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Finding a Plan For Your Life 3417
After a minister had preached his sermon, "Why I Believe in Jesus", a well-dressed young man paid him a visit in his study and remarked, "Your talk tonight was interesting, but everything you said about Jesus Christ came out of the Bible. If Jesus really lived, like you tell us he did, why don't other historical accounts mention him?" " "That's a fair question, the minister answered as he turned and took down several books. "But as a matter of fact, history does tell about Jesus Christ." " "That I'd like to see for myself", the young man responded. "Well here is Letter 97 of Book 10 of Letters of Pliny the Younger, Roman proconsul in Bithynia, a province of old Asia Minor. Pliny wrote to the Roman Emperor, Trajan, telling him about events in his province. See, here he is asking counsel on how he should handle a new sect, the Christians. He tells of their rapid growth and of how they sang hymns composed to their leader, Christ. Pliny sent his letter about A.D. 110. The letter by Pli
Tax Credits and Incentives 665
Generally, tax credits are viewed as good for business; good for states and a good tool used to attract and grow industry within a state. Historically, policy makers and politicians are the most vocal supporters of tax incentives and credits. However, a recent trend among local officials and public and private interest groups limit tax incentives due to the fact that they are considered "corporate welfare(Buss 2). Tax incentives are good policy and politics; however, there is disagreement about their economic viability. One of the largest problems with tax incentives is that many states offer them out of self defense and not out of economic viability (Buss2). Public officials have the most to gain from tax incentives due to the fact that tax incentives can protect jobs and inhibit businesses from leaving the state to go to another. Tax incentives are a win-win situation for public officials - a "no-brainer". If the incentive succeeds, they can tout a record of economic success. If
Night by Elie Wiesel 345
After reading the story, "Night", I feel great sympathy for those who practice Judaism. The author, Eliezer Wiesel, was a Jewish survivor of the Holocaust and describes the horrific experiences he went through as a young man during the Second World War. In this story, Wiesel recounts the path he took toward understanding his faith in God. When "Elie" was a boy, he trusted in God, knowing that the Jews were considered the chosen people of God. As a boy, he lived by the canon, studied the Talmud, the secrets of
The Important Role of the Auditor 5258
Introduction Auditors play an important role in the ensuring the integrity and reliability of the financial statement for public companies. Recently (in the United Sates especially) the independence and objectivity of auditors has been a major concern, and has been brought to the forefront. A new rule was then proposed to deal with these concerns. This eventually led to the adoption of new requirements that must be followed by auditors in the United States. Many user groups had economic consequences at stake and lobbied the Securities and Exchange and Commission (SEC) to what they believed would be the best solution. This was mostly performed through submitting comments to the SEC and through participating in the public hearings held by the SEC to allow discussion on the proposed rule. This report will briefly describe independence as it relates to accounting profession, identify and describe the new requirements presented by the SEC and then describe the events and circumstances tha
The Autocratic Leader 529
1. Introduction to Autocratic Leadership There are several effective leadership styles used to run organizations. The autocratic style basically tells employees what to do. This style is defined as excessively demanding, with one way of communication-from management to employee. Managers possess the power to coerce "subordinates" to accomplish the mission. Decision making comes from the leader(s) and the opinion or input of the employee is not considered. Nevertheless, autocratic leadership can be useful in certain situations or types of businesses. At times, management must utilize this type of leadership to achieve important goals. 2. Martha Stewart - An Autocratic Leader Autocratic leadership is a management style that places pressure on employees to produce a product, service
Frank Vlasak and Prague, Oklahoma 429
The paper, "Frank Vlasak and the Beginnings of Prague, Oklahoma", tells how Vlasak becomes an influential leader in the town of Prague, while never losing his identity or influence within his ethnic community. He had influence and authority in his ethnic group and recognized that the Czech community was not the lowest ethnic group on the totem pole. He never isolated himself from the non-Czech community. Frank Vlasak was an important part of the Czech community well before the establishment of Prague. He owned a store in Dent, a small town with a large population of Czechs. Vlasak sold important supplies to his fellow immigrants and p
New Settlers and the American Indians 650
The colonization of Europeans in the "new world" completely changed the lives of the American Indians. Research reveals that when the Europeans inhabited the region, they subjected the natives to displacement, disease and warfare, significantly diminishing their population. The first group of the indigenous group confronted by Columbus was comprised of approximately 250,000 Tainos. They were the most dormant group in the Bahamas and the Greater Antilles. In a period of 30 years, about 70 percent of Tainos were reported dead. This is because they were subjected to hardships such as slavery, being forced to forced labor in the mines, lethal poison, mistreatment, and other horrors such as women killing their loved ones before jump off cliffs to their own deaths. These issues savaged the population of the Native Americans significantly. The lifestyle of the Native Americans was significantly influenced by the arrival of the European settlers and traders. Before
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks 1201
When I first heard about the book "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks", I thought it wasn't going to be interesting to read. But when I saw the front cover of the book, it got my attention. I started reading and got more interested in the book, particularly in Henrietta Lacks and the HeLa cells. In "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks", Rebecca Skloot talks about Henrietta Lacks and how her cells were taken without her permission, and how her family suffered afterward. Skloot shows how medicine and science were seen back in the 1950's compared to now. Henrietta Lacks was a mother of five who died of cervical cancer at only thirty-one years of age. When she passed away the doctors at John Hopkins asked her husband, David Lacks, if they could do a biopsy on her. At first he said no, but he finally told them they could go ahead. The doctors never told him or his family that they were going to take her cells and keep them. Nor did they tell the family that Henrietta's cells were gro
The Importance of Database Design Reviews 502
Design reviews are an important facet of the system development life-cycle for database applications. It is during the design review that all aspects of the database and application code are reviewed for efficiency, effectiveness, and accuracy. It is imperative that all database applications, regardless of their size, are reviewed to assure that the application was design properly, efficient coding techniques were used, and the database is accessed and modified correctly and efficiently. The design review is an important process for checking the validity of design decisions and correcting errors before applications and databases are promoted to production status. But still there are sometimes many companies will skip this process due to the f
Controversies Surrounding the Patriot Act 1713
Introduction The attacks of 9/11 were very senseless acts of violence against the people of this great nation carried out by individuals who claimed to speak for an entire people. But despite this tragedy that took away innocent lives on that day, the people of this nation has proven to the world that we still retain the resiliency, commitment to freedom, and are united more than ever before against the fight of terrorism. However, as a result of these attacks, major changes came into effect which affected our lives forever by the implementation of the new law, the Patriot Act. Just about everyone has heard about the USA Patriot Act. However, most people couldn't actually define or described what it actually is. What is the USA Patriot Act? The USA Patriot act is an acronym that stands for "Uniting (and) Strengthening America (by) Providing Appropriate Tools Required (to) Intercept (and) Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 " which granted American law enforcement unprecedented rights t
Shirley Jackson's Short Story, The Lottery 833
All cultures in our world are different and at the same time, are alike in one way or another. What defines a culture is the attitudes and behavior that are characteristic to a particular social group or organization. In Robert Scholes' "On Reading a Video Text"", he explores how the environment of a culture can influence what their rituals and daily life would or should be. He would illustrate that even simple commercials advertising an item can put an idea into the head of anyone who sees it that what is depicted in the ad is the better version of life because it is telling you so. He points and arguments prove true when I read Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery"". This, in my opinion, dark story, we visit a community that follows the tradition that has been around for years. As cruel as the "prize " for the lottery is, no one seems to care to stop it. My argument is that if someone or something has control over what a society sees or reads or thinks is the norm, they could potentially b
A Work Force of Millennials 510
Over the years, there has been much information gathered on America's vastly different generational groupings. Beginning with the Silent Generation and surging onward to Baby Boomers, Generation X'ers and Millennial's, every generation is shaped by common experiences and share unique characteristics. Those born between 1981 and the year 2000 are referred to as "Millennial's" and are, perhaps, the most revolutionary generation thus far. "The culture and times to which they were born shaped them in very distinct ways."(Junginger 3) With this generation, training and supervision needs will impact human resources unlike any former generation. Although these different characteristics may create obstacles such as different learning methods and the "every
Ethics and the Internet 3222
The Internet and social networking are offering a number of new clinical and ethical challenges for those who provide face-to-face mental health services. These challenges include extra-therapeutic contacts between therapists and their clients, questions about what distinguishes personal and professional activities online, and a lack of clearly developed policies related to our online behaviors and interactions. No form of client communication is 100 percent guaranteed to be private. Conversations can be overheard, e-mails can be sent to the wrong recipients and phone conversation can be listened to by others. But in today's age of e-mail, Facebook, Twitter and other social media, psychologists have to be more aware than ever of the ethical pitfalls they can fall into by using these types of communication. "It's easy not to be fully mindful about the possibility of disclosure with these communications because we use these technologies so often in our social lives, " says Stephen Behnk
Postoperative Epidural Analgesia 2798
Mr.Johnston is a healthy and fit 27 year old male who just had a left pneumonectomy following the diagnosis of primary lung adenocarcinoma. His vital signs upon admission to the ward are within normal range; only his breathing rate is 12, which is bordering bradypnea. He has an indwelling catheter insitu, and his IV line is delivering Normal Saline 18/24. For pain relief he has 0.125% Marcain delivered through epidural infusion at 5mL/hr. This essay will discuss the postoperative care of Mr.Johnston in response to questions, with a focus on acute pain relief through epidural analgesia. Question 1 The IASP defines pain is "an unpleasant sensory or emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage" (American Pain Society, 2008). This definition acknowledges that pain is a perception and not a sensation; and that the experience of pain is subjective and is influenced by thoughts, feelings and behaviour (Macintyre, NHMRC & ANZCA,
Employee Reward System 531
When I was hired on my job, I was given an employees' guide outlining the company's policies. At that time, a point system did not exist. As time passed, many employees started abusing the work policies, so instead of disciplining these employees, the company revised the employees' guide and added the point system. As I look over this new point system, I realize that everyone is not affected equally by this new disciplinary action plan. I see this as the company acting unfairly toward the employees who always follow the company's policies and I believe that the point system should be abolished. Instead, a new system of rewards should be established for good attendance, excellent work quality, and positive teamwork attitudes. First, the new company plan should reward employees who have
The Yellow Wallpaper 574
In the short story "The Yellow Wallpaper"", written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, we're introduced to a woman who has a nervous breakdown while she is locked in a bedroom. While reading this story, we see that the narrator is hallucinating as she sees a lady in the wallpaper. Seeing the narrator from a psychological standpoint, the reader can see she is suffering from insanity - but upon further analysis of the book, it's evident that the woman isn't insane but is suffering with a postpartum psychosis. According to the American Psychological Association and under the guidelines written in the Diagnostic Statistic Manual V, postpartum psychosis is characterized by symptoms of agitation, confusion, and an inability to sleep or eat after child birth. It has been noted in some women suffering from postpartum psychosis that it may even be difficult to ma
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