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Four Models of Group Interactions 455
Social scientists often state that there are four models of group interaction, models of pluralism, assimilation, segregation, and genocide. These models exist on a sliding scale in terms of the degree of positive relations they exhibit between the dominant or hegemonic group and the minority or less powerful group involved in the interaction. In the first interactive model, that of pluralism, there is the smallest gulf of power between the majority and the minority group, or the most powerful and least powerful group in the dynamic. In a pluralistic state of interaction, no single group's set of values or one group truly dominates another group's set of values. This is
Points of View Why Alan Blinds the Horses 869
Learning fairly quickly about Alan's violent act, throughout the play the entire play, the reader always faces the most important question that arises from the lines of the book: "why does Alan blind the horses?" In order to be able to answer this question, the play needs to be approached from two different points of view. The first one would be the real world, a world where such an act is not only not blamed, but fully not understood and catalogued as a psychiatric problem. On the other hand, we have the "equus" world, created by the author to support such acts. As Peter Shaffer himself states, equus "creates a mental world in which the deed could be made comprehensible"1. Hesther gives the best overall evaluation of what the real world thinks of the act: "the boy's in pain...That's all I see"2. This is an obvious reaction that many people have when faced with something they do not understand, especially with an individual's own beliefs and reactions, too deep and obscure to be
A Benefit for Students and Educators Alike 1745
Introduction In recent years educators, administrators, government officials and even parents and community members have been divided over the issues of school uniforms. While many still violently oppose the notion of mandated uniforms in educational institutions, there is a growing population of people that support uniforms for a variety of reasons. There have been several studies of late that have examined the potential pros and cons of mandated uniforms at the elementary, middle and high school level. While some of the studies surrounding the issue have revealed little correlation between uniform wear and performance, others have suggested that there are many benefits students and educators have to reap from wearing uniforms. Perhaps the single most advantageous benefit of mandated uniforms is an increased level of safety within the nation's school district. These ideas are examined in greater detail below. Benefits Debate The debate surrounding the benefits and advanta
Kaige Chen's 1993 Film "Farewell My Concubine" 1861
Kaige Chen's 1993 film Farewell My Concubine traces the development of several characters and the evolution of China throughout the twentieth century, from the Warlord Era in the 1920s until the end of the Cultural Revolution in the 1970s. The social and political upheavals occurring in the country mirrors the strife in the personal lives of Cheng Dieyi, Duan Xiaolou, and Juxian. War, chaos, and social turbulence are apt backgrounds for the depiction of these three central characters. The events of the film begin in Beijing during the warlord era, in 1924. A prostitute names Yanhong carries her child through a crowded public area, where a performance by the Beijing opera enthralls a rowdy crowd. Yanhong ignores a man who calls her a whore, an act that sets the stage for one of the film's overarching themes: social class conflict and the ill treatment of both actors and of prostitutes. During the performance, a young boy names Laizi tries to run away from his troupe, and a bold teenager
The Novel, The Joy Luck Club, Authored by Amy Tan 1108
Womens Roles and Social Status 591
From the 1920s to the 1980s, women's roles and social status were both dramatically expanded and simultaneously retarded. Promising progress was often met by simultaneous setbacks. Such fluctuations and dichotomies persist until this day, as women are being portrayed in conflicting ways in the media and in politics. The double standard for women has been the overarching theme of the twentieth century female experience. The 1920s was a time for radical role revolutions for women. Flappers were wild, independent women who broke free of gender role restrictions by wearing different clothes and dancing. Their breaking free of tradition reflected overarching social and political changes taking place throughout the world. The roles of women at this time were becoming increasingly liberated, and in the 1920s, women were finally granted the ability to vote. Their greater social and
Angels in America: Sensitively Handling Serious Issues 804
Tony Kushner's Angels in America won the 1993 Pulitzer Prize for sensitively handling of some serious issues concerning America today. In this paper, we shall only be focusing on the first play Millennium Approaches where the author talks about Reagan era and hostility towards gay movement shown by Reagan administration when AIDS epidemic engulfed the country. Ronald Reagan administration has been criticized for its hostile attitude towards gay movement and cause. The administration was highly conservative and close-minded and is held largely responsible for generating homophobia in the country. The President himself refused to discuss the issue until 1987 when 20,000 people died in the US due to AIDS epidemic. In such a society, everyone who appeared different was ridiculed, attacked, harassed and hated. Jews, homosexuals, AIDS-infected patients, almost everyone who was not part of the mainstream culture and society is considered non-human. They are given an unfair treatment and t
A Tale of Love and Anxiety 2827
Shakespeare's story of Romeo and Juliet is often accepted as the tragic story of two lovers who cannot be together. Romeo is part of the Montague family, which has a long history of feuding with Juliet's family, the Capulets. Romeo and Juliet meet and instantly fall in love. The tragedy is that they cannot be together because of their feuding families. In their attempt to escape their families and be together, they both end up tragically dying. In this view of the story as the tragic tale of two lovers, it is accepted that Romeo and Juliet are simply destined to be together and cannot ignore the love they have for each other. While this is a commonly accepted view of the story, it is not the only way the story can be seen. The characters of Romeo and Juliet can also be considered on a psychological level, with this analysis looking deeper at the real reasons for their decisions and their behavior. If Romeo and Juliet are considered in this way, it can be seen that the story is
The Positive and Normative Economics 2036
The objective to the success of a specific science is the capability to identify and delineate opinions on 'what is' from 'what ought to happen'.   This includes providing a demarcation between positive statements and normative statements.   Positive statements deal with 'what is, was or what will be' but the normative statements deals with 'what ought to be' and are based on value judgments regarding what is good or what is bad. The positive conclusions could be considered as those which are extensively applicable throughout the whole world and they are testable whereas the normative instructions are not testable but constitute the basis for formulation of positive statements. Positive statements are for example, when we ask economists to inform us regarding how the price system operates, we are asking them to travel us along the road of positive economics.   The following statement "if the price of petrol increases the demand for petrol falls" is a positive statement that could be ei
Different Views on Rising Gas Prices 1580
There are many different reasons why gas prices are rising so rapidly and it often depends on who one asks this particular question of. Many economic analysts share different views about the rise of gas prices and the media has also spent a great deal of time covering this issue. There is something about rising gas prices on the news, in the papers, and on the Internet almost constantly and it is difficult for Americans to avoid the issue or stop being reminded of it when they read or watch television, or when they get on their computers to look at the news of the day. It is also difficult for Americans to forget about this issue every time they drive their cars or pull up to the gas station because every mile they drive reminds them that they are spending more money than they used to be to make the trip to work, drive the kids to school, and countless other things. Every time they fuel their cars they are reminded that gas prices are still on the rise. One of the strangest issu
Neil Postman: Amusing Ourselves to Death 3066
Neil Postman was a special type of a man and considered that he was not an expert on anything, and yet he was ready to express his opinion on every subject under the sun. The person's mind was continuously working at jokes, headlines and different ideas. This infected an individual when he met Mr. Postman and that could be responded to only with humor, and even that was likely to bring out more ideas. There were a lot of people who knew him - in excess of a hundred thousand or so - had first met his humor. This was also reflected in the books that he wrote. Each of these is also a source of propaganda for his views and written like an essay. The first was "The Disappearance of Childhood" in 1982, and this was on the infantile nature of American culture. The next book was in 1985 and a satire on entertainment and was named "Amusing Ourselves to Death". The last was in 1993 called "technopoly" and this criticized the fall of culture to technology. He had an excellent intellectual pose al
Complicated Issue of Sexual Harassment in the Military 1811
Sexual harassment is a significant issue in the military. Sexual harassment is also a complicated issue in the military. In most workplaces, the major concern in regards to sexual harassment relates to women being harassed by males or by a male-oriented environment. In the military, sexual harassment also extends to include the sexual harassment of homosexual males and the sexual harassment of homosexual females. A look at the military reveals that all of these types of sexual harassment occur, that the sexual harassment occurring is significant and serious, and that the sexual harassment has its basis in the culture of the military, which has ingrained ideas about men, women, and sexuality. Each of these types of sexual harassment will now be considered in turn, with this illustrating the nature, the extent, and the reasons behind sexual harassment in the military. There is a strong level of harassment against female homosexuals in the military, with this specifically related
The Marxist Theory 582
Friedrich Engels, 1820-1895, was a nineteenth century German political philosopher, who together with his partner Karl Marx, developed communist theory and wrote The Communist Manifesto, 1848 (Friedrich pp). Shocked by the widespread poverty in Manchester England, Engels wrote an account called Condition of the Working Class in 1844 that was published in 1945 (Friedrich pp). He then began contributing to a journal called the Franco-German Annals, which was edited and published by Karl Marx in Paris (Friedrich pp). When Marx and Engels met they realized that they shared the same views on capitalism and when Marx was deported from France in 1845, they moved to Belgium and in 1846 set up the Communist Correspondence Committee in Brussels (Friedrich pp). The intent was to unite socialist leaders from all over Europe, and in fact, the Communist League in Londo
New York's Midtown North 1994
New York's Midtown North is made up of several precincts, with one unique in the city: the CPP, or Central Park Precinct. The precinct is home to 42 species of birds year round, with up to 300 species sighted there at various seasons, and there are also squirrels, birds, fish, rabbits, turtles, frogs and other animals. There are not, however, any human residents. There is an enormous amount of human activity occupying the 840 acres of land and 150 acres of water. In addition to 58 miles of pedestrian paths, 6 miles of vehicle drives and almost 5 miles of bridle paths, there are also world-class attractions, including: 1. Tavern on the Green Restaurant 2. The Boathouse Restaurant 3. Central Park Zoo 4. Wollman Rink (ice skating) 5. Loeb Boathouse (miniature sailboat club) 6. Strawberry Fields 7. Sheep Meadow 8. The Great Lawn 9. Belvedere Castle 10. The Reservoir 11. Bethesda Terrace and Fountain 12. Literary Walk 13
Writing Styles of Faulkner, Fitzgerald and Lessing 1003
An author's writing style is like a voice or a fingerprint: unique to that individual and impossible to replicate. There is no such thing as a "better" or a "worse" writing style, although it is possible to prefer one writing style over another, just as one might prefer blue eyes over brown, or soft melodious voices over rough, gravelly-sounding ones. Three great authors who illustrate the fact that there is indeed no such thing as one best or preferable writing style are the American writers William Faulkner and F. Scott Fitzgerald, and the British writer Doris Lessing. I will compare and contrast those three writers' writing styles. Many consider William Faulkner, as a writer, to be the best American stylist in the English language. He is, indeed, very good. Faulkner's style is often characterized by extremely long, detailed, compound-complex sentences that somehow still retain their clarity of meaning. An example of such a sentence occurs at the beginning of Faulkn
The Writing Styles of William Faulkner and Michael Ondaatje 295
William Faulkner is one of the foremost American novelists in history and the most heavily criticized. Many critics feel that Faulkner's writing style displays brilliant originality, while others complain that his style is too wordy and difficult to understand. One of the first styles that Faulkner displays in many of his novels is the repetition of words which is a technique called 'grammatical repetition.' In one of Faulkner works, A
Article Critique of Children Who Witness Violence 2222
Context One of the most damaging aspects of domestic violence, its effect on the children who witness it, is also one of least studied. Most children whose parents are involved in domestic violence witness that violence. Furthermore, these children experience behavioral and emotional problems as a result of this exposure. Despite these facts, the development of intervention programs aimed at helping children who have witnessed domestic violence is fairly recent. One of the issues surrounding intervention is whether children's intervention programs should include the non-offending parent. The existing literature does little to answer that question, because some studies have found that conjoint intervention is helpful, while other studies have failed to support those findings. To resolve the issue, Sullivan, Egan, and Gooch (2004) studied the effect of conjoint interventions on adult and child victims of domestic violence. In order to study the effect of conjoint intervention
Don Quixote's Fondness on ChivalricStories 1581
The novel Don Quixote is both comic and tragic. This particular novel opens by briefly describing Don Quixote and his fascination with chivalric stories. With his "wits gone," Don Quixote decides to become a knight and travel the countryside righting wrongs and rescuing damsels in distress. He outfits himself in some old armor and professes his love and service to Aldonsa Lorenzo whom he refers to as Dulcinea Del Toboso. After a long, hot ride on his horse Rocinante, he comes upon an inn which he thinks is a castle and the innkeeper, whom he believes to be the king. That evening, Don talks the innkeeper into knighting him and the innkeeper agrees to do so, since it amuses him. He tells Don that he must return to his village for money, clean shirts, and other provisions. Don agrees, but before he is knighted he beats up two carriers who were attempting to water their mules at the trough were Don has hidden his armor. This caused such a commotion at the inn that the innkeeper qui
The Personal Development, Health and Physical Education 1942
Introduction: The necessity for the furtherance of vigorous, hale and hearty lifestyles among the children and youth is immense. More and more children and youth are subjected to ample social evils and actions that expose their health and lifestyles at peril. This is substantiated by mounting reports of low self-esteem, insufficient nutrition, family troubles, strain, increased drop-out rates, aggression among youths, sexual activity from a young age, rise in smoking habits, reduced physical work, growing incidence of portliness and rise in health risks caused due to more and more desk work among the youth of our nation. The personal development, health and physical education or PD/H/PE is very important to every feature of the standard growth and development of children and youth- not just bodily but social and emotional development also. (A Global Vision for School Physical Education, 1995) Better education, enhanced attentiveness, refined self-control and poise as also promot
Manufacturing Industry and Fair Trade in Australia 1843
The question that is being studied here is of unemployment, and this is clearly not being lost because of imports. The calculations have been made by the Australian Center for Industrial Relations Research and Teaching, and they say facts about the net changes in the rate of employment between 1988 and 1998 in a number of industrial sectors. It can be seen that there is a clear decline in employment in eight sectors of industry during this decade. There was a net loss of about 250,000 jobs and more than sixty percent of the loss was in areas where there was no competition. This concerned employers like Commonwealth Bank, SECV, State Rail NSW, AMP, and the federal public services. (Do imports cost jobs: What's wrong with fair trade?) Compared to this, the total number of people employed in sector of textiles, clothing and footwear manufacture in Australia has been 80.2 thousand as per the figures available for 1998. (Manufacturing employment) The important areas of job loss have been i
Business Practices 2090
Business practices came under fire when America's seventh largest firm Enron collapsed due to unethical accounting strategies. This case triggered a series of unwelcome events where one after the other, large organizations in the US collapsed or run for bankruptcy cover with one case even implicated the infamous Martha Stewart for insider trading. The various deceitful activities of some larger companies resulted in widespread public mistrust of business practices and values. Companies as big as Adelphia, ENRON, Global Crossing, Kmart, Qwest communications, WorldCom and Xerox are all under thorough investigation by one of the few reliable authorities, Securities and Exchange Commission (Royal Bank of Scotland). All the aforementioned names were business of international repute that were charged with the unethical act of projecting inflated profits to trick stakeholders and earn higher profits and generate greater revenue from expensive stocks (Royal Bank of Scotland). WorldCom ran for
The American Frontier and American Political Culture 738
The notion of a vast and limitless space known as the 'frontier' is a particularly unique aspect of our national political culture, a luxury of space and ideology enjoyed by America alone. Unlike the nations of Europe, only America has had a notion of an expansive, ever-stretching and vast territory with virtually elastic boundaries connected to its civilized, original core of thirteen colonies. The historian Frederick Turner once wrote: "Up to our own day American history has been in a large degree the history of the colonization of the Great West. The existence of an area of free land, its continuous recession, and the advance of American settlement westward, explain American development."(Turner, Chapter 1) America may have began as colonies, but its enrichment and spirit of capitalism is founded on a notion of colonizing a great and unsettled, uncivilized frontier. True, the Native peoples of the Americans may have possessed the original and legitimate claim over such territory in retrospect. But at the time in the American political mind frame they did not-unfairly, of course, but
The Central Irony of Ha Jin's Novel Waiting 665
The central irony of Ha Jin's novel Waiting, is that the protagonist Lin Kong, a doctor in the ostensibly progressive communist Chinese Army, is bound to his peasant wife in the Goose Village because of this supposedly traditional woman's refusal to divorce her husband. Lin Kong promises his dying mother that he will enter an arranged marriage because it is her deathbed request. But the woman Shuyu, looks and behaves far older than her twenty-six years, as if she belongs to a China of the far past. Lin Kong is initially disgusted with the peasant woman's bound feet and country manners. He sees this as unbefitting to someone of his status in the modern, urban army. However, the doctor's pride in his education and culture is of course, quite aristocratic and at its heart quite anti-egalitarian, despite his professions to be broad-minded at heart, as is befitting a servant of the party. The doctor becomes bound to a woman with traditionally bound feet, because of a promise made
The Psychological Effects of Racism 2475
"Notes of a Native Son" is James Baldwin's true account of his experience as an African American. Written in 1943, it describes what society was like at that time and what place the African American person had at that time. Most notably, the society of the time was one where African Americans were separated from white people. Baldwin's essay describes his process of realizing his place in society and coming to terms with it. In short, it is an essay about a man realizing that he lives in a racist society and how this impacts him. As well as showing Baldwin's own experience, the essay also shows the experience of his father. It is also seen that there is a significant gap between Baldwin and his father, with this representing a division in the black community. By the combination of these three issues, "Notes of a Native Son" becomes an in-depth look at the psychological effects of racism. This includes the effect on Baldwin, his father, and the black community as a whole. Each
The Term Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman 2278
The origin of the term emotional intelligence is from a book by Daniel Goleman in 1995 and this book has made it one of the hottest subjects to be discussed in corporate America. This led to an article in the Harvard Business Review two years ago, and that attracted more readers than all articles published in the magazine during the last 40 years. This had such an effect on the CEO of Johnson & Johnson that he sent out the article to all 400 executives in the company. (Emotional Intelligence: What it is and why it Matters) In the book, Goleman had divided the subject as consisting of five emotional competencies and these were to identify and name the emotional states of the person and to understand its link to emotions thought and action; to manage one's emotional states and thus to control emotions or to change unwanted emotional states into ones that could tackle the situation better; to get into emotional situations which were more likely to be connected with the drive to achie
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