551
In the nineteenth and twentieth century, the continent of Africa went through a transition that it was not prepared for. Many inhabitants were afraid of the transition, and many were welcoming. This transition was the modernization of Africa. The people feared that the coming of a modernized Africa would erase their traditions and customs from the continent. The others felt that the past must be forgotten, or at least considered "history" in order to modernize completely. In the novel, "God's Bits of Wood", the main theme explored is the relationship between human beings and machines in the late half of the eighteenth century and into the twentieth century. It showed some of the characters thankfulness for the machine and how necessary it was in their lives. "When the smoke from the trains no longer drifted abov
Personal Value System 1716
My values are all based upon people and religion, and they really cannot be separated, because church is about people and their relationships with each other and the creator. I do not think that my religion controls my values, but more that I value my religion, because it reinforces my value system. Values are developed early in life, and the basic core values I think do not change. We modify how mush we value certain things and we modify how we apply our value system to our lives, but the basic values are who we are. My basic values are that I want others to care about me and treat me well. I want good things to happen to those people I care about and I value their opinion of me. I try not to hurt anyone, because that hurts me. Any time I hurt someone I feel badly for some time afterward, depending on how seriously I hurt that person and also on how responsible I was for the hurt. I think it also matters how much I care about that person. It hurts more when you hurt people you care
conomic Development of Importing Oil 1766
Abstract On a daily basis, the average person is reminded of rising energy prices in the form of higher prices at the gasoline pumps and the ripple effect that has increased the price of virtually every consumer good. An area of particular concern for the advanced democratic world is rising oil prices, which has complicated the military involvement of the United States in Iraq as well. This paper focuses on high energy prices and Iraq, with a special focus on the economic development of Iraq's foreign policy toward the oil-importing world. Through the citation of relevant literature, the reader will have a better understanding of the topic upon the conclusion of the research. Why Are Oil Prices Rising? In order to understand Iraqis position in the world economy as well as the democratic worlds domestic policies in light of rising energy costs, the question of the causes of rising oil prices needs to be addressed. Upon closer examination, the reasons for rising oil prices are complex
The Development of English 4921
English is a language that is widely used all over the world, and English as a language has developed through history, and it has changed from its basic origins, when it was referred to as 'Old English' to the modern English that is used today, which is referred to as 'Modern English'. What is important is that the language displays continuity through the ages, and this adds to the interest about the evolution of English as a language. It must be remembered at the very outset that English is a member of the Indo-European family of languages, which is a family that includes a large number of European languages being spoken today. The branches of this Indo-European language include Latin and the modern Romance languages, the Germanic languages, the group of Indo-Iranian languages, which would include Hindi and Sanskrit, the various Slavic languages, the Baltic languages of Latvian and Lithuanian, but not Estonian, Greek, and other Celtic languages. The influence that the original Indo
Educational Program in A New Prison in Canada for Women 609
This two page paper presents an examination and critique of an article "You were hired to Teach! Ideological Struggle, Education, and Teacher Burnout at the New Prison for Women," by Randall Wright.. The paper explores the article's main ideas and discusses the conclusions that were drawn by the author. There was one source used to complete this paper.
the Elderly in Assisted Living Homes 1086
There are millions of elderly people living in nursing homes or assisted living facilities in our country. All of these people have lived a rich life and have a lot of experience that young people can only imagine. Sadly, many people in our elderly population have been abandoned by their families because they have become a burden. Some nursing home residents never have any visitors at all, and they will die alone and sad. Even nursing homes that are very nice facilities and provide the best care possible cannot replace the friends and family members that the resident will miss. Another problems is that many nursing homes are understaffed and the residents get even less attention unless they have visitors. However, every person can make a difference for one of the lonely old people by going to visit them. Even a short visit can make a big difference. Many people think that it would be too much work to take the time to visit a nursing home, or they fear that it will be boring or
The New York Times. 15 March 2006 976
The American Family Association is a radical Christian group that has spearheaded a number of extreme boycotts against companies and products that do not share in their conservative viewpoints. For example, the American Family Association has previously boycotted Target stores because they did not use the word "Christmas" but instead used the more inclusive term "Holiday." They have also boycotted Proctor & Gamble, a major manufacturer of toiletries and medicinal products, because this company supported the inclusion of gays in an anti-discrimination ordinance in Cincinnati, Ohio. The American Family Association also has a history of boycotting the Ford Motor Company for disagreements on gay issues. Recently, according to the article "Still Advertising to Gays, Ford Under Boycott Again." by Jeremy Peters from the New York Times, this boycott of Ford has recently been re-instated this ban because Ford is continuing to publish advertisements for their cars that are aimed at the ga
Catell's Structure-Based Systems Theory 889
1. What is the inductive-hypothetico-deductive spiral? How does this approach to the construction of personality theory differ from the hypothetico-deductive model used by most researchers? The inductive-hypothetico-deductive spiral is a procedure by which personality theories are analyzed using an iterative process. Cattell considered personality as a dynamic system that can be changed by environmental and situational factors. To accurately analyze a personality theory, there are steps that can be used to refine the conclusions of the study. The general idea is to make use of empirical data to construct an initial hypothesis. From this hypothesis, an experimental method is generated which can then be used to validate or invalidate previous assumptions. This in turn generates a new hypothesis that can be refined as it passes through more and more cycles of observation, analysis, and conclusion. The process is ended when the conclusions converge to a single point, and new data behaves
Push Pull Strategies 356
Because only about 15% of all jobs are advertised publicly, such as in the newspaper or online, people who are serious about finding a new job must find ways to locate the hidden job opportunities. Three techniques for this kind of job search are called "Push," or "reach out," "Pull," or "bring it to you," and "maintain," or "keep your network alive" (, p. 1). Pushing simply means to network with one's professional contacts. I will join professional organizations in my field and be active in my alumni association. I
"The Lady of Shalott" by Alfred Lord Tennyson 695
The term "Naturalism" has been utilized in many ways by numerous writers and poets since its introduction in the mid to late 19th century, especially in England and France. Basically, naturalism can be defined as a literary movement which placed human beings in situations similar to that experienced by other living things in the natural world, controlled primarily by the environment and internal emotional conditions, both of which are beyond the control or comprehension of the individual. In contrast, Romanticism relied heavily on aspects of the natural world which could be controlled and manipulated by man while also demonstrating elements of the supernatural world. In his beautiful poem "The Lady of Shalott," first published in 1833, Tennyson has skillfully combined elements of naturalism and romanticism, mainly through its construction, beginning with a description of the natural world in Part One, the portrayal of the Lady isolated in her ghostly and enchanted room in Part Two and the suffering reality of the true worl
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