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The American Icon 1002
Elvis has become an important part of the mythology of America. Unlike the many passing American Idols that are worshiped for a time by fans, Elvis is a deeper part of our culture. Elvis has become an American Icon, with deep-rooted "cultural significance that goes beyond any particular qualities he... might have." (Maasik & Solomon) Elvis is more than a household name, he is actually an archetype of the American dream, a physical incarnation of the values, hopes, and dreams of American itself. "Presley is the 'living proof that America is the land of opportunity' since he rose from truck driver to prominent entertainer almost overnight." (Guralnick) Elvis Presley was more than a rock and roll star, because despite his rebel-image, he was truly a figure that could be looked up to by American youth. The message he presented in his music of freedom and the right to be one"s own self completely, combined with the fact that he actually took a great deal of time out
Seamus Heaney's Poems, The Tollund Man and Punishment 869
In his poem, "The Tollund Man" and in the poem "Punishment," the contemporary Irish poet Seamus Heaney creates a fusion of Irish past and Irish present, as well as creates for himself an Irish poetic persona that exists across time, and can dwell simultaneously in the Irish past and the present. Present Ireland in "The Tollund Man" becomes fused with an ancient Irish persona, as the poet sees himself as one with the remains of an ancient Celtic man. Present and past Irish history become one as the poet envisions himself watching different generations of Irish adulteresses condemned to death in bogs in "Punishment." One of the ways Heaney accomplishes his poetic meshing together of the past and present events is that he often speaks in the present tense. "The Tollund Man" begins with the words, "Some day I will go to Aarhus/ To see his peat-brown head, The mild pods of his eye-lids, His pointed skin cap." Although the name
The Definition of Oligopoly 2447
While examining market structures one of the most frequently used case study examples look at oligopolies. This is due to the fact they are so paramount in the present day business. Oligopolies pertain to a market system wherein the industry is controlled by a small number of big sellers. It implies from this that these sellers are also leading procurers in the industry also which is known as 'oligopsony". (Market Structure: Oligopolies – Activity) Every seller has an idea that the other sellers will respond to the increase or decrease in prices and volume. An oligopoly market structure can be for either a homogenous commodity or a differentiated product. An oligopoly market condition prevails when a small number of firms control the industry with such an influence so as to fix the prices. In oligopoly, there is a presence of interdependence which is also known as strategic dependence, which is a condition wherein, a firm"s action with respect to production, pric
Exclusive Ownership of Private Information 383
On the surface, it seems like a good idea. Who better to 'own" one"s own information than one"s own self? However, despite Arthur Miller and Alan Westin"s assertion to the contrary, such exclusive ownership of private information remains problematic. Legally, information about one"s past history does not only affect one"s personal life-if individuals with bad credit can willy-nilly open up new store credit cards, obtain mortgages and car loans from the bank, without those institutions discovering that they have declared bankruptcy in the past or have a poor c
The Catastrophic Financial Crisis of Mexico 992
In today"s borderless economy, Mexico faces enormous challenges. A decade after the enactment of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Mexico has benefited from free trade but problems remain if it is to compete effectively with the rest of the world. On the way to establishing itself as a middle-income country, it currently has the highest per capita income in Latin America, and a literacy rate of over 90%. Access to clean water is available to over 85% of the population and life expectancy at birth has risen to almost 74 years. With abundant natural resources, including oil, Mexico"s export position is favorable. Manufacturing jobs are growing and foreign investment has increased. All of this bodes well for the future of Mexico. Mexico has come a long way from the catastrophic financial crisis of 1994-1995, when millions of Mexicans were thrust into poverty and life savings were wiped out. Two million jobs were eliminated. The early days of NAFTA had failed to b
Impact of Cultural Intelligence 906
Doing any business activity in one"s country of origin is fairly straight forward with regard to business etiquette. Virtually anyone who is even marginally successful in the business field has some concept of what "proper" and professional business behavior entails. However, when one makes the jump to doing business in another country, what may be right and appropriate at home may be glaringly inappropriate abroad. Therefore, it is essential to understand the cultural nuances of the particular country in which one wants to operate. One useful example of using concepts of "cultural intelligence," or the ability to use one"s knowledge of culture to smooth business activities is the North American doing business in Mexico. Clearly, the worst mistake any northerner could make would be to assume that all North American business practices and customs are equally effective south of the border. In fact, in many instances, using the same practices that may be perfec
Essay Analysis on the Film "The Matrix" 1330
Materialism and subjectivism have emerged from the tradition of western philosophy as the two dominant ways to look at the world. In general, materialists attempt to use philosophy as a tool to look objectively at the world, and to derive broad, all-encompassing principles that govern our actions. These efforts are based upon their belief that reality is created by physical and external circumstances, and that the forces acting independently of the mind are the central causes for what we experience. Subjectivists, on the other hand, believe that reality is created by the mind alone. Consequently, they are brought to the conclusion that philosophy cannot tell us general truths about reality, but that these truths must be singular to the individual. This is a difficult debate to settle because, obviously, everyone is confined to looking at the world through their own perspective, but the idea that everyone shares some common perspectives remains appealing. The film, The Matrix, displays
Combating Foreign Terrorism 2447
Soft power: term first used by Joseph S. Nye, Jr. in 1994. He defines it as "the ability to get what you want through attraction rather than coercion or payments. It arises from the attractiveness of a country"s culture, political ideas and policies."1 Examples of the use of soft power include strategies used during the Cold War and include not only propaganda such as Radio Free Europe but also films, popular music, and even advertisements for things citizens in target countries wanted, such as jeans. Based on the idea that the U. S. is so strong that we will win virtually any dispute. Nye acknowledges that there may be times when a country has not choice but to use a pre-emptive military strike. However, even in the current war on terrorism, soft power could play an important role by drawing other countries as allies to our cause2. We were able to do this when Iraq invaded Kuwait, but have been markedly less successful using this strategy in the current war with Iraq. So
The Life and Teachings of the Monk Thomas Merton 1023
On the surface, it might seem to be a counter-intuitive ideological combination of philosophers. How strange to pair the teachings of the holy Trappist monk, the Catholic poet and anti-Vietnam War activist Thomas Merton with the theories of Saul Alinsky, otherwise known as the author of "Thirteen Rules for Radicals"! However, just as Alinsky attempted to delineate a purposeful and practical guide of principles for grassroots activism against the Vietnam War and what he deemed other social atrocities, so did Thomas Merton attempt to create a guide for a practical Christian life, lived humbly, but infused with a spirit of social justice along the lines of the anti-violent and anti-war principles espoused by Alinsky. For example, one of the first radical principles of Alinsky is that grassroots activists should take advantage of the patterns of repeated mistakes and miscalculations that organizations and the leadership of the opposing organization are likely to make. This
Communism and Capitalism Led to Cold War 324
Economic fear caused by two vastly different ideologies, communism and capitalism, was a major factor promoting America"s distrust of Russia and the subsequent Cold War. The spread of communism was viewed as a threat to American businesses who already felt vulnerable because of the Great Depression in the 1930s. Things came to a head after Stalin publicly emphasized capitalist ill-will and hostility by claiming that capitalism harbored elements of general crisis and armed conflic
The Scale of Gender Discrimination Around The World 2796
Introduction Women around the world receive 1/10TH of the total world income produced and possess less than 1% of the total world property, while they embody 1/2 of the population of the world and work approximately 65% of all laboring hours.. Approximately 77% of unmarried, separated or widowed women in America bear children that grow up in poverty, disease and illiteracy. Female School teachers (who received four years of college education) are paid less than New York City male Animal-keepers (who have not finished high school). 70% of the world"s poor populations (approximately 2 billion) are women. Women and Children constitute approximately 80% of the 30 million refugees in the world. 2/3RD of the world"s illiterate populations (more than 1 billion) are women. Out of the 130 million children that do not go to schools, 2/3RD are girls. Usually, women earn approximately 75% of men"s earnings for the identical work. In the developing countries, the quantity of u
Establishment of Economic Societies 1025
Part 1 The development of human societies gave birth to civilization. The first established human society are hunting and gathering societies, which were primarily engaged in survival activities such as hunting games and gathering vegetation. This form of society, as the first form of civilization, was also characterized as egalitarian and nomadic. It was nomadic in the sense that most humans move from one area to another in order to forage for food and hunt for animals that serve as their food; it was egalitarian because there was no known forms of social class or stratification among members of this hunting-gathering societies. Each member of the society contributes to their survival, thus each member was treated equally. The transition from hunting-gathering to a pastoral and horticultural society changed the characteristic of human societies to being sedentary. A pastoral society was primarily centered on raising animals for food and industry, while a horticultural one
The Supreme Court Case 989
In the 1997 case, ACLU v. Reno, the Supreme Court set the precedent for the regulation of the Internet. The Communications Decency Act (CDA) became law on February 8, 1996. That same day, the ACLU and nineteen other plaintiffs filed suit against the Attorney General, challenging the constitutionality of two of the CDA"s provisions. The challenged sections were § 223(a)(1)(b), which prohibits the creation or solicitation, and initiation of indecent or obscene transmissions, knowing that the recipient is under eighteen years of age (ACLU v. Reno, at 2341). Section 223 (d)(1) prohibits the knowing, sending, or displaying of messages in a manner that is available to persons under eighteen years of age, which depicts or describes sexual or excretory activity or organs in a way that is patently offensive in the context of contemporary community standards (ACLU v. Reno, at 2344). Unlike § 223 (a)(1)(b), violation of §223(d)(1), would occur even if the speech was not actuall
Approach to Investing Diversification 412
On the surface it might seem that there are similarities between stock investing and Las Vegas style gambling. This assumes, however, that the individual can exhibit the same amount of control over both activities. In Las Vegas, the individual has no control over the game. The odds of winning are established and they cannot be altered. This could be equated to dart throwing as an approach to investing. The outcomes are completely based on probabilities. There is little or no skill involved. Consider another approach to investing – diversification. Risk in investing is made up of two types &ndash
The Production of Greenhouse Gases Results To Global Warming 2600
The Resolution Because the U.S. leads the world in the production of greenhouse gases (in particular, CO2) that are released into the atmosphere and contribute to the present climate change known as global warming, a plan of action is needed. The continuing sharp rise in the temperature of the air and of the oceans is a phenomenon that is presently causing serious problems world wide. This warming trend may, according to empirical research, lead to catastrophic, unprecedented destruction. So, the way to resolve this most challenging of all global environmental issues, is through the implementation of a very comprehensible and pragmatic four-fold plan of attack: a) begin a massive phase-in of an energy conservation program (insulating houses, teaching people to use less energy); b) launch a major federally-mandated private/public partnership push towards the installation of solar-powered technologies in homes and businesses; c) as new and renewable energy sources come online, and e
"Dependent Personality Disorder" 3446
The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze a personality disorder affecting many people. Specifically it will discuss "Dependent Personality Disorder," including the affects, how people get it, any cure for the disorder, etc. Dependent personality disorder (DPD) affects many people, and is a fairly common personality disorder. A research study of this disorder shows that it is one of several personality disorders that are recognized as part of the study of abnormal psychology. Some personality disorders are not as persistent as others, and it is not unusual for patients to exhibit symptoms of more than one personality disorder. The particular disorder can be quite debilitating to both the sufferer and those close to them, and often those who suffer from the disorder do not seek treatment for their problem. How do You Recognize Personality Disorders? Personality disorders have several common characteristics that show up, which makes them easier to diagnose an
A Dollar bill 693
Papery. Green. Crackling. Metallic smelling. Tasting like nothing. Singular in number. United States currency. The portrait of the father of our country. The symbol of beginning. One. One. Repeated as a number across its face. The seal of our nation. All of these words could describe the appearance of almost any dollar bill. Unique to the United States, yet all the same. All dollar bills feel like paper against your skin when you are fiddling around in one"s pocket, looking for your keys or some other object of personal significance. All dollar bills have the same imprint as legal tender. And yet like all unexpected, found money, all dollar bills also give rise to a pleasurable sensation in the finger"s heart, no matter how small the denomination. Unlike the keys in your pocket that open the door to your unique home or room, however, a dollar is impersonal. A dollar bill is not like finding a now-useless note jotted down 'buy garbage bags." Credit card receipts, notes about shopping trips that are now co
An Overview of Freedom Greeting Card Company Inc. 550
Freedom Greeting Card Company Inc. ( is a greeting card company that recently decided to create a website that would provide wholesale and retail customers with online services (Aspin, 2005). In the past, the company relied entirely on fax and phone orders. It grew into a multi-billion dollar business without even having a web site. However, as customer began demanding faster service and the industry expanded, Freedom"s leaders realized that they would be eliminated by the competition if they failed to give the customers what they wanted (Aspin, 2005). The Internet seemed to be the offered a viable solution to keep in contact with a large customer base. Jay Levitt, president of Freedom Greeting, aimed to create a solution that would be easy to use and effectively boost productivity, wh
The No child Left Behind Statute 3044
Statement of the Problem The "No child Left Behind" statute introduced by President Bush and passed by the congress has created a number of problems for the educational programs intended for adolescents in elementary and secondary schools. The financial situation of the elementary and secondary schools is extremely poor because the states governments have been eliminating vital elementary educational programs. The school administrations have been reluctant to provide extended courses to the students. Furthermore, the textbooks are not being printed consistently, making not only the students but also the teachers extremely vulnerable and helpless. The funding disparity has also created huge gaps between the education being provided to the children belonging to the rich families and those belonging to the poor ones. The shortcomings and the rhetoric behind "No child left behind" act needs to be exposed so that effective measures can be taken to curtail the damage (S
The Global Fast-Food Industry; The Kentucky Fried Chicken 2234
Colonel Harland Sanders signed up his first franchise in Salt Lake City, Utah in 1952. In 1956 he sold the Corbin, Ky. restaurant he owned, and began traveling across the United States to sell new franchises. Later that year he sold his first international franchise in Canada. By 1960 there were more than 200 Colonel Sanders Recipe Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) outlets. In 1963 revenues were over $500 million and the number of outlets had increased to over 300. In 1974 at the age of 74, he sold the business to Jack Massey and John Brown for $2 million, one of the great bargains in business history. The Colonel stayed on with the company in a ceremonial role, often helping to open new franchises. Brown and Massey grew the business throughout the United States over the next several years and in 1966 took the company public, listing it on the New York Stock Exchange and the Colonel was allowed to purchase the first 100 shares. The year 1969 was a crucial one in the history of
Standards Based Education: The Base for Improving Schools 2668
Introduction Since nearly twenty years, education in the United States has been strongly impacted by "standards movement". Linked proximally to evaluation and answerability, standard-based reforms, not like most other educational systems like open education, behavioral goals, and least ability, has gained ground in an extremely severe and all-encompassing manner. Right from parents to policy-makers, there is an ardent countrywide support to use standards as the base for improving schools. (The Virginia Standards of Learning) Define Standard-based education. As per Collins Cobuild dictionary, "a standard is a stage of quality or achievement, particularly a stage which is considered to be good enough. It is something used to calculate or approximate the quality or degree of something, for instance, the degree of superiority of a piece of work." In the sphere of education, a standard is a word that describes a growing body of knowledge and set of expertise w
Prescription Medication 1937
Prescription medication can be the key to a patient"s successful recovery or ability to live comfortably despite a medical condition or chronic illness. Pharmaceuticals are also big money, and like any company with a product to sell, the companies that manufacture medication want people to buy them. For many years, prescription medication was marketed directly to medical practitioners alone, and it was the doctor"s place to discuss available medications with patients. However, in recent years prescription medication started being marketed directly to consumers through print ads, television commercials, and radio commercials. This direct-to-consumer advertising is considered to be a powerful tool for the companies that produce them, and many are convinced that they are a helpful service for patients who wish to be informed about their options and be active in their own treatment. However, others are skeptical that direct-to-consumer advertisements for prescription medications
Generating Prospects Through Direct Mailing 1057
Direct mail is a marketing approach in which potential prospects included on a list of names and addresses are sent information about a company or product. It is a controversial means of generating prospects, but has been used effectively for years. Some marketers rate it very highly and some hate it. According to the SBS web site, "direct mail addresses four stages of consumer purchasing patterns including: Developing and identifying a need for a particular product or service Examining alternatives that are available to them Making a purchasing decision Reactions and impressions once the purchase has been made" It is not appropriate for every situation or company, but when used properly for the right product or service, it can yield good results. The cost of direct mail is high compared to other means of marketing. In addition to the cost of producing a letter, brochure or other material, the major cost of direct mail is postage. According to the United State
Matthew Mini-Sermon 712
Matthew Mini-Sermon In Matthew 13, Jesus tells the parable of the mustard seed which begins as one of the smallest of seeds, and within a year grows to be over twelve feet tall. He says to his disciples, "The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field: Which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof." This story serves as a lesson about the humility and the potency of the Kingdom. There are many central lessons about the Kingdom of Heaven which Jesus taught to seek to his disciples -- he spoke to them of the difficulty of walking the straight road to heaven, the great value of the kingdom, and the way in which its message was easily confused and misplanted. In this parable, he speaks not so threateningly of loss, nor so longingly of value, but with quiet assurance of the eventual triumph of faith over darkness. In the earlier verses of this cha
Repressed and Recovered Memories 2413
ABSTRACT: Repressed and recovered memories have been the focus of a great deal of controversy in recent years. There is strong evidence to support the claim that sexual and/or betrayal trauma can be inaccessible to the conscious mind for a period and then brought back to conscious awareness. Many reports of such previously "repressed" or "disassociated" memories have been corroborated as factual. However, there is equally strong evidence that some people may falsely remember or report sexual abuse, leading to a phenomena known as "false memories." Analysis of the existent literature on this subject is therefore inconclusive, but seems to indicate that recovered memories may be either false or accurate, and the difference is best determined by researching corroborating or mitigating information. Introduction It is difficult to imagine not being able to trust one"s own memories. This may seem like a scenario to be reserved for those who are either de
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