Goal in Life

             One may be consciously aware of its .

             existence- it may have been articulated or it may be implicit, but none .

             the .

             less it is there, just below the surface, and can be retrieved and made .

             explicit when we are asked about it. This goal however, does not .

             complete .

             the causal link between belief and behavior- something else is at work .

             and .

             at a much deeper level.

             This is a desire that is so spread out and so elusive in form that it .

             remains untouched by the intellect. But it is there, silently molding .

             and .

             directing all our perceptions, feelings and attitudes towards some .

             faraway .

             goal. This goal can be tangible and expressible in social terms. It .

             could .

             represent the desire for a certain life style, a certain status or at .

             the .

             other extreme it could be unstated longing to touch the face of God.

             Sometimes this control is felt as a pressure or pull that we are .

             powerless .

             to resist. This is however so diffuse that the source and its structure .

             cannot be determined. Yet, in the final analysis, this is the ultimate .

             driver-we would behave very differently without it. It's presence leads .

             us .

             to make a particular selection from the flow of possibilities that life .

             presents us. It cannot be analyzed by reason because it is not .

             expressed in .

             terms of structures that conscious thought can operate with. It remains .

             elusive and the machinery of the intellect, of reason and logic, having .

             nothing to bite on become impotent.

             If I were asked to state what my inner goal was I would state it in .

             terms of .

             tangibles like a certain level of affluence and social standing. There .

             would .

             be more desires-the wish for good health, for love and happiness but .

             even as .

             I write this I know and I can feel that this is not the real story. I .

             am not .

             a religious person in the conventional sense of the word. Like most .

             other .

             people, my daily life goes on (apparently) untouched by the issues of .

             God, .

             life and death. However, I believe at the deepest level these issues .

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