A Level Media Extended Essay

             There are not many jobs in England that bring about as much media attention as the positions in Football and there is one job in particular that has the media spotlight constantly shining down upon it"s owner and that is the England Managers job.

             It does not help either when you are also a former England player with a creative spark that brought attention to yourself on and off the field. This was the problem of Glen Hoddle who was the darling of English football during the 80"s and his legacy continued and brought the job as England manager. Glen Hoddle started off being conveyed very well in the media with nearly all the tabloid and broadsheets portraying him as the future of English football. He was a clean cut young man with the international footballing world at his feet. Unfortunately after a few unconvincing results, lots of controversy over a faith healer and a poor world cup the media soon started to turn on Glen Hoddle.

             When you are in the public eye you have to be very careful about what you do and what you say especially when you have the media"s knives out to get you. Glen Hoddle, Unfortunately for him is a man that is not afraid to talk about his own beliefs and he is known to have strong views on God and religion. The story breaks that Hoddle has said that disabled people are being punished for sins in past lives. Once the news of this got out there was no holding back . Every form of media broke the story with follow up reports on the reactions of disabled people, famous peoples view points and the odds on the next England manager. There were calls for Glen Hoddle"s resignation and everyone had a view point. .

             The paper that I am concentrating on is the mirror and the way that he was portrayed in the paper.


             The media language that Glen Hoddle conveys in the paper would be very important to the out come of the story and how public opinion would go. The section of the story I am following goes over five papers from the break of the story to the aftermath of the sacking.

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