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The First Black Regiment 808
Glory is about the first black regiment to serve in the Union Army during the Civil War. The soldiers are runaway slaves. Colonel Robert Gould Shaw (Matthew Broderick) is placed in charge of them. From an aristocratic Massachusetts family, he is a mild-mannered and sensitive man who reads Emerson and writes letters to his mother. Thomas (Cory Elwes) is a free black man who grew up with Shaw and has led a rather privileged life. He is well-educated and has been treated like an equal in the Shaw family. Forbes is Shaw's best friend whom he convinced to join up with him in the new regiment. Rollins (Morgan Freeman) is an older black man with good sense who has joined the regiment. Shaw asks him for advice about the men after one of them, Chet, is flogged for desertion. Chet (Denzel Washington) is an angry and rebellious runaway slave, but he didn't desert-he was looking for shoes. His back is covered with scars from beatings as a slave. Shaw, the main character faces many
Demographics in The Workforce 1175
Studies have shown that the United States workforce is aging. Due to both economic reasons and changing preferences, many Americans are choosing to work beyond the previously mandatory retirement age of 65. This change in demographics has therefore resulted in shifts in the workforce and the current business climate. This paper will look at some of these effects, which range from changes in worker and group dynamics as well as changing employment policies. Impact of diversity on age More and more Americans continue to work after traditional retirement age, either due to inclination or necessity. According to the 2000 census conducted by the United States Census Bureau (2003), the number of workers over the age of 55 is on the rise. In fact, between 1990 and 2020, demographers predict that the population segment of people aged 65 and above will grpw at an estimated 74 percent, while the under 65 population will only grow by 24 percent. The aging population in general is reflecte
The Carrier Identification Codes on Telecommunications 5487
1. What is a CIC code? A CIC, or carrier identification code, is a numeric code that is assigned by the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) Administrator for the provisioning of selected switched services (ATIS, 2001). This is much simpler than it might sound. Since telecommunication carriers often have to host traffic from other carriers-because no one carrier can provide service to all places-it is necessary to differentiate between calls originating with particular carriers. The code is primarily useful for billing purposes (Dodd, 2005). After all, if carriers consistently host traffic originating with other carriers, then billing cannot be based solely on traffic. In that case, one carrier might not be able to bill for significant portions of its business because it would have no record of the calls that traveled through another carrier. Carrier identification codes are four digit numbers. With them, individual calls can be differentiated based on the originating swit
The Variety of Different Red Sea Stars 578
The Red Sea Star is of the genus Fromia, has multiple black pores or dots on it surface, and can be found in various shades of red (Red). The tips of the arms may be the same color or a lighter color than the rest of the arm, thus making it different from Fromia Inidca (Red). Sea Stars are marine invertebrates that belong to phylum Echinodermata, class Asteroidea, and are closely related to brittle stars, which make up the class Ophiuroidea (Sea). Sea stars exhibit a superficially radial symmetry, and usually have five or more arms that radiate from an indistinct disk (Sea). They do not have movable skeletons, but instead have a hydraulic water vascular system, that has many projections called tube feet, on the ventral face of the sea star's arms, that function in locomotion and feeding (Sea). Red Sea Stars prefer to live alone, and are difficult to
The Accounting Cycle 1177
In the general point of view, an accounting cycle refers to certain procedures that must be established by every business unit to provide the data to be reported on the financial statements. The accounting process consists of two interrelated parts: the recording phase and the summarizing phase. Although these phases vary in details depending on the nature of the business, the main purpose is just the same - to be able to provide an accurate report containing the firm's condition and the result of its operation. To clearly illustrate the complete accounting cycle of a finance company, let us take as an example Dann & Berns, Inc. The company is engaged in providing business analysis including credit investigation, a thorough study of the company profile, review of the client's financial statements, and providing an overall rating of the clients, whom we will call as subjects in this example. Among Dann & Berns' subjects include big companies who are applying for accreditation as
The Impact of E-Business 592
An E-Business strategy allows a typical business to take advantage of Internet technology to improve communications and increase productivity. An E-Business utilizes digital media such as email, data conferencing, e-commerce, and B2B to streamline business operations. These are made possible through a network infrastructure like Local Area Networks (LANs), Wireless communication, and the Internet. Customer relationship can be improved due to fast response time and efficient business transactions. Through email, businesses can communicate with their customers instantaneously. This is important for sales, support, and marketing activities. E-commerce websites can also be utilized to sell products and perform business transactions in real-time. Customers can do their shopping online, pay electronically, and have their products delivered the next day. This reduces cost
Seminal Humanistic Psychologist & Groundbreaking Modern Psychoanalyst 848
A comparison between Heinz Kohut and Carl Rogers illuminates the contributions of the former to modern psychology, according to Edwin Kahn in an article published in the August 1985 edition of American Psychologist. Whereas the theories of Carl Rogers can be found in any introductory psychology textbook, Edwin notes that Kohut is rarely mentioned except perhaps on the pages of a specialized book on personality theory. Therefore, Kahn's article offers a "timely comparison" between the seminal humanistic psychologist Carl Rogers and the groundbreaking modern psychoanalyst Heinz Kohut. Kohut successfully integrated Rogers' humanistic theories into traditional psychoanalysis, creating a unique brand of therapy and unique theories of the self and the therapeutic model. The result "provided a bridge between psychoanalysis and humanistic psychology," according to Kahn. Studying the similarities and differences between the two theorists can offer psychologists constructive new ways to integra
A Film Review on "Dances With Wolves" 306
The movie "Dances with Wolves" is the fictional story of Lt. John Dunbar. He is a Civil War hero who led a dangerous raid across enemy lines. After the war the army tells him he can go anywhere he wants. He chooses to command an army post in the West. When he gets there, he finds no soldiers there. He stays anyway. The other main character is a white woman captured and raised by the Sioux Indians. She is treated badly by some of the women of the tribe unt
Glory: The First Black Regiment 808
Glory is about the first black regiment to serve in the Union Army during the Civil War. The soldiers are runaway slaves. Colonel Robert Gould Shaw (Matthew Broderick) is placed in charge of them. From an aristocratic Massachusetts family, he is a mild-mannered and sensitive man who reads Emerson and writes letters to his mother. Thomas (Cory Elwes) is a free black man who grew up with Shaw and has led a rather privileged life. He is well-educated and has been treated like an equal in the Shaw family. Forbes is Shaw's best friend whom he convinced to join up with him in the new regiment. Rollins (Morgan Freeman) is an older black man with good sense who has joined the regiment. Shaw asks him for advice about the men after one of them, Chet, is flogged for desertion. Chet (Denzel Washington) is an angry and rebellious runaway slave, but he didn't desert-he was looking for shoes. His back is covered with scars from beatings as a slave. Shaw, the main character faces many
Cinque in Amistad Movie 640
There are several main characters in the movie Amistad. Probably the most important is the character Cinque, the slave who leads the other slaves in a mutiny against the slave traders who are holding them captive on the slave ship called La Amistad. Other characters of note include the men who support Cinque and his fellow Africans when they are put on trial for murder - the abolitionist Theodore Johnson and attorney Roger Baldwin. The president at the time, Martin Van Buren is more interested in getting re-elected than seeing any real justice done and does not have a problem with the Africans being found guilty and executed. Also of note is the fiery former president John Quincy Adams who returns to law practice to help fight for the Africans. The slave trade was a lucrative business at that time. In fact, it was cheaper to import a slave from Africa than to raise a slave on a plantation. The Europeans and the slave traders made huge am
Functional Transition Assessment 373
What is your opinion of Functional Transition Assessment and its impact on the educational process? Functional Transition Assessment attempts to integrate the student into the work force while the student is still in high school. It provides a temporary bridge or support structure for the student making the transition from an educational to a vocational environment. Although all students can benefit from such support, for students with disabilities such a program can prove especially critical. Also by incorporating vocational education early on to
The Wild Children 326
Imagine this terrible situation. You're twelve years old. One day, you wake up to discover your parents and your younger sister have disappeared. The only reason you are still alive is because the soldiers who took your family didn't know that your bedroom was behind a wall in your home. This is the plight of twelve-year-old Alex, of Felice Holman's book The Wild Children, set during the Russian Revolution of 1917. Alex has nowhere to go. His teacher is afraid to help him. His u
Prozac Poop Out 2045
Issue 10 (1): How did human beings somehow get through life without taking Prozak? I ask this with "tongue in cheek." Taking anti-depressants for unhappiness or to get over shyness is a cop-out. To take medicine for such a reason prevents a person from learning about him or herself and growing as a person. Drugs do not get at the cause of the unhappiness or the shyness, and the person taking drugs has no opportunity to overcome them. Would Abraham Lincoln have freed the slaves if he were taking Prozak? Would he have been the same strong leader? Turnquist (2002) reports that the treatment of depression with prescription drugs "has become an enormous industry in the United States" (p. 27). Most doctors do not even consider any other form of treatment such as helping the patient to find meaning and to live a more memorable and fulfilling life. Doctors not really understand why one person becomes depressed while another in similar circumstances remains symptom-free. They have a
Maslow's Assumption: Human Nature is Good or the Very Least, Neutral? 805
Do You Accept Maslow's Assumption That Human Nature is Good or at the Very Least, Neutral? Why or Why Not? To assert that human nature is fundamentally good seems to be as fundamentally flawed a position as to assert that human nature is essentially evil. However, one does not need to assume that all human beings are basically good to acknowledge the value of Maslow's creation hierarchy of human needs. Human beings can aspire to have their basic needs fulfilled in both good and evil ways. On the most basic level of sustenance, a human being can either seek to earn his or her bread through legal means, or to steal to fulfill this basic needs. A person can seek to fulfill his or her need for safety either through buying a home-or buying a gun. A person can seek love through showing his or her affection towards a beloved spouse or child, or can seek love by presenting a false persona to the world. Even the highest levels of acknowledgment and esteem can be fulfilled through good
Differences between Extraverts and Introverts and Eysenck's Theories 809
This paper will focus on the differences between extraverts and introverts and Eysenck's theories of why there are such differences. Eysenck states that there are a number of reasons why extraverts are more likely to engage in a wider variety of sexual activities that are introverts. Some of Eysenck's studies focused on showing the differences in traits when comparing extraverts and introverts. He used 122 Royal Navy ratings who were assigned to one of four testing conditions, employing the combinations of morning and afternoon testing and group and isolation testing. The task for these participants was one of crossing out the letter "e" whenever it occurred in a sample of English prose. His findings were that introverts perform better in isolation, extraverts in groups, and that again introverts perform better in the morning, extraverts in the afternoon. These findings are to show that there are indeed differences between extraverts and introverts, and
Gordon W. Allport, A Premier Psychologist 1050
Gordon W. Allport was a premier psychologist who extensively studied personality - especially traits. His trait theory contains several key concepts that all converge in the self, or what he called the "proprium." Traits are real, but they are not visible. He defines them as "a generalized and focalized neuropsychic system (peculiar to the individual), with the capacity to render many stimuli functionally equivalent, and to initiate and guide consistent (equivalent) forms of adaptive and expressive behavior" (Text 267). Type and trait are not the same thing, and Allport felt these traits are shaped as the person grows older. Allport's theories were often controversial, and that could certainly be said for his feelings about children. Allport felt children were unsocialized "horrors" who have to learn behavioral and social actions. Yes, young children are as he says, "egocentric," and they can be absolute horrors. They are testing their boundaries and what they can get away wi
Unempathetic Parents 736
Unempathetic parents are individuals who are basically ambivalent to the emotional needs of the child (Ramano). Kohut emphasized the importance of empathy responses in an individual's development of self, and asserted that empathy is an essential constituent of every psychological observation (Ramano). Empathy may be defined as "a process arising from the interaction between two individuals over time...the ability to understand the experience of another...attempting to understand how others see and experience themselves and their worlds" (Ramano). Kohut defined empathy as "vicarious introspection" (Ramano). According to Kohut, narcissistic behaviors are consequences of early developmental failures (Ramano). These individuals have "difficulty in forming and maintaining relationships, have little empathy for others' needs and feelings, and show overt grandiosity, exaggerated self-regard, demands for attentions and inappropriate idealization of certain others" (Ramano). Moreover, when these individuals perceive an injury to self-esteem, they may react by "displaying an increase in
The Preventing Workplace Discrimination 337
a. People with disabilities or drug abuse problems can be accommodated in several ways. It is especially important to accommodate those with disabilities. The physical workplace setup can for example be arranged in such a way to be more accessible to the blind or wheelchair bound. Those with hearing disabilities can be accommodated by providing interpreters during meetings or interactions with the rest of the workplace staff. In terms of drug abuse, programs and workshops focusing on the problem,
The Disasters on Space Shuttles 791
Many observers today are pressing the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to abandon its Space Transportation System (STS), more commonly known as their "space shuttles," following the loss of two orbiters and crews in the past few years. In fact, as the most complicated machine every built, the opportunities for something to go wrong seem to be almost limitless, and the crew members of current missions are taking their lives in their hands whenever they fly the shuttle. The shuttles were originally designed to be flown as many as 100 times each, and the shuttle program had been intended to reduce the high operational costs of spaceflight into low Earth orbit. The space shuttles' operating costs and the time required for refurbishment between flights have proven to be significantly higher than early projections (Space shuttle, 2006). During the period 1981 to 1985, a fleet of four orbiters, (a) Columbia (the first to fly in space), (b) Challenger, (c) Discovery, and (d) Atlantis, was placed into active service (Space shuttle, 2006). Despite its known hazards, the loss of Columbia on its landing approach in 2003 shocked the nation and the world
The Environmental Stresses in Mangrove Swamps 1230
The environmental stresses faced by various marine ecosystems can vary widely. While environmental conditions in one ecosystem can be beneficial, the same conditions elsewhere can cause the collapse of the ecosystem. Like most of the Earth's natural processes, subtle changes can have dramatic effects on success. For example, sea surface temperature changes can destroy coral reefs that have developed over thousands of years. Likewise, sea level variation can potentially mean the collapse of mangrove swamps in tropical coastal regions. The purpose of this study is to compare and contrast some of the environmental stresses faced by two marine ecosystems: the aforementioned coral reefs and the mangrove swamps. This examination will show that despite differences in types of ecosystem stressors, both share common anthropogenic stresses. Coral evolved around 500 million years ago. Coral is composed of tiny plant-like animals that require clean water and sunlight in order to survive
Analysis of Truman Capote's Cold Blood 761
Introduction People are capable of just about anything, it would seem, even in America's heartland, based on Truman Capote's In Cold Blood (1966). The author chose his title well because people who are "cold-blooded" act "without consideration, compunction, or clemency" (Cold-blooded, 2006), and the men who committed the murders in Kansas in 1959 that are the subject of this book were certainly that by any measure. For example, one authority emphasizes that, "Capote weaved a complicated psychological story of two parolees who together commit a mass murder, an act they never would have been capable of individually. Capote's book also details the lives of the victims and the effect the crime had on the rural community where they lived" (In Cold Blood, 2006, p. 5). The subjects of the book, Dick Hickock and Perry Smith, were two young ex-convicts who were captured in Las Vegas and returned to the Kansas town where they committed the four murders of the Clutter family during a robbery attempt that had gone horribly wrong. The defendants were later found guilty at their trial and were condemned to die by hanging; although
A Sorrowful Woman: A Review 636
The short story "A Sorrowful Woman" by Gail Godwin represents in parable-fashion, what may in fact happen within a (supposedly at least) "fairy tale marriage" in which the wife becomes overwhelmed, bored, and discontented with her traditional role(s). This story, in which everyone is nameless and faceless, takes place in an unidentifiable place, except that we are told the weather is cold, and winter turns into spring. But otherwise there are no physical descriptions except that the girl who comes to clean house for the exhausted young wife, is "not pretty" (Godwin, p. 34) (which, if she had been, might have complicated the predictable direction). This parable is, in fact, like a fairy tale in reverse even at the end when the "sleeping beauty" splayed out in the kitchen fails to be stirred awake by a man's loving caress. The discontented young wife works just as hard as a Cinderella (at first, that is, until an ugly step-daugh
Dating Back the Storytellers and Storytelling 982
If a person was to examine fifty famous American short stories, ranging from Edgar Allan Poe to Maya Angelou, one important trait would immediately be noticed, namely, that all of them represent diversity, meaning that each story, due to the background and personalities of the storytellers, cover a vast range of material and styles. Yet all of these stories share many common characteristics, a few being that each creates a separate world outside of reality, challenges our often unexamined assumptions about life and living and utilizes literary/oral traditions that can be traced back to ancient times. For the most part, the art of storytelling dates back to the dim past, yet the traditional Western techniques began in ancient Greece with such storytellers as Homer, Hesiod, Virgil and the great tragedians like Sophocles and Aeschylus. In ancient times, most people did not know how to write or read which made it necessary to relate stories via the oral tradition, a method where the sto
The Opportunity Cost 442
Recently I attended a two-person meeting, me being one and my Master Sergeant being the other. The subject of the meeting was the question of whether I would re-enlist for another four years in the military. I informed him that I most emphatically would not. My "cost of what I gave up when I made that choice" was the security of being a part of the United States Marine Corps. By security I mean that I, having been a member of the Corps for the last four years, knew that I would be fed on a daily basis in the mess hall, would be housed in a relatively nice shelter with only one roommate, would have clothing on my back (my uniform), would be t
Criminal Forensic Pathologists 1175
Criminal forensic pathologists are the individuals responsible for taking charge at a scene of a crime featuring cadavers that have met an untimely and usually violent end. This person is normally responsible for "determining how, when and why of any death which is the result of violence, suspicious or unexplained circumstance or a death with is sudden or unattended, defending and explaining the reasons for making these diagnosis in a courtroom" (Campobasso 2001, pg 133). This individual must coordinate all the other professionals also at the scene and ensure that not only do they do their respective jobs but that each professional does not interfere with any of the other professionals. "The forensic pathologist normally has the legal authority to take charge of the dead body at a death scene and his primary functions are the exterior and interior examination of the cadaver by analyzing the extent of ante-mortem injuries and the postmortem changes and the recovery o
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