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The evolution of English 2002
The evolution of English as an international language has occurred rapidly over the last one hundred years and has enveloped a large number of cultures and locations as well as agencies and organizations. Initially the evolution of English as a dominant global language had its roots in colonial globalization and the economics of colonialism, as a way for English speaking colonizers to communicate for trade and labor purposes in colonized locations. In a post colonial culture, of which we are all members, as very few cultures have been untouched by the colonial movements of the last two to three centuries most cultures have also been influenced by the most successful of the colonial agents, a great deal of whom where English speakers. The history of the British Isles shows the cultural effects of conquest and imperialism in many ways. What is now England was at first the object of conquest and, much later in history, itself a conqueror-first within the British Isles and then in suc
The Security Investigation 963
Part I. The availability of the personal computer or PC at every home and every office desktop, and the dawn of the Internet brought to focus not only the benefits derived from these technologies but abuse and to a greater extent, crimes as well. Suddenly, cybercrime is at an all time high and ways and means of detecting and making these criminal hackers pay became a forefront competence in information technology and law enforcement. One of the best deterrents to computer crime is to catch those who commit the dastardly acts (Solomon & Prosise, 2001)! Of all the types of criminal hackers, the worse is the "insider" - a current employee or a former "disgruntled employee" - since they are or were in a "trust relationship" with their employer, and they demeaned that trust by attacking the information systems of the company. When this type of crime, or cybercrime, occurs, the recourse is to call in computer forensics and incident response professionals to remedy the situation. Solomon et
The Othello: Act III, Scene III 335
Act III, Scene III of William Shakespeare's "Othello" is an important scene that underscores Iago's deceitful plan to destroy Cassio. Iago takes advantage of every relationship, including his own wife, Emilia, to undermine Cassio. As the scene opens, Cassio has come to Desdemona to ask her to plead his cause to Othello, hoping to regain his rank and Othello's loyalty. She assures him that she will speak with her husband on his behalf, to which Cassio replies that he has never been anything
Speech Assessment on "I Have A Dream" 625
Dr. Martin Luther King, winner of a Nobel Peace Prize and immortalized through many hospitals, schools, and a statue on the south entrance of Westminster Abbey in London, England, began as a minister in Southern Alabama and quickly rose to lead America's civil rights movement in the 1960s. He led a march to Washington D.C. where he gave his famous speech, I Have A Dream, on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on the U.S. Capital's main mall. His vision was that America would be a society that looked first at the quality of the individual and last, if ever, at the color of their skin or their nationality. At this period in America's history, racial tensions were very high and many feared Dr. King would lead a racial conflict pitting whites against blacks. He didn't, and opted for non-violent change. From this tense time and Dr. Kings' background, his speech emerged. The speech Dr. King delivered was riveting, keeping
"Best Value" 1919
INTRODUCTION The "Key Business Issues Relating to Best Value Management and Strategic Development in the Housing/Regeneration Industry & New Business and Asset Management" are inclusive of what is termed "Best Value". In the Housing Industry the 4Cs of best value are applied to every review. The four "Cs" are: (1) Challenging why and how a service is being provided; (2) comparing performance with the performance of others in the industry; (3) embrace of fair competition as a means of securing efficient and effective services; (4) consulting with local taxpayers, customers and the wider business community. Under the Best Value standard, local authorities have a duty to make arrangements to "secure continuous improvement in the way in which its functions are exercised, having regard to a combination of economy, efficiency and effectiveness." (What is Best Value?, 2006) Best Value is defined as "providing local people what they want, when they want it, at a price they are willing
The Novel Monkeys (2000) by Susan Minot 1333
The novel Monkeys (2000) by Susan Minot, is a bittersweet story about the lives of the seven Vincent children and their parents, an upper-middle class suburban New England family. The Vincents, a well-to-do but emotionally troubled (due to the alcoholism of the father), family live in an upscale Boston suburb. The seven Vincent children are often called "monkeys" by their mother, especially when she is trying to round them all up to go somewhere together, such as to church or on a family outing. It is from this (sometimes often all that affectionately-spoken) nickname that Rosie Vincent bestows on her large brood that the book takes its title. The storyline of Minot's Monkeys follows the lives of each of the seven Vincent children, as they grow (uneasily, due to the "family secret": their father's alcoholism that inflects all aspects of family life) toward adulthood and independence. Monkeys seems at the outset a mere heartwarming story about a large boisterous American family.
The Avoidant Personality Disorder's Characteristics and Diagnosis 2474
OBJECTIVE The objective of this work is to research and examine the issue of the Avoidant Personality Disorder.
The Definition of Deviance and Feminism 1379
In this paper, we shall discuss why feminism is considered a form of deviant behavior. When social conduct is such that it clashes with accepted standards of either morality or social values, then it is considered deviant. Goode (1994) defines deviance as "behavior or characteristics that some people in a society find offensive and that generates--or would generate if discovered--in these people disapproval, punishment, condemnation of, or hostility toward, the actor or possessor" (p. 29). It is very important to understand that deviant behavior need not always be immoral, it can also be strange or queer in nature compared to old and traditional behavior pattern and thus come to be labeled as 'eccentric' or abnormal. We usually study deviant behavior in the context of morally unacceptable behavior but the truth is that any behavior pattern, which is inconsistent with conventional thinking, can be termed as deviant behavior. If we keep this in mind, it would be easier to understand why
The Boiled Frog 700
The 'boiled frog' parable states that if you put a frog in boiling hot water, he would immediately hop out. But if you put him in water that is lukewarm, he may like it, and may even enjoy himself. Then you slowly and gradually, turn up the heat but by this time, the frog is so sleepy that he will not have the energy to jump out. And this brings him to his tragic end. Peter Senge (1990) developed this parable to teach organizations and individuals about threats surrounding them, some of which may be slowly catching up on them though they appear invisible or harmless at the moment. Threats which are immediate appear far more powerful and destructive than the ones which are invisible fail to trigger appropriate response. However the bottom line is: threats which we cannot see or feel are just as destructive and powerful as the immediate ones. In other words, threats in all shapes and forms are still just that- threats. Hence they must not be ignored. Many people who get fired have complained that they didn't see it coming. Most of t
Satire and Irony in Novels 1906
Jonathan Swift was famous for his sarcastic remarks on the government of his days and his works are full of satire and irony which appear to be humorous but carry a sharp edge which makes them effective for expressing political ideas. But Swift's satire actually serves no real purpose except expressing his views clearly and with a view to annoy the opponents as he himself confessed "the chief end I propose to my self in all my labors is to vex the world rather then divert it (quoted in Phiddian (1996). Satire was used in Jonathan's works in combination with irony to express a political idea or rather to comment on opposite political ideas. He wrote extensively against the government normally employing the technique of allegory so as to avoid direct attack on the political regimes. Explaining the motive behind Swift's highly provocative comments on politics of his time, Richardson (1999) writes: "...though the threat of lost liberty or place should not be underestimated by those of us
Conditions of Behavior in Children 828
ONE: What are some of the conditions of worth parents attach to their children's behavior? When parents raise a child and that child is not praised on a regular basis for the naturally good and sweet things that children will do, but instead, is given credit or praise only when he or she avoids doing things parents say are bad, that is "conditions of worth." It happens to a lot of people. So, my parents praised me sometimes because I didn't hang around with people that my parents thought were unworthy, or "bad." So I had a lot of anxiety about doing the right thing because I didn't want to get into trouble and be kept in the house on restriction. I kept my friends, my real friends, a secret from them, and they showed their happiness in believing that I had made "good choices" in my friends; choices they agreed with, of course. "I really like your new friends," they would say, when I brought people over who were more like acquaintances, not true friends, but I wanted them to praise me a
Existential-Analytic Position of Mary 623
1) I agree with May on psychologists' fairly simplistic views of human behavior. Psychology, like other scientific practices, tend to create categories into which observations can be classified. Since psychology studies human behavior, the tendency is then to categorize human behavior into a limited number of classes. This simplifies an enormously complex discipline and facilitates the process of psychotherapy. Concomitantly however, this simplification process also entails a number of problems. The main difficulty is that human behavior is by nature extremely complex. Human beings are individuals, with individual needs and concerns. May acknowledges that there are certain similarities and "stages" that can be used to categorize human life. Unlike many other psychologists, he however denies that these are specific to specific populations at specific physical stages of development. What May denies is not that
The scientific technology of Behavior 633
1) A scientific technology of behavior can be beneficial in several ways. The way in which society functions requires certain behaviors. Most of these behaviors are learned while we are children both in the home and in school. An effective scientific technology of behavior can be immensely useful in the tasks of teachers and parents. The psychological principles at the basis of such a technology can serve to help parents and teachers understand the root of behavior and how to effectively shape this. Children need to be taught to function effectively in the world they will enter after leaving school. To be effective, functioning members of society, certain behaviors are necessary. The scientific technology of behavior can therefore help not only to understand the general behavior of children at certain stages of their lives, but also the basis of the required behaviors of a well functioning society. On the other hand, a particu
Cocaine Usage 722
Cocaine is the most commonly used drug affecting millions of users worldwide. Typically, what starts out as an experimental and recreational usage leads to a stage of complete dependence on the drug and total disintegration of the individual. Cocaine usage leads to an addictive personality that destroys the personal and social life and not infrequently results in death of the individual. The risk of fatality is particularly high if the drug is taken in combination with alcohol as the combination creates highly toxic metabolites. [Lyn Barkley Burnett, 2006] Cocaine intoxication results in the following physiological and psychological effects. First comes the stimulative effect of the drug, which is the driving factor for the drug consumption. [NCADA] Primarily, the drug blocks the norepinephrine receptors while simultaneously increasing its release. Cocaine also blocks dopamine and serotonin receptors, sodium and potassium channels, and thus increases dopaminergic transmission, which is responsible for the high feeling that is experienced. [Lyn Barkley Burnett, 2006]
Analysis of an Event in Terms of Gender Communication Styles 2668
Introduction Although communication events are commonly thought of as planned with an agenda, some events, even those repeated on a regular basis, take place spontaneously. Last weekend I went with my family to our summer home on the lake in a wooded area. The community there has only about 150 locals who stay year round, but in the summer about 1500 summer residents. The night after we arrived, we went to a little country bar that was built in the 1940s from a Sears-Roebuck kit, set in the woods on a small lake. The event I witnessed turned out to have a strong gender component to it, and so I chose to analyze the event in terms of gender communication styles. Whereas sex is a biological term that denotes male or female in terms of their reproductive organs, gender is learned through socialization. Genderization begins in infancy when adults say baby boys are handsome and tough while they call baby girls angelic and beautiful. Unlike their reproductive organs, gender is not
The Details on Security Change After 9/11 966
The word "cliche" is sure to have been used hundreds if not thousands of times for the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in September 11, 2001 or commonly known as 9/11. The meaning of 9/11 first on the domestic scene is that America joined the ranks of those that suffered the brunt of terrorism for decades such as the United Kingdom, Germany and Italy. America lost "its innocence" since this terrorist incident is of greater magnitude compared to the World Trade Center bombing in February 1993 or in terms of the socio-political impact, it really brought home the message that "no one is safe." On the global scale, 9/11 meant that even a superpower or the "only superpower" can fall prey to a low-intensity type of warfare known as terrorism. It prove that such an act can affect economic and market outputs considering that it weakened the stock exchange and flights were cancelled for a few days throughout the United States. 9/11 also redefined the meaning of terrorism and "holds
The Changing Demographics of Nursing 1502
The face of nursing has been changing over the last 50 years. Women who a half a century ago would only work as nurses until they married are now ending up as nursing managers and administrators, moving out of the practical field. . But still it has been noted that the age of the nursing workforce has increased over the last quarter of a century, and fewer younger people are entering the nursing profession. In fact, at the time of the survey by the Bureau of Health Professions in 1997, baby boomers (those born between 1947 and 1962) were the largest component of the nursing workforce and at the current time only nine percent of registered nurses are younger than 30 years of age (Santucci, 2004). If this trend continues, then it would mean that the need for nursing would increase by as much as 22% between the years of 1998 and 2008. The demographics of nursing are changing as to the working environment as well. While hospitals employ about 60% of all nurses, the nurses who wor
The Male-Oriented Material Object 739
A condom is a material object used by men. It looks like a balloon that has not been inflated. Condoms are made of stretchable latex or plastic, which to some extent you can see through. They come in exotic colors and shapes, but the basic kind are white or transparent and tubular shaped. Some people call them rubbers, safs, or jimmies. Men who are mature and sexually responsible use condoms to keep their partners from getting pregnant and to prevent catching or giving a sexually transmitted disease. A condom is worn on the penis during sex. The man ejaculates (comes) into the condom instead of into the woman. The condom catches the semen and holds it, preventing it from entering the partner's body and causing pregnancy. Latex condoms protect against HIV during anal sex too. Both partners are protected against infections. Condoms can be bought at the drug store or obtained free at an agency like Planned Parenthood. They come in a tight little foil package that is flat and ring-shaped and easily carried in a man's pocket. If the man has a regular relationship, he can get
Major Health Issue 2689
Abstract Stress is an issue for the elderly, in part because of other health problems and their reaction to them, and in part because of their loss of identity and a role in society. Various aspects of life can lessen the impact of stress. A review of research is conducted, leading to a proposal for an empirical study. Introduction Stress is a major health issue that is not always seen as the cause of the many health problems with which it is associated. Stress is associated with certain particular life events, such as a financial crisis or overwork, though stress can be caused by a number of different factors. Stress has been associated with age in various ways, showing some of the stressors that face the elderly and some of the health problems that result. Some of the research shows the course of stress over a lifetime, meaning how stress may increase during one's working life and then continue for different reasons in old age. Old age has particular stressors deriving fro
Life Being a Socialite 586
We see them in the society pages of daily newspapers. They are frequently photographed in parties, covered in special editions of fashion and society magazines. They live the glamorous life of what majority of the people have always aspired to be-rich, famous, and eternally full of energy and happiness. These are the images that we see as we look into the faces of the so-called socialites-financially-capable and socially-able individuals whose lives revolve around social gatherings and parties-individuals who live during the night and hibernate during the day. Socialites are admired for their being unique, for having the "right" taste in fashion and culture, for being connoisseurs at everything involving humans as social actors/animals. They are set apart from the rest because they know high culture, and how to live it. They are the models of the worry-free hu
The Different Kinds of System of Inquiry 1652
Introduction The system of inquiry provides a tool organizations can implement to facilitate ethical decision making and problem solving within an organizational setting. The system of inquiry may vary in structure depending on organizational goals, outcomes and objectives. The purpose of this paper is a review of a system of inquiry to use in decision-making, problem solving and in addressing behavior in a business setting. The paper will include a framework for the model, a discussion of why, how, when and by whom it is used and a discussion of how to implement the code or system of inquiry. Additionally the author will discuss the effects of the code and system on the organization. The code of conduct used for evaluating the system of inquiry in this research paper is Telkom's Code of Ethics. Overview of System of Inquiry A system of inquiry is nothing more than a tool organizations can use to help decide what steps are necessary to ensure all business decision making proce
Views of Thomas Robert Malthus 1509
The question over-population and the reduction in resources is a subject that has assumed contemporary importance, particularly with regard to less developed countries. This situation has also resulted in a resurgence of the Malthusian view that formal measures such as birth control and other methods should be used to reduce increasing populations. This paper will attempt to show that while a problem does exist in less developed countries the Malthusian view is too simplistic and ignores other vital social and cultural factors that should be taken into account. Thomas Robert Malthus was a British economist born in 1766. He was one of the first thinkers to study the correlation between population growth and human social welfare. Malthus wrote in a time when the advent of the industrial revolution was changing the structure and constitution of modern society. In 1798 Malthus published an essay entitled An Essay on the Principle of Population. This was an attack on various theoretica
The Ralston Cereal's 949
Ralston Cereal's third largest customer is Publix, which will not accept any cases of cereal with dents or damages on them. Ralston ships Publix approximately three truckloads of the cereal per week, comprising 52 units, which amounts to 1,400 cases, in which each box costs Ralston .009 cents. Ralston needs to develop a solution to please their customer, Publix, improve their service, and decrease the amount of their damaged product. Ralston's first decision is how to ship their cereal to Publix without incurring any shipping damage on the cereal boxes. Since they are currently shipping the cereal the standard way, with the cereal boxes in cases, they need to develop a solution that is over and above the norm. There are three possible avenues that Ralston could use to prevent shipping damage: improved cereal box manufacture, improved packing, and improved handling. Improved cereal box manufacture would mean manufacturing cereal boxes that are resistant or impervious to the usual
Dante Alighieri and his Writings 1741
Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) wrote as many of his time, in comment of the current political and religious world in which he lived. In so doing he created a likely unintended controversy, with regard to the way in which things where done in the church and politics, which he disagreed with in many ways but attempted to pacify through his works, but especially through his Inferno. In his Inferno Dante described the individual pilgrimage of the soul and not through canon, but through creative intentions, largely driven by personal politics. Though some would say he did not stray from his Catholic faith the individual was not the focus of the answers to the divine in the church at the time, the papacy had final authority. A Frenchman and Catholic wrote a little volume in which he set himself to answer the following question: "Did Dante return a better man from the other world?" He answers the question in the negative, taking into consideration the poet's tenderness for seductive sins, h
The Most Widely Used Illicit Drug in the United States 1163
Marijuana or Cannabis is extracted from Cannabis sativa- a hemp plant. While the world views it just another illicit drug, marijuana has actually been popular for more than its psychoactive ingredients. The drug is valued for its medical benefits and the proponents of legalization of this drug maintain that it can be used to treat several conditions including nausea, loss of appetite and vomiting. According to a handout by Am Fam Physician, marijuana is the most widely used illicit drug in the United States. The handout whether identifies the adverse and some possible beneficial effects of marijuana: Adverse effects from marijuana use include decreased coordination, epithelial damage to the lungs, increased risk of infection, cardiovascular effects and cognitive deficits. Unexplained behavior changes, altered social relationships and poor performance at school or work can signify a drug problem. Treatment requires a combination of education, social support, drug monitoring and atten
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