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Reading Your Behavioral Style Assestment 311
Based on the results, your behavioral style indicates that your behavior is average and normal as how other people usually behaves. Somehow, though, you are achiever who takes things seriously. This was apparent in the list of your tendencies which include "Seeing winning as an all-or-nothing proposition", and "wanting to do things the best way". However, your style of doing things and making things happen in the manner that you want to also show that you are
Fundementals Quality of Management Survey 1642
In a world where the basic fundamentals of business have to constantly change, it becomes essential for any company implement a thorough and effective form of management. Throughout history most civilized societies have constantly searched for ways to better improve the quality of business by improving management. The most common emerging management concept is form of management known as Total Quality Management (TQM). This is a structured system for satisfying internal and external customers as well as suppliers, by improving the production quality of goods and services. Some of the major points of TQM are the creation of a constant sea of purpose for the improvement of product and service; other aspects of TQM include the constant improval and continual process planning. This paper will analyze three different sectors of management and the manner in which each utilizes TQM, including: 1) an organization from the customer service industry (Burger King), 2) a non-profit organizati
The Social Care Agencies 728
Social work is very important to the people that need it, and it is often equally important to the people that work in that field. However, there are organizational issues that also have to be addressed. Looked at here will be the characteristics of a social care agency and some of the key factors, both internal and external, that influence change in social care organizations. This is a significant to discuss, because more and more people are utilizing the services of social care agencies, and this means that there will be more people involved with them. more people indicates a bigger organization, which means more change, more to look at, and more concerns for those that are employed in social work. Characteristically, social work or social care agencies are under-funded, and the people are overworked (Epstein, 1997). This is true throughout many countries that have social work programs in place. It seems as though, with more people needing social services, there is just not enough money to go around (Gordon, 1994). Traditionally, social work has been a low-paying
The Management of Emotions 716
Managing emotions adequately is vitally important in practically every area of live. Children learn this skill first from the example of their parents. These skills are transferred to society as the child grows and broadens his or her connections with the outside world. Emotional management skills become increasingly important as the human being moves through life. In the workplace, both managers and employees need to adequately manage their emotions in order to successfully accomplish their diverse tasks. In personal life, emotional management is important in the home in order to raise healthy, balanced individuals who will in their turn function well in the workplace. Emotions are an integral part of humanity. The management of emotions is therefore a task that faces every person in every stage of life daily. It is unfortunate that emotional management is not a topic consciously dealt with at either the home or learning institutions. The result of strong, badly managed emotions is often conflict, according to the Conflict Research Consortium (19
The Bush Administrations 1133
With a protracted, currently unpopular war in Iraq lingering on, President George W. Bush and his cabinet, those with the most power in the United States, continue using language to "shape" reality as best they can. In its "Iraq talk", the Bush administration, especially when pressed by the media, insists "we are making progress in Iraq" and "we are winning the war on terror" (implicitly relating the two, also, when no clear relationship exists). Bush and his representatives have managed in the past and continue trying now to create artificial distinctions between "patriotic" Americans (e.g., those who favored/favor the war in Iraq) and "unpatriotic" ones (e.g., those who did/do not). This language-twisting tactic (at least three years ago) succeeded in squelching criticism of war with Iraq. Bush still calls it "unpatriotic" to oppose or even question the war. By squelching criticism at the outset, through manipulative use of words like "patriotic", Bush made it seem
The Freshman Orientation 775
Freshman orientation is and was an occasion of seismic, or earth-shaking importance in my life. It is an occasion that marked a series of 'firsts.' It was the first day of my life as an undergraduate. No more a high school student, awash in a sea of ordinary students. I was in a school that I had chosen, and had chosen me. So much of my academic life in high school had been devoted to honing the perfect resume for college. Now I was in college. The word 'first' had strong positive connotations and associations in my mind, related to this event. But the first day of college was also my last day as a high school student. I did not think of it this way, but this different perspective shows how language can shape emotions about events in a very crucial way. A student can look at the first day spent in a college environment as the first day he or she can meet new friends, choose new classes, and begin to break away from the family routine. Viewed in this way, orientation sounds exciting. However, to look at freshman orientation as a series of lasts would seem sad. After all, it is the last day the student will be a child with few respons
Magna Carta- Limiting the Power of King 3481
The Magna Carta can be defined as the document that was signed by the King John of England in the year 1215 AD. The specific intention of the document was that it would be able to limit the power of the King, and thereafter guarantee the common citizen certain basic rights. The Magna Carta has often been considered to be the beginning of the Constitutional Government in England. The document has also been referred to as the 'Great Charter', according to which the King would agree to be bound by the Law, just the same as anyone else, and would give 'freemen', which primarily meant barons, but which gradually encompassed all social classes, inalienable rights. 1 However, it must be noted that initially, the Magna Carta was deemed a failure. The reason quoted was that although it was intended to be a peace document, it had the result of inflaming passions so that there was war instead. It is said that the document pretended to quote customary law, but it actually promoted disagreemen
Teaching A Child The Values of Honestly Through Games 525
"Cheater!" For many children, the child's first education in honesty comes when he or she is playing a game with a friend or a sibling. One player looks away for a moment. The other player pushes his or her piece on the game board a few places ahead of the other player's token. It seems cute, until the cheating child begins to do it regularly, after getting away with this deception one too many times. Then no one wants to play the game of "Life" with the deceitful young player. In the real game of life, on a sporting field, the stakes are raised. A Little League player who cheats doesn't just ruin the fun for him or herself, but calls the honor and rightful win of his or her entire team into question. A college level player who engages in deception, either during the ga
Schizophrenia a Complete Break From Reality 567
In Chapter 11 of Inside Out and Outside In, Patricia Hertz discusses various manifestations of psychosis, focusing especially on schizophrenia. The author tries to dispel misconceptions, prejudices, and myths about psychotic disorders and schizophrenia by presenting various models and theories of this complicated collection of disorders. All psychoses are characterized by dissociations or complete breaks from reality, but individuals display varying degrees of social, cognitive, and affective functioning. Therefore, it is important to refrain from making too many generalizations about the psychotic disorders. Almost anyone can become schizophrenic. Although some populations display a higher prevalence than others, people from all backgrounds and cultures can develop a psychotic break. Schizophrenia usually manifests during late adolescen
Factors That Influence Psychotic Depression 297
Freud believed that psychotic depression, formerly known as melancholia, was caused by internalized feelings of guilt, hatred, shame, or anger. The internalized feelings caused a regression to infantile narcissism, in which the person identified extremely with an original target of uncomfortable emotions. Instead of properly directing anger or hatred toward the originally intended target, the individual becomes self-absorbed. For example, Fr
The Issues in Gay Marriage 1406
Gay individuals in this country have recently begun fighting in earnest for the right to legally marry. Some states allow them to have civil unions, but they are generally not happy with this and they want the full rights that marriage would allow them, such as insurance and other issues. There are other states and other countries, though, that have ruled in favor of gay marriage. When couples get married in these areas and than move to places where gay marriage is not recognized, it becomes a problem, and they have to fight for many of their rights. However, there are many reasons why gays should be allowed to legally marry, and the most compelling reason is that gay marriage goes along with natural law. For purposes of understanding, natural law will be discussed here, and then it will be shown how this law ties into the gay marriage issue. Natural law is based not on what is created by man, but on the laws of reality. In other words, what is real is law, regardless of what
The laws That Stop Child Abuse 3065
This paper presents a detailed examination of child abuse in the 21st century. Using the recent murder of Nixzmary Brown at the hands of her stepfather the writer explores New York child abuse laws and then expands the discussion to nationwide laws. The writer also discusses the child abuse laws in this country and explores the reasons those laws need to be changed. There were sources used to complete this paper.
The Essence Of A Woman 882
The term "womanist" is a term used to generally describe the act of acting womanly; this may include behavior that is willful, courageous or audacious according to Alice Walker, who coined the term "womanist epistemology." The term "feminist" generally takes on another meaning. Feminist more often refers to females or women who's primary intent includes promoting the rights and equal opportunities of women. Feminist epistemology thus has more to do with examining the ways that gender influences one's ideas about knowledge, practices and justification (Anderson, 2003). It is a method for identifying how dominant ideas and feminist practices disadvantage women and other minority groups, and is an approach that attempt to help promote reform of various conceptions and practices so that women's interests are best served (Anderson, 2003). This is undoubtedly a benefit or pro of feminist epistemology, as it focuses on supporting women's activities, interests and needs. As a con however,
Union Carbide India Limited 1508
Background of the Company It all started with the manufacturing of flash light batteries in Calcutta by the Eveready Company Limited of Great Britain. Later on this company became a subsidiary of UCC headquartered in New York. The company later adopted the new name of Union Carbide India limited and also established a factory in India to manufacture flash lights along with expansion of its capacity to manufacture dry-cell batteries. The company progressed and by the eighties they were involved in batteries, carbon and metals, plastics, marine products, and agricultural chemicals. UCIL established fifteen plants in different parts of India. To expand its agricultural division UCIL sought permission of Indian government to allow them to set up a pesticide plant. Initially the plant was started near the city of Trombay but later on switched to Bhopal. The plant in the beginning imported Sevin powder from the United States diluted it with non-toxic powder and sold it. Later the Indian
The Performance Evaluation and Bonus 794
Perhaps one of the most challenging aspects of managing a company is to provide a performance evaluation technique that does not frighten employees. The fear in my organization, among those marginal performers, is that the evaluation may cause their being fired. "One of the most controversial tools for boosting performance is ranking employees and dismissing the laggards. Proponents argue that the practice stretches star employees...(Marchetti 2005 16). Those at the bottom of the performance scale tend not to be as motivated as they might be, simply because the fear of being poorly evaluated stifles their determination to improve. While there are many companies which automatically provide a cost of living raise to their employees (sometimes due to labor contracts), the idea of providing bonuses or merit awards also can cause some serious problems, and such "merit raises" often cause more conflict within a business than they solve in the way of increased productivity and/or efficiency. Here is one author's proof: "It's clear that employers' compensation systems aren't making the grade. Only 10 percent of organizations describe their merit pay programs as "very ef
The Team Leader Assembly Department 2145
Selected Job - Team Leader Assembly Department Part 1 - Major Job Responsibilities This evaluation will focus on the job of team leader assembler for the can manufacturing firm. The major components, tasks and responsibilities required for this position include: good manual dexterity, the ability to assemble components, the ability to stand for extended periods of time, ability to operate various plant equipment including conveyers and counting machines, good manual dexterity, attention to detail, ability to engage in repetitive motions. Independent judgment is required to inspect components and visual acuity is necessary to ensure that only the best quality products are passed through the assembly line. The team leader of the assembly unit is also responsible for coordinating communication and working relations with all team members. The team leader is also responsible for ensuring the safety of all members of the team, for tracking time cards, for ensuring that all team members ar
The Complicatios On Heroin And Its Treatment 1194
Injecting heroin, or any drug such as cocaine and barbiturates, is associated with many local and systemic complications for the individual and also is associated with the transmission of infectious diseases through needle sharing and sexual activity (Baciewicz 2005). Illegal drug production and injection drug use have become globalized during recent years, and according to the World Health Organization, in 1993 some eighty countries report the existence of injecting drug use, and fifty-two of these countries report human immunodeficiency virus, HIV, infection among injecting drug users, IDUs (Baciewicz 2005). In 1999, 136 countries reported injecting drug use, and some 93 of these countries reported HIV infection among IDUs (Baciewicz 2005). Injecting drug use and HIV infection can spread rapidly within a community, and the introduction of and rapid increase in injecting drug use is believed to be responsible for the dramatic increases in HIV infection in many areas, especially in
The Guise on Reality TelevisionShow and Entertainment 1263
The popular television program "The Apprentice", starring millionaire (though often bankrupt) real estate developer Donald Trump, and his various groups of "fired" or "not fired" "Apprentices" provides an interesting mass media-sponsored example of hegemonic reinforcement of corporate values, in the guise of reality TV show "entertainment". "The Apprentice" and its star offer implicit support for, and even a sort of general advertisement of the "rewards" to be taken from the corporate world, that is, should one be smart, lucky, young, good-looking, and play the game "right". The not-so-implicit message of this supposedly merely fun and entertaining weekly series is that if one manage to become a corporate champion, like Trump's "winners", one will likely be handsomely rewarded in the end, much like the winning contestant on this show, e.g., with a plumb job (like those sparingly handed out by Trump himself on the show), and all the spoils that accompany it: material success
The Ancient Story of "Sinuhe the Egyptian" 805
Although now thousands of years old, the ancient story of "Sinuhe the Egyptian" reveals a lifetime of trials and tribulations comparable to the experiences of the modern-day immigrant. The story is about the life of Sinuhe, an Egyptian palace official, who flees Egypt after the death of his king. He begins a new life in exile under a ruler in Syria, and as a result, encounters many obstacles along the way. Some of these obstacles are physical, such as when he is challenged to a duel by a Syrian champion, which he ends up killing. Other obstacles are purely mental, such as dealing inwardly with his cowardice that made him leave Egypt in the first place. The modern immigrant faces the same types of physical and mental obstacles when leaving their home of origin and coming to begin a new life in another country as a foreigner. This paper will compare the physical and mental experiences faced by both Sinuhe and the modern immigrant. Sinuhe fled Egypt because he feared strife after t
Knowle's Andragogy Model 1844
Introduction Adult learning is at the forefront of many educational institutions as many adults are returning to school (Patterson & Pegg 1999). The purpose of this discussion is to compare and contrast the learning process through developmental and learning models. The research will examine Knowle's Andragogy Model, Cross's CAL Model, McClusky's Theory of Margin, Knox's Proficiency Theory and the Jarvis Learning Process. Knowle's Andragogy Model According to Burns (2002) the term andragogy refers to the science of instructing adults. The author asserts that "The term was originally formulated by a German, Kapp, in 1833 to describe elements of Plato's education method. Andragogy, coined from two Greek words, means 'man leading', whereas pedagogy means 'child leading'. Andragogy continued to be used in Europe but only came into vogue in the USA when Tough (1968), Houle (1980) and Knowles (1978), influenced by the writings of John Dewey, promoted it (Burns 2002, pg.229)."
The Singapore Internet Project 1227
The Singapore Internet Project -- SIP studied the Internet usage pattern and its social impact among its citizens. On the whole, its findings of the 2001 student survey opposed the skeptical outlook that Internet users tend to be glued to their virtual world and ignore real-life relationships leading to social seclusion. For instance there are no variation in the number of times devoted weekly having dinner with their families among heavy and light users. No substantiation emerged of the variation among both heavy and light users and the evidence could not hold water that Internet usage resulted in lower personal contact with their families. This goes on to prove that Internet users are inclined to devote more time with their families, not due to the fact that Internet usage encourages family interaction, rather due to presence of other factors like association between a family's importance on family interconnected nature and the family's understanding regarding the importance on IT ed
Employee Internet Abuse Degrading Issues 816
Introduction Most companies these days have considered providing their employees with access to the Internet at the workplace. This is due to that fact that the Internet is a vast source of information that can definitely offer the employees with useful information that they may need. Recent studies indicate a high rate of the Internet's usefulness when it comes to work. Especially in technical jobs in the industry of information technology, the Internet provides a lot of resources to employees. However, despite of the value that the Internet serves in a workplace, there are also issues that degrade the productivity of employees as caused by Internet abuse. Internet Abuse at the Workplace The Internet is a source of any kind of information. However, it is not only able to provide useful information for work purpose, but information that is non-work related as well. The Internet can be like a tool of entertainment to users from which whatever a user wants to know, it is
A Psychiatric Disorder with a Biologic Basis: OCD 322
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a psychiatric disorder with a biologic basis. It includes intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive rituals (compulsions). The obsessions produce anxiety while the compulsions reduce anxiety. Anxiety is defined as a "hyperalert state causing excessive autonomic arousal and diminished coping" (1). The obsessions are repetitive thoughts the person cannot keep from having that can include ideas, urges to do something, or images. The comp
The Organizational Behavior 696
Abstract Organizational behavior studies human behavior in the workplace and the interaction between people and the organization. When applied to understanding organizational culture, the set of understandings or meanings share by a group of people, and diversity, the differences that exist between individuals, organizational behavior helps a company gain competitive advantage. It does so by improving access to and retention of labor as well as worker productivity and company image. According to Vandeveer, Menefee and Sinclair (2006), organizational behavior is the systematic study of human behavior in the workplace, the interaction between people and the organization with the intent to understand and predict human behavior. Based on theories that behavior is generally predictable, there are differences between individuals, there are fundamental consistencies and that there are a set of rules in almost every organizational setting, organizational behavior explores relations in an attempt to determine causes and e
Personal Opinion on Depression 283
To the best of my knowledge, the disease known as depression is a type of mood disorder with symptoms such as feelings of great sadness or despair. It is also an abnormal emotional condition characterized by overwhelming feelings of guilt and sadness, melancholy, feelings of worthlessness, emptiness and hopelessness, all of which are out of ordinary reality, meaning that these symptoms are not usually experienced by a n
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