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Conducting Research 1709
Introduction Conducting research, whether it is quantitative or qualitative, must exhibit the researcher investigator s passion, commitment and enthusiasm for the phenomenon, event, or occurrence being explored and scrutinized. Research of any type is a scientific endeavor that is defined, organized, and subjected to critical scrutiny and, above all, requires a scientific approach (Senter, 1969). Research is not simply a collection of random thoughts or data reduced to paper (Van Dalen, 1966) and must follow a best-fit practice research format in order to achieve the desired research results. The remainder of this paper will focus on establishing a prudent research format V one that is deemed quantitative in design and how quantitative research is brought about. Specific reference will be made to the following research components: research cycle, samples and population, frequency data distributions variable identification, and a combination thereof. Research Cycle. As stipulated
Problem of Cocaine Use Among African American Teenagers 2146
Prevention Techniques for African American Teenagers Using Cocaine from the ages of 15-20 yrs of age. Abstract Cocaine use among American teenagers poses important and complex problems for society. There are numerous factors that are explored in this paper which attempt to ascertain the causes of and treatment for cocaine usage and addiction among this age group. The paper also attempts to point out, with reference to various studies, that the treatment of cocaine addiction among adolescents is largely dependent on understanding the fundamental causative factors that initiate and motivate the addiction. The study will also focus on the causes of drug abuse and treatment of African American teenagers in the Untied States as the central group of this study. It is a central contention of this study that the treatment of cocaine addiction among African Americans must take place against the background and understanding of the particular social, economic and cultural conditions that
The Definition of Abnormal Criteria 334
Abnormal psychology is the branch of the discipline that seeks to describe, explain, and predict abnormal human behavior. Naturally, a definition must precede any explanation or prediction of a phenomenon. Due to its complexity, abnormal psychologists have five criteria they use in defining a potentially abnormal behavior. First, abnormal lies outside the statistical norm. In looking at a bell curve, abnormality is that which strays too far from the average; it lies on the peripheries of th
The Rising Sun from the East 2115
The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze two time periods in Japan's history. Specifically, it will discuss Japan before the fifteenth century (prehistoric Japan) and Japan after the fifteenth century. From archeological finds, historians know that Japan has always been an advanced society with a vibrant arts community that added to the quality of life. The fifteenth century marked a time of great change in Japan, and most scholars agree that this time really began the rise of Japanese art and culture that we know today. This early history helped propel Japan into the modern, and later industrial, age.
The Intruders 315
The term "illegal" connotes criminality, which is why the public perception of immigration has grown more negative in recent years. Any proposed solution regarding immigration must therefore begin with an attitude change. With an intense focus on the Mexican border, American journalists and politicians have recently drawn attention to some the problems with illegal immigration. The same journalists and politicians would do well to educate themselves and the
Perception and Appreciation of Sports 1214
Sports are as universal as music or religion. Every culture and community practices some type of sport or competitive athletic game. Perception and appreciation of different sports has changed over time; many games have fallen by the wayside while others have evolved into more sophisticated varieties of ancient games. Some of the most popular sports today include soccer (called football everywhere but North America); American football; and baseball. Because there is a dizzying array of sports, it can be helpful and fun to arrange a classification and division scheme to organize and conceptualize them. Furthermore, an effective classification and division schema can help people to better understand and appreciate sports popular in other cultures, or sports they are simply unfamiliar with. Many sports are played in teams of people, but many others are single-player sports in which the individual can compete in isolation from others, competing as much against him- or herself as with other
Islamic Law in Muslim Community 1274
The basis of all Islamic law is the Qur'an. Islamic law or the Sharia, consists of various rules by which the Islamic world governs itself. In essence "The Sharia contains the rules by which a Muslim society is organized and governed, and it provides the means to resolve conflicts among individuals and between the individual and the state." (Islamic Law-the Sharia) One of the central characteristics of Islamic law is that the teaching and principles of the Qur'an are the foundations of Sharia law. Besides this aspect, there are other sources that are also important; these include the Hadith and Sunna ( ibid) The central point is that no law or its application can be inconsistent with the Qur'an in traditional Islamic law. Though there are other sources of law-i.e., ijma', (consensus), qiyas, (analogy), ijtihad, (progressive reasoning by analogy)-the Qur'an is the first and foremost source, followed by the Hadith and Sunna. Other sources of law and rules of interpreta
'Guinevere' by David Crosby 642
A man who uses a metaphor for himself in the form of a sailboat spies a woman who entrances. She is trapped by her physical world, while the speaker is trapped by the memory of someone he loved before, whom he calls "Guinevere." In the first stanza, he sees a woman he is smitten by, but who seems not to notice him. In the second stanza, she notices him and is drawn into his self-metaphor. In the third and last stanza, he believes that she has become interested in her. This poem is a story about growing attraction between a man and a woman, and a love that will free them both. In the first stanza, the speaker is immediately struck by how the woman he has noticed looks like his fantasy of Guinevere, who represents an ideal woman to her. He remembers Guinevere enjoying the beauties of nature but in a very constricted way, walking through a garden with orange trees and peacocks – a cultivated place. Each stanza contains some referenc
Biography of Golda Mier 2224
Introduction: In history, great women leaders have come out at various times and in many places on the earth. They have dealt with diverse circumstances and taken up many causes, but all were able to meet and overcome the challenges they met and in so doing encourage and approve generations of other women. (Review: Great Women Leaders) When the word 'greatness" comes to mind, Golda Meir comes instantly to the front. Her dedication to her land and to her people was the model of human devotion. Her full concern, tempered with love, excited by severe dedication, made the world know that she was a true mover of mountains. (Golda Meir: In this paper the emphasis is on a significant feature of Golda Meir - about the human side of her leadership. We shall first have a general overview of her background and her rise to political leadership. About Golda Meir: In 1898, Golda Meir was born in Kiev. Her family was compelled to migrate to the United States in 1906 due
Nationalistic Music 5252
Many people believe that the world may never see a period in history again as when the great symphonic composers of Europe produced such an enormous number of masterpieces during the 17th and 18th centuries. Likewise, the 1960s (and to a lesser extent, the 1970s) are widely regarded as being the "Golden Age of Rock n" Roll," and true aficionados are convinced that rock music can now never be improved upon and that "disco is dead." Nevertheless, when the citizens of one country sufficiently embrace a type of music to the extent that it helps to define and maintain the national character, such nationalistic music can become a powerful force in shaping world events. To this end, this paper provides a discussion of the nationalistic music and the superiority complex it engendered during the 19th century compared with the music of today. An examination of the relative sophistication of contemporary music compared to the elite music of the 19th century is followed by
Impact of Tsunami on Sri Lanka and Rebuilding Sri Lanka 2325
Introduction The Tsunami that occurred in December of 2004 devastated the countries that were affected directly and the entire world. There has been a huge outpour of support for the victims of the tsunami. The question now is how this support will be used to rebuild the countries that were so devastated by this natural disaster. For the purpose of this discussion, we will focus on the country of Sri Lanka and the challenges that the country faces as it attempts to rebuild in the wake of the Tsunami. These challenges include providing safe and sanitary shelter, rebuilding the country"s infrastructure, the existing conflict between the government and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, protecting women and children from predators and rebuilding the country"s economy, which was most effected by the disaster out of all the economies in the region. Impact of Tsunami on Sri Lanka and Rebuilding Sri Lanka According to an OXFAM Briefing note entitled "Sri Lanka after the ts
Growth of Bertelsmann AG 1600
Bertelsman AG was founded in July 1835 by Carl Bertelsmann as a print shop. Initially the company concentrated on Christian books and songs. In 1849 Carl Bertelsmann"s son Heinrich took over the publishing business, which employed 14, and extended the inventory of the publishing house to novels. At the time of his death in 1887, the staff had grown to 60. Next to head the company was Johannes Mohn, son-in-law of Heinrich. The company"s growth slowed during this period and the focus was redirected to theological subjects. In 1910 he introduced paid vacation to the company. By 1921, when he turned control of the company over to his son Heinrich, the company had grown to 85 people. Under the leadership of Heinrich Bertelsmann, the company experienced rapid growth and by 1939, the publishing house had grown to employ 400 people. New marketing channels were added as the readership became more mainstream in the late 1920"s. On the verge of World War II, the company moved from cl
Two Men Approching in the Concourse of an Airport 1154
Two men were approached in the concourse of an airport, a public area. The officers asked if they would talk to the officers and the men agreed to talk. Then they consented to a search. Immediately one officer reached into one man"s pants, to the crotch area, where he heard crinkling and retrieved a package. The other man was searched in the same way. It was suspected (presumably by the searching officers, but the article does not say) packages of crack cocaine. The court ruled that the men did not expect the officers to perform such an invasive search when they agreed to be searched. The court ruled that the search would have been legal if the officers had obtained permission from the individuals for that type of search. However, the officers had not done that. The court said that most people would not think that a reasonable search would include having his or her genitals touched. To quote the reading, "Whether an individual voluntarily consents to a search is only one of the
The First Responder In The Crime Scene 1087
As first responder, the safety of everyone in that mall is in my hands until additional personnel arrive. This has to override any concern about who might be inconvenienced or how the businesses in the mall might be affected. As that first responder, I am not a bomb expert. I am a law enforcement professional, but it is not my job to determine whether this package is a threat or not. It is my job to keep the area safe and to do investigations the bomb squad cannot do. They will be focusing on the potential bomb. For this situation I am assuming that the potential bomb is large enough to do significant damage. The bomb that caused so much devastation at the Atlanta Olympics was in a backpack, and I am going to hypothesize a backpack for this scenario. This presents a problem in a mall, because teenagers frequently hang out in a mall, and the backpack might contain nothing more dangerous than the student"s report card. However, I do not know that and cannot confirm that because I do
The Means To Success in World Politics 1797
Ever since the United States existed, in fact even before the country was formed, force has been used to remove barriers and challenges. America"s history records one war after another, after another. Today, the situation does not appear much differently. Secretary of State Donald Rumsfeld and others who agree with the present state of affairs assert that The United States is strong enough to do as it wishes with or without the world's approval and should simply accept that others will envy and resent it. The world's only superpower does not need permanent allies; the issues should determine the coalitions, not vice-versa (Nye, 2004). With this opinion firmly footed, it is not surprising that Rumsfeld does not agree with the "soft power" hypothesis of Joseph Nye former Assistant Secretary of Defense and Dean of Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government that states that America"s approach for the 2000s should be "co-opting people rather than coercing them." I
Animal Rights Movement in America 1361
The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the topic of the animal rights movement. Specifically it will use the World Wide Web to research how the animal rights organization, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), "frames" the animal rights problem. The ASPCA works against animal abuse and neglect and typifies many animal rights organizations. The ASPCA works locally and nationally to rescue abused and unwanted animals and adopt them out to caring and loving homes. Unwanted and neglected pets are a large problem in today's society, and the ASPCA is concerned with rescuing as many of these animals as possible, while educating the public about the responsibilities of pet ownership.
Major Model of the Universe 2585
Introduction This report attempts to present a comprehensive analysis of a major model of the Universe. The objective is to provide a brief summary, a timeline so to speak, of the universe. The piece presents insights into such phenomenon as the universe"s guesstimated beginning, evolutionary process and through to its forecasted end. Along the path the paper touches upon topics such as Epochs; the Radiation Era; the Matter Era; the Hubble Constant and more. This timeline of the Universe may or may not be totally accurate because, the fact is, no one is positively sure of how our universe came to be. "Cosmologists assume that the fraction of the universe we see is representative of the whole. This assumption was first made seriously at the time of Einstein, and it has seemed to hold up as observers become able to penetrate more and more deeply into the observable universe. According to essentially all proposed models, astronomers now observe only a fraction of what we shall ev
An Overview of Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Inc. 767
Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Inc. specializes in retail donut market and was founded in 1937 in North Carolina. Today, there are over 400 stores which employ 3,900 employees in 45 states and 4 countries. The company produces about 7.5 million donuts each day. The company is one of the leading producers of donuts and is ranked 4th of the top 100 chains in the U.S. (standing as of 2004). The company owns and franchises Krispy Kreme doughnut shops and sells over 20 different kinds of doughnuts, including its Hot Original Glazed variety. Today, the company faces some significant challenges: Changes in senior management SEC investigations Employees are suing the company over mismanagement of retirement funds Changes in eating habits have affected the company"s revenue In May of 2004, the Krispy Kreme stock fell almost 18 % because of changes in dieting habits, particularly the low-carbohydrate phenomenon. The sale of packaged donuts dropped dramatically. The company claimed this was impacting sales but analysts were skeptical because doughnuts are not thought of as "part of a diet", any diet. And changes in America"s eati
Developmental Psychology and Trauma 3237
Life is a series of adventures – some good, and some bad. From birth, through childhood, and on to adulthood, each of us interacts with those around her or him. We think and feel. We dream and hope. We find our way, or get lost trying. Different individuals react to similar events in a variety of ways. There are perhaps as many responses to situations, as there are human beings on the Planet Earth. Yet we all share certain emotions. Some of these emotions are more powerful than others; the more powerful they are, the more they tend to shape an individual"s life; to form his or her character. A person who has known great happiness will tend to have a different outlook from a person who has known terrible sadness. The good people, and the good things, that we encounter can help us to feel good about ourselves, and about our place in society. While the bad people, and the bad things, that cross our paths, can make us feel afraid, or out of place. Sometimes the awful and
HyperSpa's Mission 6568
The following document presents a marketing plan for HyperSpa, Inc. HyperSpa"s proprietary approach to what it calls "healing services" is discussed at length, who it plans to help and how, and how it plans to earn profits doing so. An in depth description of the prototype facility is given, and this is cross-referenced to other facilities that HyperSpa feels have fallen short compared to the HyperSpa model. Marketing issues relevant to the company"s operation are discussed, and recommendations made regarding the promotional campaigns the firm plans to undertake to increase its market share among the several segments it has identified.
The Soft Side of The Odyssey 1080
The story of the Odyssey has frequently been described as a man's journey home from war, struggling to overcome the opposition of gods, man, and nature itself. However, if one looks a little below the surface, one can also see it as a serious of short stories about the power and powerlessness of the women in his world. Odysseus' journey is not just a flight from one danger to another. He also flies from one woman to another, and their help or hindrance in each case determines his fate. If one rearranges the story in a linear fashion, rather than allowing Odysseus' pride to focus on his own part in the story, the role of the women because patently clear. Helen's love for Menelaus is the active force that dragged a thousand ships across the ocean to Troy. It would be a grave mistake to think she was a passive player in the game. Odysseus' great plan to destroy Troy with a wooden horse very nearly got derailed when Helen tried calling to the men inside to discover their position. Hel
The Realtor 724
This short film falls into the area between dark comedy and social commentary. The film relies heavily on irony and radical shifts in expectations. The comedy is tinged with social realism and the central theme that runs throughout is that reality is tougher and more brutal than one thinks
Clinton Health Care Plan Prosition 1752
The Clinton health care plan, in its proposition, held more potential than it did in application. The plan, based upon the principles of universal coverage, consumer choice, and a backup system of cost containment,1 drew in members from both sides of the aisle on Capitol Hill, as well as hard-to-get special interest groups. However, the Clinton plan was doomed for failure, which Paul Starr attributed it to too much, too fast. Ultimately, the demise of the plan was based on two major issues in politics: time and labels. The Clinton health care plan began in the minds of several key democrats to address the near-crisis level of the system of the early 90s. According to an article in a September 1993 issue of The Tech, the then-current health care system left nearly 35 million Americans uninsured, and an almost equal amount with inadequate coverage. Skyrocketing drug costs, the beginnings of the HMO organization scandals, and job loss were beginning to twist together, and the Clint
Conventional Silver-Based Film Cameras vs. Digital Cameras 1160
Introduction: Thanks to technological advancements, there are now more choices than ever when it comes to choosing a crime scene camera. Which camera is selected should be based on the final use of the image and which camera is most appropriate to obtain that image. The advantages and disadvantages of several types of cameras will be discussed, in this paper, including: silver-based film cameras, digital cameras, video cameras, and hybrid imaging systems. Advantages and Disadvantages of Silver-Based Film Cameras:
Workplace and Employee Motivation 1204
In recent years, the topic of workplace and employee motivation has emerged as a significant concern for both employers and management personnel. An analysis of such strategies at a Target Retail Store provides an example of how such motivational strategies affect the company"s sales, profits, workplace morale, and future. One of the most important issues at a Target Retail Store is the timely method and manner of placing and displaying the merchandise on the sales floor before the store actually opens to the public at 8:00 a.m. This must be effectively done with limited resources and staff. As a result, management must be able to appropriately and effectively motivate all staff employees and improve performance and employees" resistance to increasing productivity. This paper will examine the organizational efforts of Target Retail Stores in this area, and identify and analyze two motivational theories not currently in practice by Target. It will also apply the chosen motivation
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