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The Reform Movement 3933
Wooed by the lure of land, the prospect of opportunity and by respite from encroaching urbanization and industrialization, scores of settlers moved into Western Canada. From the initial Western frontiers in Manitoba to the eventual farthest reaches of the nation in British Columbia, the Western worldview and lifestyle can be distinguished from those of Eastern Canada in general terms. More liberal in many senses of the word, Western Canada developed into a bastion of radical thought, inspired in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century by Marxism, populism, and the British labor movement. However, a current of conservative social doctrine became concurrent with ideological liberalism in the West. Women like Nellie McClung typified what would become emblematic of the Reform Movement: a concern with morals, family values, traditional religious structures, and temperance. Moreover, Westerners became more noticeably class conscious than their Eastern counterparts because the West wa
Nigeria Labor Practices and Policies 2135
Introduction For the past years the company has been experiencing hampered development in terms of production and distribution of our clothing line. This slow setback has been seen as a result of inadequate marketing railing against exposure and product brand recall. Erroneous decisions in market positioning have also been some of the factors that resulted to poor outcome thus hindering the company's gain for profit. This paper is geared towards exploring new avenues with regards to new locations in the clothing line market. We would try to investigate three referred locations in countries in Latin America and Africa, namely Bolivia, Sri Lanka and Nigeria. As part of our initial recommendation, this paper would be focusing its first part of the report to the country of Nigeria. Based on preliminary investigation done, Nigeria is being viewed as the most conducive and most advantageous among the three countries in this case study. All of the necessary issues and concerns wou
Compare and Contrast Pushkin and Dostoevsky, and Whitman and Melville 954
The works of two leading late 18th and 19th century American writers, the poet Walt Whitman and the novelist Fyodor Dostoevsky; and two leading Russian writers of the same period, the poet and short story writer Alexander Pushkin and the novelist Fyodor Dostoevsky, respectively, sprang from distinct social, economic, and intellectual environments, as well as from different political and cultural milieu. For example, during the 19th century when Russia was still a Tsarist monarchy (and at the time, just beginning to finally more beyond the feudalistic serf and master agricultural way of life), America was celebrating its first full century of democracy. The writing styles and thematic content of these Russian and American authors, respectively, in many ways reflects such distinctions. In short, the Russian authors write more pessimistically about society and the human condition; while the two American authors write (in general at least, although not entirely) about society's and
Articles on Mental Health 1008
Article 1: Oh My God, I Just Stabbed My Husband. This article paints a harrowing and alarming picture of a seriously dysfunctional family. It describes the relationship between Susan and Felix Polk and the various events that led to his alleged murder by his wife. What adds a greater depth to the complexity of the saga is that Felix Polk was a psychologist and first met Suzan as his 15 year old patent. Their therapeutic relationship developed into an intimate romance by the time that Suzan was17 and the couple was married when she was 24 years of age. To add a further level of complexity of analysis to the situation is the fact that Felix Polk was 25 years older than Susan. The marriage was rocky and unbalanced and ended when Susan stabbed her husband or death. The article is written in a non sequential way so as to provide insight into the contrasting views and ambiguities that permeate this story. From the point of view of the wife, Felix Polk was a manipulative and domin
The Analysis Of Meaning And Value In Action 5185
One must note that various and several philosophies of cognition, meaning and value are present in one's working environment, as well as in one's personal life situations. These various may or may not be effective, and it is only when analyzes and studies all these situations and the philosophies involved in each of them that one would be able to come to any sort of conclusion, and thereafter make changes in them to suit the environment. For a start, one can begin with the examination of 'meaning' as such. What exactly is this, and how is it manifested in one's personal life and in work environments? It must be noted, at the outset, that meaning can be borne by all types of objects and signs and symbols. It can also be borne and depicted by all types of signs, whether they are artificial or natural. Some examples are a road sign, which one can read and understand the meaning of, the sound of a pistol, which in itself may convey a great variety of meaning, the clap of thunder, or the
The Grand Theory 761
Grand theory has been used over the millennia of human intelligence in order to establish the reality of their world. The phenomenon has touched on every area of not only human knowledge, but also on other areas of being such as religion and theory systems regarding the origin of the earth. So creation and evolution theories can be classified as grand, as can the various scientific theories worked out by persons such as Newton and Einstein. For every area of knowledge, therefore, there is a set of concomitant grand theories. Gronstad (2002) warns that a false grand theory could lead to a massive amount of misconceptions until it proves to be false. An example of this can be the centuries-long belief that the earth is flat. All of human reality conception was based upon this idea until it was proved irrevocably to be false. Indeed, the entirety of the human experience of reality appears to be based upon grand theory. The question in the face of all this is: is it possible to develop a grand theory today? Is it possible, the information being what it is, to come up with new ideas and theories relating to reality in
Scientific Discoveries 723
Scientific discovery has many dimensions. Because of its complexity, new discoveries are often dwarfed by obscure references and jargon understood only by scientists. This is only one of the ways in which scientific revolution becomes covered up. New scientific investigations and discoveries often remain the exclusive domain of very particular scientific circles. However, there are also other forces in play in terms of scientific revolution. Technological advance and the generally better general education of the human race complicate matters considerably. It is no longer easy for officials to cover up discoveries that they deem dangerous to their hold on power. The suggestion is that the government and other powerful officials tend to cover up revolutionary scientific discoveries in order to further their own powerful positions and/or to favor the monetary income from certain businesses. Most prominent are energy-related issues. It is said that science has already developed ways of conserving energy that are unused only because those in power will not fu
An Overview on The Slanting Fallacy 295
The slanting fallacy occurs when someone deliberately biases something in their favor, e.g. they omit crucial data, deemphasize negative facts, or overemphasize the positive side of something in order to make the evidence for their argument look better (Web, 2005). The slanting fallacy goes by many other names such as fallacy of exclusion, stacking the deck, exclusion, ignoring the counter evidence, incomplete evidence, one-sided assess
Misconceptions in Common Belief Fallacy 321
The common belief fallacy occurs when people assert that a statement is true just because many other people are saying it is true and not because there is any proof that it is true (Messina and Messina, 2005). People believe what is said because everyone else believes it, rather than checking for themselves whether or not it is true. When people are uncertain about something, they often look at what the people around them, or their friends, or just people in general, are sa
Characteristics of Autism 623
Autism is one of the forms of Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) wherein an individual suffer from communication, there is speech problem, they do not interact with other people, and an uncontrollable behavior. Usually autism can be detected early in life before the age of three, when a child shows these kinds of symptoms there is a great possibility that he or she is autistic. Autism is hereditary, if one member in the family has this kind of illness; there is a great possibility that that individual or the siblings' offspring can have an autistic child. Currently, there is no cure for this kind of sickness but through proper care and education of the child; he or she can live normally. The major cause of autism is hereditary. They may be mild autism or severe autism. In mild autism, as the child grows he overcomes his disorders and soon he acts as normal. But for severe autism, it is a long-term illness and most
Both the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 are complex regulations that include much paper work, deadlines and rulings. It is important that those who are responsible for these regulations in a business are thoroughly trained. Information as well as updates are available on line through the Department of Labor and the Department of Health and Human Services for additional information. According to the U.S. Department of Labor FMLA (website Q&A), any employer with 50 or more employees must provide any eligible employees up to twelve (12) workweeks of unpaid leave during any twelve- (12)-month period for one or more of the following reasons: 1) for the birth and care of the newborn child of the employee; 2) for placement with the employee of a son or daughter for adoption or foster care; 3) to care for an immediate family member (spouse, child, or parent) with a serious health condition; or 4) to take medical lea
The Texas State Supreme Court 310
Dear Senator: At present, almost ever politician and taxpayer in the state of Texas knows that Texas is too reliant upon property taxes it finance its public schools. In 2005 the Texas State Supreme Court declared the current method of school funding through property taxes to be unconstitutional because, to adequately fund the schools many districts would have to exceed the $1.50 cap on local property tax rates designated for funding public schools. Recently
Anne of Green Gables and Alice in Wonderland: Dreaming Characters 1831
In both Anne of Green Gables and Alice in Wonderland, the young girl protagonists are vivid dreamers with intense imaginative abilities far beyond the norm. The author has provided the characters with this quality as a tool for dealing with the many confusing and problematic situations they face as they grow into the mystifying world of maturity. Although the two girls face totally different sets of life circumstances, dreaming provides them both with a way of digesting and understanding the bombardment of information and insinuations of the adult world, of which children begin to become aware of at an early age. In Anne's case, her dreams are waking and deliberate, and serve as a means of survival in, what has been up until the story begins, an intolerable sequence of events. Alice, on the other hand, who lives a rather gifted life, "falls" into her dream experience without warning. She is subjected to a sequence of bizarre scenes and characters, all of which she has taken fr
The Theories of Materialism and Dualism 1317
1. a) Materialism is a theory incorporating several views from other theory sets. The basis of the overall theory is that all things are reducible to the material or physical in terms of bodies, elements or processes. In this, the theory resonates most closely with simplicity. No matter how complex a thing may seem, it is always reducible to the physical. The simplicity of materialism entails that it does not sympathize with complex systems of dualism, philosophy or faith that might include abstract or spiritual terms. It denies the realism of spiritual entities by reducing them to the physical processes of the human mind. For the materialist, all things spring from a single, material source. It is through physical human brain processes that spiritual ideals and entities exist. This coincides with Descartes' idea that all that exists can be connected to the human perception through the five senses. Scientific evidence is often used as support for the materialistic system of th
The Best Pieces of Legeslation,The Servicemen's Act of 1944 540
The Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944 is considered one of the best pieces of legislation to emerge from the Second World War (White). This Act, known as the GI Bill, was signed into law on June 22, 1944, and has through the decades had a profound effect on American society (White). For example, more than 21 million veterans have received educational benefits and some 14 million have been able to purchase homes through the home-loan program (White). Sixty years later, the GI Bill is still a major source of veteran benefits and an attractive inducement for enlistments (White). The World War II veterans were a generation that had grown up during the Depression Era, many living in tenement apartments and cold-water flats, or on rural farming communities and small towns (Mettler). Most of t
Comparison of Pygmalion and Major Barbara 953
George Bernard Shaw is rightfully considered as one of the most important playwrights of his generation and, as pointed out by the Columbia Encyclopedia, "has revolutionized the Victorian stage, then dominated by artificial melodramas, by presenting vigorous dramas of ideas"( The Columbia Encyclopedia, 2001-04) . One such theme is represented by the conflict which emerges from the confrontation between the antagonistic perspectives on love and the object of the characters' adulation. "Pygmalion" and "Major Barbara" are relevant for pointing out the different approaches of the matter. On the one hand, love is portrayed as the adulation of the creator for his masterpiece, as in the case of Pygmalion's Professor Higgins and Major Barbara's main character with the same name; on the other hand, the unsophisticated and mundane love of a simple human being for the embodiment of a superior and unaccustomed with world characterizes the perception of love of both Lisa and Cusins, respectively.
The Exxon Mobile Oil Company 875
Suppose the government breaks up the giant Exxon mobile oil company to create more competition.   Explain whether you believe this would be a good decision and how efficiency, costs, price, profits, and consumer's welfare would be affected. Is monopoly power always a negative influence on performance? After reading about the monopolistic abuses and excesses of early American capitalism that the Sherman Anti-Trust Act was designed to prevent, it might be tempting to go towards the entirely opposite polarity of opinion and assume all corporate monopolies are bad. "The history of Standard Oil, students frequently tell me, proves that monopolies exist in free markets - and that they do raise prices arbitrarily - and that this is precisely why we need antitrust laws." (Armentano, 1992) But, in the case of a non-renewable resource, in an industry with high entrance barriers such as gas, electricity, and to a lesser extent oil, this is not the case. Monopolies or oligopolies, if govern
The Early Years of the 20th Century 1027
Thorstein Veblen, who wrote during the early years of the 20th century, used examples from Barbarian times to illustrate his economic theory, but his theory is still applicable and meaningful to life today. The Theory of the Leisure Class is as much a commentary on human nature and the demands of modern society as it is an economic treatise. According to his theory all human societies exhibit a need to honor a class of people who do no productive work. As a rule this class of people are men who are waited upon and served by women and servile classes of men. Their only real "work" is to consume food, clothing, housing, furniture, and whatever connotes luxury. Nowadays, this would include luxury cars, expensive and up-to-date computer equipment and electronic devices, and great homes with swimming pools, wine cellars, and Italian granite countertops in kitchens like those seen on HGTV. The lower classes tend to emulate this behavior and consume goods in a conspicuous manner to sho
Analysis on The Monograph "Honest Graft" 1481
The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the monograph "Honest Graft" by George Washington Plunkitt. Specifically it will discuss the types of graft, and how Plunkitt defines them. It will also look at examples of these types of graft. George Washington Plunkitt was a state senator from New York and a consummate politician. He was also a major player in Tammany Hall in New York City, which was a highly influential (and many believe corrupt) Democratic Party political machine that controlled politics in the city for nearly 200 years. Plunkitt was outspoken and critical of those who were critical of him. He was also brutally honest about the riches to be made in politics. He simply saw his own wealth as a result of graft - but the honest variety that was "OK" to profit from and manipulate ("Tammany Hall"). George Washington Plunkitt declares in his essay, "Honest Graft," there are two distinct types of graft, "honest" and "dishonest." Honest graft entail
The White Fang, By Jack London 581
What is the setting of this story? The story is set in the American Northland, when Indians still lived there. Who is the protagonist or main character of the novel? White Fang is an unusual book because the protagonist and the main, title character is a dog named White Fang. What kind of person is the protagonist? White Fang seems like a ferocious dog but he is also a survivor. He is not a cruel dog. He simply does not want to be tamed. However, when humans are kind to him, despite his fears, he is usually loyal and kind after he realizes he can trust his new owner. What evidence in the novel leads me to this opinion of the protagonist? White Fang is the only dog in his litter to survive the great famine of the Northland. At first, the dog refuses to obey any man. Then, he gradually grows to trust the Indian Gray Beaver. He is the most feared d
The Permanent Collection of Tony Berlant's 1096
I chose to view Tony Berlant's I, painted in 1982, is currently located in the Permanent Collection of The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles. Because it is not in an exhibition, but is part of the permanent collection, I did not look for a theme in the display. However, the work's placement in a permanent collection did not the surrounding atmosphere less significant. The museum was very bright and neutral, providing an unobtrusive backdrop for the work. However, the museum was also very loud; noises seemed amplified in the open spaces, which detracted from the work's presentation. I is a mixed media piece, consisting of tin, nails, plywood and oil paint on canvas. The work is 701/2 x 66 3/4 x 3 1/4 in. (179.1 x 169.5 x 8.3 cm). The centerpiece of the work is an oil painting of Tony Berlant, which was painted by William Earl Singer. Anyone familiar with William Earl Singer's work knows that he is an amazing painter. His oil paintings have a very lifelike quality. In f
The Prevention of Nephropathy in Diabetic Patients 4256
Primary prevention includes early detection of diabetes, glycemic control, screening for microalbuminuria, control of hypertension and smoking cessation, while key issues in secondary prevention are glycemic control, reduction of hypercholesterolemia, control of hypertension, smoking cessation, use of ACE inhibitors and possibly restriction of dietary protein (Walling 2000). There are several pathologic processes that contribute to diabetic nephropathy, including glomerular hypertrophy, sclerosis and nephron loss (Walling 2000). In the beginning stage, hyperglycemia increases the glomerular filtration rate and causes glomerular hypertrophy, and is already established in 40 percent of patients at the time of diagnosis with diabetes (Walling 2000). The microalbuminuric stage develops roughly five years after diagnosis in patients with type 1 diabetes but may occur earlier in patients with type 2 diabetes (Walling 2000). Up to 300 mg of albumin may be excreted daily (Walling 2000). Go
Emerging Models by Center for Effective Collaboration and Practice 296
The article Emerging Models by Center for Effective Collaboration and Practice discussed several behavior management techniques that can be implemented especially in schools for children with disabilities. School-wide strategies was found effective as long as there is staff commitment, clearly defined procedures, and support plans that address the behavior problems of students (CECP, 1997). These strategies, supported with unified behavio
The Killer Disease 1997
Introduction The importance of database management is high since it decides the importance of different results obtained in the past for improving results in future and thus it can be seen that improvement of quality is dependant in part on the quality and application of databases within the organization. Analysis One of the leading reasons for death in United States is cardiovascular disease and according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention the leading reason for death in the country is acute myocardial infarction. According to available figures, this results in 40 percent of all deaths. In general about 900,000 patients are diagnosed with the disease and about 225,000 of them die. One of the saddest points about the whole issue is that of them 125,000 pass away before receiving any medical care. These unfortunate incidents led to the formation of a core team for acute myocardial infarction by the Joint Commission for the Accreditation of Health Care Practitioners the r
The Intensity On Romantic Poetry 1381
In Romantic poetry , intensity is the crucial aspect related to the poet ' s perception of reality . The romantics see reality through the eye of the imagination , rather than through sensuous perception, a fact that naturally replaces the dryness of objective representation with the intensity of subjectivism . Romantic subjectivism is not meant merely as a personal view of reality , creating thus a multiplicity of individual representations , but it is in fact a pretext for romantic intensity , as something that encourages in the poet not only originality , but the deep involvement in reality. Thus , intensity is directly related to the use of imagination , and therefore self -involvement in reality , as an intermediary between the poet and reality . Thus romanticism comes to identify aesthetic pleasure with truth , as Keats states in his Ode to a Grecian Urn : " Beauty is truth , truth beauty -that is all
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