In the article "Happiness Is a Warm Planet" it tries to explain and tell how Global Warming is a good thing. It says "mankind should benefit from and upward tick in the thermometer." When in fact in today"s society it is proving to not be good.
Under global warming, winter temperatures would rise the most and summer temperatures the least. It is said in this article that "more people die of the cold then of the heat; more die in the winter than the summer." But the truth is that in the past two decades, we have witnessed new heat and precipitation records. More people have died from heat stress in the past years. Severe heat waves will become more common with global warming. Elderly and children are the ones who are most vulnerable to heat stress. Also with this heat infectious diseases will move in to new areas.
In addition, the article says "less snow and ice would reduce.
transportation delays and accidents." Also "A warmer winter could cut.
heating costs, more than offsetting any increase in air condition expenses in.
the summer." These are all great ideas but in the long run will not save.
money. "Longer growing seasons, more rainfall and higher concentrations.
of carbon dioxide would benefit plant growth." This is not true, a warmer .
climate will demand more irrigation and the range of certain pest. The only.
positive effect is that it will extend growing season for some areas.
The articles says "The optimal way to deal with potential climate.
change is not to embark on a futile attempt to prevent it, but to promote.
growth and prosperity so that people will have the resource to deal with.
normal set of natural disasters." This is not true due to the fact that with.
global warming it cause more than the normal amount of natural disasters. .
With Global Warming the water cycle will be disrupted. Some areas will.
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